I was trying to implement the SIM7600X 4G on the Orin NX using this wiki and I ran into an error invalid argument while executing this line:
echo 200 > /sys/class/gpio/export
I realized that this error could be due to me using a Jetson Orin NX instead of the Jetson Nano used in the wiki. The Mapping for GPIO on the Orin NX is different than the Jetson Nano. I was able to find the 40 pin Mapping of the Systs GPIO for Jetson Nano GPIO Header (NVIDIA Jetson Nano J41 Header Pinout - JetsonHacks), but I can not find the 40 pin Mapping for the Orin NX which I need.
Is there a command or documentation to easily map the Sysfs GPIO pinouts of the Orin NX 40 pin GPIO header?
I also heard about the usage of Sysfs GPIO being deprecated, what would be the best way forward?
Thanks in advance!