when trying to emulate an Orin 4GB or Orin 8GB on an AGX Orin my device exits before the boot process with the exact display as shown in this thread ([IMG_6810.HEIC]):
The flash process concludes with the following lines:
[ 650.9402 ] Writing partition B_MEM_BCT with mem_coldboot_sigheader.bct.encrypt [ 243712 bytes ]
[ 650.9406 ] […] 100%
[ 653.9421 ] Flashing completed
[ 653.9422 ] Coldbooting the device
[ 653.9438 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --ismb2
[ 653.9452 ] MB2 version 01.00.0000
[ 654.1485 ] Coldbooting the device
[ 654.1501 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --reboot coldboot
[ 654.1514 ] MB2 version 01.00.0000
*** The target t186ref has been flashed successfully. ***
Reset the board to boot from internal eMMC.
Afterwards, the device exits with the messages mentioned at the beginning and shown in the image.
Moreover , i tried to flash with the “sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-nx-8gb mmcblk0p1”
command but after setting up the ubuntu account, the screen turned black. I waited for 30 minutes and pushed the reset button on the AGX Orin. After that, the device did also exit as in the case above.
For the sake of completeness: I installed and ran Jetpack 5.1.2 successfully, documented with the following log: AgxOrinJetPack5.1.2Successfull.txt (62.8 KB)
I tried the default flashing using the following commands:
export JETPACK=$HOME/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra
cd $JETPACK/tools
sudo ./l4t_create_default_user.sh -u agxorin -p agxorin
cd …
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1
Moreover I tried the following (changes in *.tbz2 files), which resulted in a login screen on serial console but my predefined user didnt work for (“localhost”) login:
export JETPACK=$HOME/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra
cd $JETPACK/tools
sudo ./l4t_create_default_user.sh -u agxorin -p agxorin
cd ~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS
[Download https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/l4t/r35_release_v4.1/release/jetson_linux_r35.4.1_aarch64.tbz2]
[Download https://developer.nvidia.com/downloads/embedded/l4t/r35_release_v4.1/release/tegra_linux_sample-root-filesystem_r35.4.1_aarch64.tbz2]
sudo tar -xpf ~/Downloads/Jetson_Linux_R35.4.1_aarch64.tbz2
cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs
sudo tar -xpf ~/Downloads/JetPack_5.1.2_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R35.4.1_aarch64.tbz2
cd …/
sudo ./apply_binaries.sh
cd …/
[Download Orin_Nano_Overlay_35.1.tbz2 from https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-linux-r351 into ~/Downloads]
sudo tar -xpf ~/Downloads/Orin_Nano_Overlay_35.1.tbz2
cd Linux_for_Tegra
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-nano4gb mmcblk0p1
Then I’ll give it a try with Jetpack 5.1 and Jetson Linux 35.2.1 like the following:
export JETPACK=$HOME/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra
cd $JETPACK/tools
sudo ./l4t_create_default_user.sh -u agxorin -p agxorin
cd …/
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-agx-orin-devkit-as-nano4gb mmcblk0p1
It’s specifically stated just because AGX Orin 64GB is supported starting from 35.3.1, so in 35.1 and 35.2.1, only AGX Orin 32GB is supported, and it is also supported in later versions.