PCIe RESET_N, CLKREQ, WAKE_N voltage level at M.2 M and E key


Xavier OEM says PCIe RESET_N, CLKREQ, and WAKE_N signals are “CMOS – 1.8V”.
I also read through Xavier devkit schematic. I can see that they are directly connected to M.2 M key and M.2 E key connectors WITHOUT going through any voltage level shifter.

  1. Should these signals converted from 1.8V to 3.3V using level shifter, and then connected to M.2 M/E key?
  2. What’s the PCIe standard requirement on voltage level of these pins?
  3. Is the expected voltage level dependent on the device connected on M.2 M/E key? (e.g. NVMe SSD, or wifi chip) I highly doubt that it is device dependent, because it should follow a “universal” standard.


Please check the OEM DG. There are 3.3V pull-up in module for these pins.


I don’t see OEM says they are 3.3V pull-up in module. Can you check my attached screenshot?

In figure 7-4 PCIe Root Port Connection Example

I see. Thanks so much.

I highly recommend NVIDIA document it in the pin descriptions in proper words, other than put it in figure.
