This is regarding the course “How to Build OpenUSD Applications for Industrial Digital Twins” at the Deep Learning Institute. (I hope this the right place to post)
In step 4.1, the instructions are to add PhysX by adding the convenient bundle:
in your .kit file, add the following extension to the end of the [dependencies] section:
Yes. The issue is that we have not published the PhysX bundle for Kit 106 yet. You are a little ahead of us :-) If you are following the tutorial, it would be best to do it on Kit 105.2 which is on the Launcher. Once we publish all of the sample extensions to the public registry, this will all work with Kit 106 as well. Sorry for inconvenience.
When I say 2023.2.5, I just mean go download the USD Composer 2023.2.5 from the Launcher and start to develop from that starting point. The “KAT”, Kit App Template is brand new for Kit 106, but it’s the same exact idea as USD Composer 2023.2.5. They are both given as example templates.