Camera.get_pointcloud() where Camera is imported from omni.isaac.sensor is supposed to generate the global point clouds based on current depth and camera view pose. However, when I try to use this function to generate a 2D occupancy map for my scene I find that the generated point clouds can not match with each other. I attach the camera to a robot. When the robot is rotating, the generated point clouds are also rotating.
After analysizing, I think it’s because the generated depth and camera view pose are not matched. So I modified the _data_acquisition_callback and get_view_matrix_ros function in Camera, and forced the attribute self.world_w_cam_u_T to be updated when updating the data as shown below.
from omni.isaac.sensor import Camera
R_U_TRANSFORM = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
class camera(Camera):
def _data_acquisition_callback(self, event:
parsed_payload = self._sdg_interface.parse_rendered_simulation_event(
event.payload["product_path_handle"], event.payload["results"]
if parsed_payload[0] == self._render_product_path:
frame_number = self._fabric_time_annotator.get_data()["referenceTimeNumerator"]
current_time = self._core_nodes_interface.get_sim_time_at_swh_frame(frame_number)
if self._previous_time is not None:
self._elapsed_time += current_time - self._previous_time
if self._frequency < 0 or self._elapsed_time >= self.get_dt():
self._elapsed_time = 0
self.world_w_cam_u_T = UsdGeom.Imageable(self.prim).ComputeLocalToWorldTransform(Usd.TimeCode.Default())
self._current_frame["rendering_frame"] = frame_number
self._current_frame["rgba"] = self._rgb_annotator.get_data()
self._current_frame["rendering_time"] = current_time
for key in self._current_frame:
if key not in ["rgba", "rendering_time", "rendering_frame"]:
self._current_frame[key] = self._custom_annotators[key].get_data()
self._previous_time = current_time
def get_view_matrix_ros(self):
"""3D points in World Frame -> 3D points in Camera Ros Frame
np.ndarray: the view matrix that transforms 3d points in the world frame to 3d points in the camera axes
with ros camera convention.
# world_w_cam_u_T = self._backend_utils.transpose_2d(
# self._backend_utils.convert(
# UsdGeom.Imageable(self.prim).ComputeLocalToWorldTransform(Usd.TimeCode.Default()),
# dtype="float32",
# device=self._device,
# indexed=True,
# )
# )
world_w_cam_u_T = self._backend_utils.transpose_2d(
r_u_transform_converted = self._backend_utils.convert(
R_U_TRANSFORM, dtype="float32", device=self._device, indexed=True
return self._backend_utils.matmul(r_u_transform_converted, self._backend_utils.inverse(world_w_cam_u_T))
It works well when I always set render to be true in SimulationContext.step(self, render) which is imported from omni.isaac.core.simulation_context.
However, when I render every 10 steps, the same problem appears again. I think it’s still the reason that the generated depth and camera view pose are not matched but I don’t know how to check it. Please help me with solving this problem, thanks!