Nvidia Jetson Nano USB ports stopped responding

I’ve been using jetson nano for quite some time in my project. While working I came across a fault that the USB ports are not responding, as no new devices were being created on the board.
Everything else was working fine so I replaced the nano, with a new one twice but still facing the same issue.
I have already tried 3 new Nano boards.
What could be going wrong?

Are you saying that you have replaced 3 jetson nano modules on the same carrier board and every of them has the same usb issue?

If not 3 Nano modules on 1 carrier board, are these 3 dev kits with SD card? Or are these eMMC modules? If eMMC module, what carrier board?

I replaced 3 jetson dev kits

Please connect a usb device to your jetson board, boot up and dump the kernel log with command “dmesg”.