So right off the bat I knew that I couldn’t fit everything I wanted to do in internal memory on the TX1 so I looked into how to install onto an SD card. I followed instructions here: Run Jetson TX1 from SD Card - JetsonHacks and am able to boot just fine. I now have my host machine (Ubuntu 14.04) and am trying to run the JetPack installer with these instructions: Download and Install JetPack L4T.
When I run it I would expect to see “Jetson TX1 Development Kit and Ubuntu Host” under Select Development Environment. Instead I just see “Jetson TX1” which makes me think it’s only installing on the host machine.
What I am afraid of is that by copying the eMMC to my SD card I messed something up.
So I have a few questions…
- Is it normal to only see “Jetson TX1” instead of “Jetson TX1 Development Kit and Ubuntu Host”?
- Did copying the eMMC to the SD card mess something up so that JetPack cannot install onto the Jetson?
- If #2 is true, can I just install JetPack to the eMMC and the copy all of that over to my SD card afterwards?
Should I be running that from the TX1? Mine is not showing anything when the SD card is in. It seems like it’s in USB boot mode but lsusb doesn’t display anything.
Should I be running that from the TX1? Mine is not showing anything when the SD card is in. It seems like it’s in USB boot mode but lsusb doesn’t display anything.
Hi cjwilker,
Before you flash image on SD card, you need setting up your file system:
Plug your sdcard into the host system
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sd<port><device_number>
sudo mount /dev/sdX1 <mntpoint>
cd to your rootfs -> /Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs
sudo cp -a * <mntpoint> && sync
Plug-in sdcard on Jetson sdcard port
Modify /boot/extlinux/exlinux.conf and change to /dev/mmcblk1p1
Flash image to the sdcard: sudo ./flash jetson-tx1 mmcblk1p1
You can refer detail steps on L4T documentaion:
- Setting Up Your File System → Step 2: Copy the rootfs to the Device
FYI, is always run from the host PC…it’ll be in the “Linux_for_Tegra/” subdirectory of the driver package (which is part of what JetPack would download).