By mistake, I installed an incompatible kernel to my Jetson Xavier NX kit. So now It fails to boot properly. I want to use grub menu to boot it in the earlier kernel.
How to get the grub menu while powering on the device.
I knew certain keys to be pressed when we turn on the device for example ‘shift’ key. But still grub menu doesn’t appear. Please help.
What you are talking about has nothing to do with recovery mode at all.
What are you trying to do here exactly? How about reading some document first?
Thanks for your response.
Everything was okay until I got the requirement to install QEMU in my Jetson Xavier NX module. By mistake, I followed the steps given in the link,
After that, I lost access to it through VNC Viewer.
I realized it’s an incompatible kernel issue.
So I am trying do recovery using GRUB menu.
I am sorry if my way of thinking to fix the issue is wrong. Please guide.
First, for what you want to do, what you need to do is enable the serial console first. Press ESC when UEFI shows up and then it will let you access the menu.
I don’t know if what you are going to do would fix anything or not. But that has nothing to do with recovery mode.
Recovery mode on Jetson is a mode that can make x86 PC able to flash the board again. When the board is in this mode, it is basically just a brick, no bootloader or OS is running. And you need to use jumper on the recovery mode pin if you want to enter it.
Could you please tell if this would have worked for Jetson Xavier NX to enable virtualization?
This seems not related to your original question. Please file new topic.
After I connect to serial console I am getting following log,
Log_Xavier.txt (40.1 KB)
I request you to help me fixing this.
Thanks in advance.
First, you are still using rel-32 which has not UEFI, so forget about what I said. There is no GRUB menu.
You need to put your board into recovery mode and prepare another x86 host to use sdkmanager to reflash your board.
If you don’t understand what I am talking about, please ask.
I really don’t know under which level you are so not sure how much things I should tell you here.
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