Not all elements are exporting with USD file (missing textures and Objects)

I’ve been trying to export a scene as USD for use in Nvidia Omniverse and every time I try to do so there are some elements of the scene that get left out. A few objects show with no texture, and some do not have their models at all, leaving behind. A shadow from the baked lighting.

This is what the scene looks like within Unity

Versus what the USD leaves out

Another example of how the scene should look in Unity


And how that looks as a USD

Looking at the renderings, it looks like the geometry is being exported correctly. I do not see anything missing or broken. The textures on the other hand are badly missing. What dcc software are you exporting from ? Are you sure you are using the Omniverse Connector ? If so you may be using incompatible shaders.

@samuel.keller2001 material issue aside, i do see the missing hinges and metal pieces in the back on the cabinet-type object, and some mesh triangulation issue on several places across your meshes in the second image.

my experience is to triangulate my meshes in my DCC before bringing them into OV (avoid using ngons or booleaning your mesh without adding triangulation later on). you will end up with cleaner/accurate representation. and regarding the missing cabinet hinges and plate, are they even in Composer’s stage panel? if they didn’t come in, knowing how you are exporting USD and the setting you used could be beneficial in figuring out why objects are being left out during export.