OmniSurface support

Hello! The Blender Addon currently supports OmniPBR and OmniGlass shaders but not OmniSurface which is required for Subsurface Scattering.

Are there any plans of adding support for it? Thanks!

Hi there!

Have you tried the most recent release? OmniSurfaceBase is now supported by the latest Universal Material Mapper updates. Please see this page for more information:

Hello Charles! That’s wonderful news! I’ll try it out as soon as I can, but I believe I found a typo in the link you sent me. right here it says:

(…) when exporting via the File → Export → Universal Scene Description (.usd) menu item, or when using the Import USD button in the Omniverse Panel .

…but I think it was supposed to say “Export USD button”.


Well, unfortunately I’m having issues with UMMv2 materials in UE5.2…

I honestly almost prefer the old way of doing things because it gave me more control over the material despite requiring a lot more work to set up.
As long as I used the right parameters it just worked, and was faster too (it’s taking a while to compile the materials in Composer and UE5 now).

unfortunately I’m having issues with UMMv2 materials in UE5

Fixed in the latest UE5 Connector plugin version.

Great, glad to hear

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