I don’t know why this always happens.I’m having a huge impact on my development schedule, please help me.
There are actually two logins. One is for partners, and is the default unless you change the drop down. Are you using the login for partners? If not, the probably it needs to be fixed at NVIDIA.
I choose "NVIDIA DEVELOPER ", Is there any problem with my choice?Everything was fine until a few days ago,I need jetpack4.3.
Maybe @TomNVIDIA can look into it. The regular developer part should work for the Jetson content.
hello, Can someone help me? Or tell me what happened?
Hi @wm18822827507, I have the team looking into this issue. Please stand by for updates.
Thank you for your reply,It still doesn’t work.
I have used a proxy to visit your website, because sometimes I cannot open your website
Please help me. It took me two weeks to solve this problem, and there was no progress.
It may still be cached wrong, can you try again just to tempt any cache to update?
I have the team looking into this. I will post back here when I have more information.
Thanks for your patience.
thank you very much
sdkm.log (27.5 KB)
sdkm-2020-09-16-12-00-31.log (27.5 KB)
hello, Have you found any problems?
Or you can give me an account to download first
Hi wm18822827507,
It seems to be CDN issue. It is not caused by account privilege. We are still checking the details.
Thank you, When you’re done, please let me know, i’ll have a try
Got the same problem today.
Is there any way to install jetpack 4.3 offline for TX2? Include CUDA opencv and other components, or use an alternate server. My previous jetpack 4.3 environment has been damaged, and I need to reconfigure the jetpack 4.3 environment.
- You could manually download the L3 json file, https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.3/JETPACK_43_b132/sdkml3_jetpack_l4t_43_ga.json, to your ~/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ directory.
- Then find out all files listed in this L3 json file, download them to ~/Downloads/nvidia/sdkm_downloads/ directory too.
The files are all available in https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.3/JETPACK_43_b132/ directory, you need concatenate the url in L3 json file with this directory to get a full url. For example, https://developer.nvidia.com/assets/embedded/secure/tools/files/jetpack-sdks/jetpack-4.3/JETPACK_43_b132/T186/Jetson_Linux_R32.3.1_aarch64.tbz2 - Once all files are downloaded, please start SDK Manager, on the login screen, click the third tab “OFFLINE from local folder”. Then continue the installation.