PySide2 (Qt for python) installation on Jetson Xavier

This issue was finally resolved, thanks to DaneLLL’s help.
Here is the method to build Qt5 (and then PySide2 if you need Qt for Python) from source on Jetson devices:

  1. Download Qt source:
    if you need the whole Qt5 (~900MB):


    qtbase (basic module such as QtCore, QtGui and QtWidget)(~90MB):


  2. configure and install Qt5 (here I used qtbase):

    tar -xpf qtbase-everywhere-src-5.15.2.tar.xz
    cd qtbase-everywhere-src-5.15.2/
    ./configure -xcb

    (must enable xcb here manually)
    Choose “o” to install Qt open source version.

    make -j4
    sudo make install

  3. Now we have Qt5 under /usr/local/Qt-5.15.2

  4. Before install PySide2, first we have to deal with some requirements:
    General requirements: Python: 3.5+, Qt: 5.12+, libclang: version10, CMake:3.1+, llvm: version10

    Here I personally suggest use synaptic to manage library:

    sudo apt-get install synaptic

    Then install the correct version of libclang and llvm via synaptic.

  5. Download and build PySide2:

    git clone
    cd pyside-setup/
    git checkout 5.15.2

    I’m not sure whether the version of Qt5 and PySide2 must match. Anyway, here I used PySide2 5.12.2

    Finally, to install PySide2:

    sudo python install --qmake=/usr/local/Qt-5.15.2/bin/qmake

    (qmake is automatically installed with Qt5)

  6. Try PySide2 in Python:

    from PySide2 import *

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