Restoring backup images of jetson orin nx

I have a backuped the images of old jetson board, now i need to restore that backup images for new jetson board i have tried with following
$ sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -e nvme0n1 -r jetson-orin-nano-devkit
but it producing an error of
Log is saved to Linux_for_Tegra/initrdlog/flash_1-8_0_20240909-113142.log
Run command:
ln -s /proc/self/fd /dev/fd && mount -o nolock [fc00:1:1::1]:/home/ubuntu/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_6.0_Linux_JETSON_ORIN_NX_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/backup_restore /mnt && /mnt/ -e nvme0n1 -n
on root@fc00:1:1::2
bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
/mnt/images ~ Use the default nvpartitionmap.txt as the index file.
40+0 records in
40+0 records out
20480 bytes (20 kB, 20 KiB) copied, 0.00134605 s, 15.2 MB/s
Error: Unable to partprobe /dev/nvme0n1

this is log of jetson was given below:

[0043.642] I> MB1 (version:
[0043.647] I> t234-A01-1-Silicon (0x12347) Prod
[0043.651] I> Boot-mode : BPMP Diagnostic
[0043.655] I> Entry timestamp: 0x00000000
[0043.659] I> last_boot_error: 0x0
[0043.662] I> BR-BCT: preprod_dev_sign: 0
[0043.666] I> rst_source: 0x0, rst_level: 0x0
[0043.670] I> Task: Initialize MB2 params
[0043.674] I> MB2-params @ 0x40060000
[0043.678] I> Task: Crypto init
[0043.680] I> Task: Perform MB1 KAT tests
[0043.684] I> Task: NVRNG health check
[0043.688] I> NVRNG: Health check success
[0043.692] I> Task: Secure debug controls
[0043.696] I> Task: strap war set                                               
[0043.699] I> Task: Program NV master stream id                                 
[0043.703] I> Task: Verify boot mode                                            
[0043.709] I> Task: Alias fuses                                                 
[0043.712] W> FUSE_ALIAS: Fuse alias on production fused part is not supported. 
[0043.719] I> Task: Print SKU type                                              
[0043.722] I> FUSE_OPT_CCPLEX_CLUSTER_DISABLE = 0x000001c0                      
[0043.727] I> FUSE_OPT_GPC_DISABLE = 0x00000002                                 
[0043.731] I> FUSE_OPT_TPC_DISABLE = 0x000000f0                                 
[0043.736] I> FUSE_OPT_DLA_DISABLE = 0x00000000                                 
[0043.740] I> FUSE_OPT_PVA_DISABLE = 0x00000000                                 
[0043.744] I> FUSE_OPT_NVENC_DISABLE = 0x00000000                               
[0043.749] I> FUSE_OPT_NVDEC_DISABLE = 0x00000000                               
[0043.753] I> FUSE_OPT_FSI_DISABLE = 0x00000001                                 
[0043.757] I> FUSE_OPT_EMC_DISABLE = 0x00000000                                 
[0043.762] I> FUSE_BOOTROM_PATCH_VERSION = 0x7                                  
[0043.766] I> FUSE_PSCROM_PATCH_VERSION = 0x7                                   
[0043.770] I> FUSE_OPT_ADC_CAL_FUSE_REV = 0x2                                   
[0043.774] I> FUSE_SKU_INFO_0 = 0xd3                                            
[0043.777] I> FUSE_OPT_SAMPLE_TYPE_0 = 0x3 PS                                   
[0043.782] I> FUSE_PACKAGE_INFO_0 = 0x2                                         
[0043.785] I> SKU: Prod                                                         
[0043.787] I> Task: Boost clocks                                                
[0043.790] I> Initializing NAFLL for BPMP_CPU_NIC.                              
[0043.795] I> BPMP NAFLL: fll_lock = 1, dvco_min_reached = 0                    
[0043.801] I> BPMP NAFLL lock success.                                          
[0043.804] I> BPMP_CPU_NIC : src = 42, divisor = 0                              
[0043.809] I> Initializing PLLC2 for AXI_CBB.                                   
[0043.813] I> AXI_CBB : src = 35, divisor = 0                                   
[0043.817] I> Task: Voltage monitor                                             
[0043.821] I> VMON: Vmon re-calibration and fine tuning done                    
[0043.826] I> Task: UPHY init                                                   
[0043.829] W> UPHY: UPHY lane info table is empty in MB1 BCT.                   
[0043.834] I> Task: Boot device init                                            
[0043.838] I> Boot_device: RCM                                                  
[0043.841] I> USB configuration success                                         
[0043.844] I> Task: TSC init                                                    
[0043.847] I> Task: Enable WDT 5th expiry                                       
[0043.851] I> Task: I2C register                                                
[0043.854] I> Task: Set I2C bus freq                                            
[0043.857] I> Task: Reset FSI                                                   
[0043.860] I> Task: Enable clock-mon                                            
[0043.864] I> FMON: Fmon re-programming done                                    
[0043.868] I> Task: Mapper init                                                 
[0043.871] I> Task: MB1 fixed firewalls                                         
[0043.877] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0043.882] I> Task: Load MB2/Applet/FSKP                                        
[0043.886] I> Loading MB2 Applet                                                
[0043.889] I> Slot: 0                                                           
[0043.891] I> Binary[21] block-352321536 (partition size: 0x50000)              
[0043.897] I> Binary name: MB2-Applet                                           
[0043.901] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0043.905] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0043.909] I> BCH of MB2-Applet read from storage                               
[0043.913] I> BCH address is : 0x4004e000                                       
[0043.917] I> MB2-Applet header integrity check is success                      
[0043.922] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MB2A                           
[0043.927] I> component binary type is 21                                       
[0043.931] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0043.946] I> MB2-Applet binary is read from storage                            
[0043.951] I> MB2-Applet binary integrity check is success                      
[0043.956] I> Binary MB2-Applet loaded successfully at 0x40000000 (0x42440)     
[0043.963] I> Task: Prepare MB2 params                                          
[0043.967] I> Task: Misc NV security settings                                   
[0043.971] I> NVDEC sticky bits programming done                                
[0043.976] I> Successfully powergated NVDEC                                     
[0043.979] I> Task: Disable/Reload WDT                                          
[0043.983] I> Task: Program misc carveouts                                      
[0043.987] I> Task: Disable SCPM/POD reset                                      
[0043.991] I> SLCG Global override status := 0x0                                
[0043.995] I> MB1: MSS reconfig completed                                       
[0043.999] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.003] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.006] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.010] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.014] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.017] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.021] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.025] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.028] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0044.032] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
I> Applet (version:                             
I> t234-A01-1-Silicon (0x12347) Prod                                            
I> Emulation:                                                                   
I> Entry timestamp: 0x00000000                                                  
I> Task: Pinmux init                                                            
I> Task: Crypto init                                                            
I> Task: Boot device init                                                       
I> Applet do storage init                                                       
I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0                                          
I> Qspi clock source : clk_m                                                    
I> QSPI Flash: Macronix 64MB                                                    
I> QSPI-0l initialized successfully                                             
I> Secondary storage device: SDMMC_BOOT instance: 3                             
E> Error in command_complete 18001 int_status                                   
E> OCR failed, error = 39390706                                                 
E> STORAGE: Failed to open SDMMC: 3.                                            
W> Ignoring init failure for device 0-3                                         
I> Secondary storage device: SDMMC_USER instance: 3                             
E> Error in command_complete 18000 int_status                                   
E> OCR failed, error = 39390706                                                 
E> STORAGE: Failed to open SDMMC: 3.                                            
W> Ignoring init failure for device 1-3                                         
I> Secondary storage device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0                             
I> Task: I2C register                                                           
I> Task: Register exit handlers                                                 
I> Task: Enter 3p server                                                        
I> USB configuration success                                                    
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Reading fuses                                                                
I> Read fuse successfully                                                       
I> Populate chip info                                                           
I> RAM_CODE 0x4000001                                                           
I> Populate eeprom info                                                         
I> Populate eeprom info for module cvm                                          
I> dump bct                                                                     
I> strt_pg_num(0) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0x40071738)                           
I> BRBCT integrity check is success                                             
I> Validation passed for 1 copy of BRBCT @ 0                                    
I> Rebooting : reboot-recovery                                                  
[0047.302] I> MB1 (version:                     
[0047.308] I> t234-A01-1-Silicon (0x12347) Prod                                 
[0047.312] I> Boot-mode : Coldboot                                              
[0047.315] I> Entry timestamp: 0x00000000                                       
[0047.319] I> last_boot_error: 0x0                                              
[0047.322] I> BR-BCT: preprod_dev_sign: 0                                       
[0047.326] I> rst_source: 0xb, rst_level: 0x1                                   
[0047.330] I> Task: SE error check                                              
[0047.333] I> Task: Bootchain select WAR set                                    
[0047.337] I> Task: Enable SLCG                                                 
[0047.340] I> Task: CRC check                                                   
[0047.343] I> Task: Initialize MB2 params                                       
[0047.347] I> MB2-params @ 0x40060000                                           
[0047.351] I> Task: Crypto init                                                 
[0047.354] I> Task: Perform MB1 KAT tests                                       
[0047.358] I> Task: NVRNG health check                                          
[0047.361] I> NVRNG: Health check success                                       
[0047.365] I> Task: MSS Bandwidth limiter settings for iGPU clients             
[0047.371] I> Task: Enabling and initialization of Bandwidth limiter            
[0047.377] I> No request to configure MBWT settings for any PC!                 
[0047.383] I> Task: Secure debug controls                                       
[0047.387] I> Task: strap war set                                               
[0047.390] I> Task: Initialize SOC Therm                                        
[0047.393] I> Task: Program NV master stream id                                 
[0047.398] I> Task: Verify boot mode                                            
[0047.403] I> Task: Alias fuses                                                 
[0047.407] W> FUSE_ALIAS: Fuse alias on production fused part is not supported. 
[0047.414] I> Task: Print SKU type                                              
[0047.417] I> FUSE_OPT_CCPLEX_CLUSTER_DISABLE = 0x000001c0                      
[0047.422] I> FUSE_OPT_GPC_DISABLE = 0x00000002                                 
[0047.427] I> FUSE_OPT_TPC_DISABLE = 0x000000f0                                 
[0047.431] I> FUSE_OPT_DLA_DISABLE = 0x00000000                                 
[0047.435] I> FUSE_OPT_PVA_DISABLE = 0x00000000                                 
[0047.440] I> FUSE_OPT_NVENC_DISABLE = 0x00000000                               
[0047.444] I> FUSE_OPT_NVDEC_DISABLE = 0x00000000                               
[0047.448] I> FUSE_OPT_FSI_DISABLE = 0x00000001                                 
[0047.453] I> FUSE_OPT_EMC_DISABLE = 0x00000000                                 
[0047.457] I> FUSE_BOOTROM_PATCH_VERSION = 0x7                                  
[0047.461] I> FUSE_PSCROM_PATCH_VERSION = 0x7                                   
[0047.465] I> FUSE_OPT_ADC_CAL_FUSE_REV = 0x2                                   
[0047.469] I> FUSE_SKU_INFO_0 = 0xd3                                            
[0047.473] I> FUSE_OPT_SAMPLE_TYPE_0 = 0x3 PS                                   
[0047.477] I> FUSE_PACKAGE_INFO_0 = 0x2                                         
[0047.481] I> SKU: Prod                                                         
[0047.483] I> Task: Boost clocks                                                
[0047.486] I> Initializing NAFLL for BPMP_CPU_NIC.                              
[0047.491] I> BPMP NAFLL: fll_lock = 1, dvco_min_reached = 0                    
[0047.496] I> BPMP NAFLL lock success.                                          
[0047.500] I> BPMP_CPU_NIC : src = 42, divisor = 0                              
[0047.504] I> Initializing PLLC2 for AXI_CBB.                                   
[0047.509] I> AXI_CBB : src = 35, divisor = 0                                   
[0047.513] I> Task: Voltage monitor                                             
[0047.516] I> VMON: Vmon re-calibration and fine tuning done                    
[0047.521] I> Task: UPHY init                                                   
[0047.526] I> HSIO UPHY init done                                               
[0047.529] W> Skipping GBE UPHY config                                          
[0047.533] I> Task: Boot device init                                            
[0047.536] I> Boot_device: RCM                                                  
[0047.539] I> USB configuration success                                         
[0047.543] I> Task: TSC init                                                    
[0047.546] I> Task: Load membct                                                 
[0047.549] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000001                                                
[0047.552] I> Loading MEMBCT                                                    
[0047.554] I> Slot: 0                                                           
[0047.556] I> Binary[0] block-0 (partition size: 0x40000)                       
[0047.562] I> Binary name: MEM-BCT-0                                            
[0047.565] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0047.569] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0047.573] I> BCH of MEM-BCT-0 read from storage                                
[0047.577] I> BCH address is : 0x40050000                                       
[0047.581] I> MEM-BCT-0 header integrity check is success                       
[0047.586] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MEM0                           
[0047.591] I> component binary type is 0                                        
[0047.597] I> MEM-BCT-0 binary is read from storage                             
[0047.602] I> MEM-BCT-0 binary integrity check is success                       
[0047.607] I> Binary MEM-BCT-0 loaded successfully at 0x40040000 (0xe580)       
[0047.614] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000001                                                
[0047.619] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000001                                                
[0047.623] I> Task: Load Page retirement list                                   
[0047.627] I> Task: SDRAM params override                                       
[0047.631] I> Task: Save mem-bct info                                           
[0047.634] I> Task: Carveout allocate                                           
[0047.638] I> Update CCPLEX IST carveout from MB1-BCT                           
[0047.643] I> ECC region[0]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0047.647] I> ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0047.651] I> ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0047.655] I> ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0047.660] I> ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                                 
[0047.664] I> Non-ECC region[0]: Start:0x80000000, End:0x480000000              
[0047.670] I> Non-ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                             
[0047.675] I> Non-ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                             
[0047.679] I> Non-ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                             
[0047.684] I> Non-ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0                             
[0047.695] I> allocated(CO:43) base:0xbe000000 size:0x4000000 align: 0x200000   
[0047.701] I> allocated(CO:39) base:0x47de00000 size:0x2200000 align: 0x10000   
[0047.708] I> allocated(CO:20) base:0x47a000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000 
[0047.716] I> allocated(CO:24) base:0x478000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000 
[0047.723] I> allocated(CO:28) base:0x476000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000 
[0047.730] I> allocated(CO:22) base:0x47c000000 size:0x1000000 align: 0x1000000 
[0047.737] I> allocated(CO:35) base:0x475000000 size:0x1000000 align: 0x100000  
[0047.744] I> allocated(CO:02) base:0x47d000000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000   
[0047.751] I> allocated(CO:03) base:0x474800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000   
[0047.758] I> allocated(CO:06) base:0x474000000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000   
[0047.765] I> allocated(CO:56) base:0x473800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x200000   
[0047.772] I> allocated(CO:07) base:0x47d800000 size:0x400000 align: 0x400000   
[0047.779] I> allocated(CO:33) base:0x473400000 size:0x400000 align: 0x200000   
[0047.786] I> allocated(CO:19) base:0x473180000 size:0x280000 align: 0x10000    
[0047.792] I> allocated(CO:23) base:0x47dc00000 size:0x200000 align: 0x200000   
[0047.799] I> allocated(CO:01) base:0x473000000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.806] I> allocated(CO:05) base:0x472f00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.813] I> allocated(CO:08) base:0x472e00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.820] I> allocated(CO:09) base:0x472d00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.827] I> allocated(CO:12) base:0x472c00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.834] I> allocated(CO:15) base:0x472b00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.841] I> allocated(CO:17) base:0x472a00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.848] I> allocated(CO:27) base:0x472900000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.855] I> allocated(CO:42) base:0x472800000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.862] I> allocated(CO:54) base:0x473100000 size:0x80000 align: 0x80000     
[0047.869] I> allocated(CO:34) base:0x4727f0000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000     
[0047.875] I> allocated(CO:72) base:0x4725f0000 size:0x200000 align: 0x10000    
[0047.882] I> allocated(CO:46) base:0x440000000 size:0x20000000 align: 0x2000000
[0047.890] I> allocated(CO:47) base:0x472000000 size:0x400000 align: 0x200000   
[0047.897] I> allocated(CO:50) base:0x471e00000 size:0x200000 align: 0x100000   
[0047.904] I> allocated(CO:48) base:0x4725d0000 size:0x20000 align: 0x10000     
[0047.910] I> allocated(CO:69) base:0x4725b0000 size:0x20000 align: 0x10000     
[0047.917] I> allocated(CO:49) base:0x4725a0000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000     
[0047.924] I> NSDRAM base: 0x80000000, end: 0x4725f0000, size: 0x3f25f0000      
[0047.930] I> Task: Thermal check                                               
[0047.934] I> Using min_chip_limit as min_tmon_limit                            
[0047.938] I> Using max_chip_limit as max_tmon_limit                            
[0047.943] I> BCT max_tmon_limit = 105                                          
[0047.946] I> BCT min_tmon_limit = -28                                          
[0047.950] I> BCT max_tmon_limit = 105                                          
[0047.953] I> BCT min_tmon_limit = -28                                          
[0047.957] I> SKU specific max_chip_limit = 105                                 
[0047.961] I> SKU specific min_chip_limit = -28                                 
[0047.966] I> BCT max_chip_limit = 105                                          
[0047.969] I> BCT min_chip_limit = -28                                          
[0047.973] I> enable_soctherm_polling = 0                                       
[0047.976] I> max temp read = 57                                                
[0047.979] I> min temp read = 56                                                
[0047.982] I> Enabling thermtrip                                                
[0047.985] I> Task: Update FSI SCR with thermal fuse data                       
[0047.990] I> Task: Enable WDT 5th expiry                                       
[0047.994] I> Task: I2C register                                                
[0047.997] I> Task: Set I2C bus freq                                            
[0048.000] I> Task: Reset FSI                                                   
[0048.003] I> Task: Pinmux init                                                 
[0048.006] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240008                                     
[0048.010] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240000                                     
[0048.014] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240010                                     
[0048.018] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240018                                     
[0048.022] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240020                                     
[0048.026] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240030                                     
[0048.030] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240028                                     
[0048.034] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240038                                     
[0048.038] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240040                                     
[0048.042] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240048                                     
[0048.046] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241000                                     
[0048.050] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241008                                     
[0048.054] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241010                                     
[0048.058] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241018                                     
[0048.062] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241020                                     
[0048.066] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241028                                     
[0048.070] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241030                                     
[0048.073] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241038                                     
[0048.077] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241040                                     
[0048.081] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9242000                                     
[0048.085] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9242008                                     
[0048.089] I> Task: Prod config init                                            
[0048.093] I> Task: Pad voltage init                                            
[0048.096] I> Task: Prod init                                                   
[0048.099] I> Task: Program rst req config reg                                  
[0048.103] I> Task: Common rail init                                            
[0048.106] I> DONE: Thermal config                                              
[0048.110] W> DEVICE_PROD: module = 13, instance = 4 not found in device prod.  
[0048.118] I> DONE: SOC rail config                                             
[0048.122] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: MEMIO rail config not found in MB1 BCT.        
[0048.129] I> DONE: MEMIO rail config                                           
[0048.133] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: GPU rail info not found in MB1 BCT.            
[0048.139] I> DONE: GPU rail info                                               
[0048.142] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: CV rail info not found in MB1 BCT.             
[0048.148] I> DONE: CV rail info                                                
[0048.151] I> Task: Mem clock src                                               
[0048.154] I> Task: Misc. board config                                          
[0048.158] I> PMIC_CONFIG: Platform config not found in MB1 BCT.                
[0048.164] I> Task: SDRAM init                                                  
[0048.166] I> MemoryType: 4 MemBctRevision: 1                                   
[0048.173] I> MSS CAR: PLLM/HUB programming for MemoryType: 4 and MemBctRevisio1
[0048.181] I> MSS CAR: Init PLLM                                                
[0048.184] I> MSS CAR: Init PLLHUB                                              
[0048.188] I> Encryption:   MTS: en, TX: en, VPR: en, GSC: en                   
[0048.200] I> SDRAM initialized!                                                
[0048.203] I> SDRAM Size in Total 0x400000000                                   
[0048.207] I> Task: Dram Ecc scrub                                              
[0048.210] I> Task: DRAM alias check                                            
[0048.220] I> Task: Program NSDRAM carveout                                     
[0048.224] I> NSDRAM carveout encryption is enabled                             
[0048.228] I> Program NSDRAM carveout                                           
[0048.232] I> Task: Register checker                                            
[0048.235] I> Task: Enable clock-mon                                            
[0048.239] I> FMON: Fmon re-programming done                                    
[0048.244] I> Task: Mapper init                                                 
[0048.246] I> Task: SC7 Context Init                                            
[0048.250] W> SC7_CONTEXT_SAVE: SC7 ctx save is not supported.                  
[0048.256] I> Task: CCPLEX IST init                                             
[0048.259] I> Task: CPU WP0                                                     
[0048.262] I> Loading MCE                                                       
[0048.264] I> Slot: 0                                                           
[0048.266] I> Binary[8] block-134217728 (partition size: 0x80000)               
[0048.272] I> Binary name: MCE                                                  
[0048.275] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0048.279] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.345] I> BCH of MCE read from storage                                      
[0051.349] I> BCH address is : 0x4003e000                                       
[0051.353] I> MCE header integrity check is success                             
[0051.358] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MTSM                           
[0051.362] I> component binary type is 8                                        
[0051.366] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.373] I> MCE binary is read from storage                                   
[0051.378] I> MCE binary integrity check is success                             
[0051.382] I> Binary MCE loaded successfully at 0x40000000 (0x2baf0)            
[0051.389] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.393] I> Sending WP0 mailbox command to PSC                                
[0051.402] I> Task: XUSB Powergate                                              
[0051.405] I> Skipping powergate XUSB.                                          
[0051.408] I> Task: MB1 fixed firewalls                                         
[0051.415] W> Firewall readback mismatch                                        
[0051.420] I> Task: Load bpmp-fw                                                
[0051.423] I> Slot: 0                                                           
[0051.425] I> Binary[15] block-251658240 (partition size: 0x180000)             
[0051.431] I> Binary name: BPMP_FW                                              
[0051.434] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.438] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.442] I> BCH of BPMP_FW read from storage                                  
[0051.446] I> BCH address is : 0x807fe000                                       
[0051.450] I> BPMP_FW header integrity check is success                         
[0051.455] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is BPMF                           
[0051.460] I> component binary type is 15                                       
[0051.463] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.485] I> BPMP_FW binary is read from storage                               
[0051.491] I> BPMP_FW binary integrity check is success                         
[0051.496] I> Binary BPMP_FW loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0xf8bc0)        
[0051.502] I> Slot: 0                                                           
[0051.505] I> Binary[16] block-268435456 (partition size: 0x400000)             
[0051.511] I> Binary name: BPMP_FW_DTB                                          
[0051.514] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.518] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.522] I> BCH of BPMP_FW_DTB read from storage                              
[0051.527] I> BCH address is : 0x807fc000                                       
[0051.530] I> BPMP_FW_DTB header integrity check is success                     
[0051.536] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is BPMD                           
[0051.541] I> component binary type is 16                                       
[0051.544] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.555] I> BPMP_FW_DTB binary is read from storage                           
[0051.560] I> BPMP_FW_DTB binary integrity check is success                     
[0051.565] I> Binary BPMP_FW_DTB loaded successfully at 0x807a06f0 (0x5b900)    
[0051.572] I> Task: BPMP fw ast config                                          
[0051.576] I> Task: Load psc-fw                                                 
[0051.579] I> Slot: 0                                                           
[0051.581] I> Binary[17] block-285212672 (partition size: 0xc0000)              
[0051.587] I> Binary name: PSC_FW                                               
[0051.590] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.594] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.598] I> BCH of PSC_FW read from storage                                   
[0051.602] I> BCH address is : 0x80ffe000                                       
[0051.606] I> PSC_FW header integrity check is success                          
[0051.611] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is PFWP                           
[0051.616] I> component binary type is 17                                       
[0051.619] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.628] I> PSC_FW binary is read from storage                                
[0051.633] I> PSC_FW binary integrity check is success                          
[0051.638] I> Binary PSC_FW loaded successfully at 0x80fb4210 (0x49df0)         
[0051.645] I> Task: Load nvdec-fw                                               
[0051.648] I> Slot: 0                                                           
[0051.650] I> Binary[7] block-117440512 (partition size: 0x100000)              
[0051.656] I> Binary name: NVDEC                                                
[0051.659] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.663] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.667] I> BCH of NVDEC read from storage                                    
[0051.671] I> BCH address is : 0x800fe000                                       
[0051.675] I> NVDEC header integrity check is success                           
[0051.679] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is NDEC                           
[0051.684] I> component binary type is 7                                        
[0051.688] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.697] I> NVDEC binary is read from storage                                 
[0051.701] I> NVDEC binary integrity check is success                           
[0051.706] I> Binary NVDEC loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x46000)          
[0051.715] I> Task: Load tsec-fw                                                
[0051.718] I> TSEC-FW load support not enabled                                  
[0051.722] I> Task: GPIO interrupt map                                          
[0051.726] I> Task: SC7 context save                                            
[0051.730] W> SC7_CONTEXT_SAVE: SC7 ctx save is not supported.                  
[0051.736] I> Task: Load MB2/Applet/FSKP                                        
[0051.739] I> Loading MB2                                                       
[0051.742] I> Slot: 0                                                           
[0051.744] I> Binary[6] block-100663296 (partition size: 0x80000)               
[0051.750] I> Binary name: MB2                                                  
[0051.752] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.756] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.760] I> BCH of MB2 read from storage                                      
[0051.764] I> BCH address is : 0x8007e000                                       
[0051.768] I> MB2 header integrity check is success                             
[0051.773] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MB2B                           
[0051.777] I> component binary type is 6                                        
[0051.781] I> Size of crypto header is 8192                                     
[0051.792] I> MB2 binary is read from storage                                   
[0051.797] I> MB2 binary integrity check is success                             
[0051.802] I> Binary MB2 loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x696a0)            
[0051.808] I> Task: Map CCPLEX SHARED carveout                                  
[0051.812] I> Task: Prepare MB2 params                                          
[0051.816] I> Task: Dram ecc test                                               
[0051.819] I> Task: Misc NV security settings                                   
[0051.823] I> NVDEC sticky bits programming done                                
[0051.828] I> Successfully powergated NVDEC                                     
[0051.832] I> Task: Disable/Reload WDT                                          
[0051.835] I> Task: Program misc carveouts                                      
[0051.839] I> Program IPC carveouts                                             
[0051.843] I> Task: Disable SCPM/POD reset                                      
[0051.847] I> SLCG Global override status := 0x0                                
[0051.851] I> MB1: MSS reconfig completed                                       
I> MB2 (version:                                
I> t234-A01-1-Silicon (0x12347)                                                 
I> Boot-mode : RCM BOOT                                                         
I> Emulation:                                                                   
I> Entry timestamp: 0x03179c07                                                  
I> Regular heap: [base:0x40040000, size:0x10000]                                
I> DMA heap: [base:0x473800000, size:0x800000]                                  
I> Task: SE error check                                                         
I> Task: Crypto init                                                            
I> Task: MB2 Params integrity check                                             
I> Task: Enable CCPLEX WDT 5th expiry                                           
I> Task: ARI update carveout TZDRAM                                             
I> Task: Configure OEM set LA/PTSA values                                       
I> Task: Check MC errors                                                        
I> Task: Enable hot-plug capability                                             
I> Task: Set blob address                                                       
I> Task: PSC mailbox init                                                       
I> Task: Enable clock for external modules                                      
I> Task: Measured Boot init                                                     
I> Task: fTPM silicon identity init                                             
I> fTPM is not enabled.                                                         
I> Task: I2C register                                                           
I> Task: Map CCPLEX_INTERWORLD_SHMEM carveout                                   
I> Task: Program CBB PCIE AMAP regions                                          
I> Task: Pass DRAM ECC PRL Flag to FSI                                          
I> Task: Load and authenticate registered FWs                                   
I> Task: Load AUXP FWs                                                          
I> Successfully register SPE FW load task with MB2 loader                       
I> Successfully register RCE FW load task with MB2 loader                       
I> Successfully register DCE FW load task with MB2 loader                       
I> Unpowergating APE                                                            
I> Unpowergate done                                                             
I> Successfully register APE FW load task with MB2 loader                       
I> Skipping FSI FW load                                                         
I> Successfully register XUSB FW load task with MB2 loader                      
I> Successfully register PVA FW load task with MB2 loader                       
I> spe: Authentication Finalize Done                                            
I> Binary spe loaded successfully at 0x472e00000                                
I> rce: Authentication Finalize Done                                            
I> Binary rce loaded successfully at 0x472a00000                                
I> dce: Authentication Finalize Done                                            
I> Binary dce loaded successfully at 0x47a000000                                
I> ape: Authentication Finalize Done                                            
I> Binary ape loaded successfully at 0x47d800000                                
I> xusb: Authentication Finalize Done                                           
I> Binary xusb loaded successfully at 0x472f00000                               
I> pva-fw: Authentication Finalize Done                                         
I> Binary pva-fw loaded successfully at 0x473180000                             
I> Task: Check MC errors                                                        
I> Task: Carveout setup                                                         
I> Program remaining OEM carveouts                                              
I> Task: Enable FSI VMON                                                        
I> Task: Restore XUSB sec                                                       
I> Task: Enable FSI SE clock                                                    
I> Task: Initialize SBSA UART CAR                                               
I> Task: Initialize CPUBL Params                                                
I> CPUBL-params @ 0x476000000                                                   
I> Task: Prepare eeprom data                                                    
I> Task: Unpowergate APE                                                        
W> mb2_unpowergate_ape: skip! APE is in unpowergated state                      
I> Task: Memctrl reconfig pending clients                                       
I> Task: OEM firewalls                                                          
I> OEM firewalls configured                                                     
I> Task: Powergate APE                                                          
I> Powergating APE                                                              
I> Powergate done                                                               
I> Task: OEM firewall restore saved settings                                    
I> Task: Unhalt AUXPs                                                           
I> Unhalting SPE..                                                              
I> Enabling combined UART                                                       
����spe: early_init                                                             
����vic initialized                                                             
����tsc initialized                                                             
����aon lic initialized                                                         
����spe: tag is 5243985d1b1eb3f06fac6d36bd7e74ac                                
����spe: SafeRTOS v8.4                                                          
����spe: init                                                                   
����scheduler initialized                                                       
����aon hsp initialized                                                         
����tag initialized                                                             
����tcu initialized                                                             
����bpmp ipc initialized                                                        
����spe: late init                                                              
����cpu_nic clock initialized                                                   
����apb clock initialized                                                       
����pm initialized                                                              
����bpmp hsp initialized                                                        
����top1 hsp initialized                                                        
����ccplex ipc initialized                                                      
����spe: start scheduler                                                        
    I> Task: Trigger mailbox for PSC-BL1 exit                                   
I> Sending opcode 0x4d420802 to psc                                             
I> Received ACK from psc                                                        
I> Task: Start secure NOR provision                                             
I> Skip Secure NOR provisioning                                                 
I> Task: Trigger load FSI keyblob                                               
I> Task: Complete load FSI keyblob                                              
I> Task: MB2-PSC_FW Key Manager Init                                            
I> Sending opcode OP_PSC_KEY_MANAGER to psc-fw                                  
I> Sending opcode 0x4b45594d to psc                                             
  hwwdt_init: WDT boot cfg 0x710010 sts 0x10                                    
bpmp: socket 0                                                                  
bpmp: base binary md5 is 3b0e1a33cf85c7f62a7e8b93c2af97ed                       
bpmp: combined binary md5 is 6432e47ee22b94f945d6c4e54b6b9344                   
bpmp: firmware tag is 6432e47ee22b94f945d6-3b0e1a33cf8                          
Write control check for CBB_CENTRAL_CBB_FIREWALL_PWM7_BLF failed, expected valu8
initialized vwdt                                                                
initialized mail_early                                                          
initialized fuse                                                                
initialized vfrel                                                               
initialized adc                                                                 
fmon_populate_monitors: found 199 monitors                                      
initialized fmon                                                                
initialized mc                                                                  
initialized reset                                                               
initialized uphy_early                                                          
initialized emc_early                                                           
initialized pm                                                                  
465 clocks registered                                                           
initialized clk_mach                                                            
initialized clk_cal_early                                                       
initialized clk_mach_early_config                                               
initialized io_dpd                                                              
initialized soctherm                                                            
initialized regime                                                              
initialized i2c                                                                 
vrmon_dt_init: vrmon node not found                                             
vrmon_chk_boot_state: found 0 rail monitors                                     
initialized vrmon                                                               
initialized regulator                                                           
��I> Received ACK from psc                                                      
I> Task: Unhalt FSI                                                             
I> FSI unhalt skipped                                                           
I> Task: Unh��initialized avfs_clk_platform                                     
initialized powergate                                                           
��alt AUXPs                                                                     
I> Unhalt��initialized dvs                                                      
��ing��initialized clk_mach_config                                              
suspend progress: 0x0                                                           
initialized suspend                                                             
initialized strap                                                               
initialized mce_dbell                                                           
�� RCE                                                                          
I> RCE unhalt successful                                                        
I> Unhalting DCE                                                                
I> DCE unhalt successful                                                        
I> APE unhalt skipped                                                           
I> Task: Load HV/CPUBL                                                          
I> Task: Load TOS                                                               
I> Task: Trigger load TSEC leyblob                                              
I> Sending opcode 0x53535452 to psc                                             
I> Sent opcode to psc                                                           
I> Task: Load and authenticate registered FWs                                   
��[     4.856166] Camera-FW on t234-rce-safe started                            
��I> MB2-params @ 0x40060000                                                    
I> NSDRAM carveout base: 0x80000000, size: 0x3f25f0000                          
I> cpubl_par��TCU early console enabled.                                        
��ams��initialized emc                                                          
initialized emc_mrq                                                             
��: nsdram: carveout: 1, encrypt��initialized clk_cal                           
initialized uphy_dt                                                             
initialized uphy_mrq                                                            
HSIO UPHY reset has been de-asserted 0x0                                        
initialized uphy                                                                
��ion: 1                                                                        
  ��I> cpubl:��initialized pg_late                                              
initialized pg_mrq_init                                                         
swdtimer_init: reg polling start w period 47 ms                                 
initialized swdtimer                                                            
initialized hwwdt_late                                                          
initialized bwmgr                                                               
initialized thermal_host_trip                                                   
initialized thermal_mrq                                                         
initialized oc_mrq                                                              
initialized reset_mrq                                                           
initialized mail_mrq                                                            
initialized fmon_mrq                                                            
initialized clk_mrq                                                             
initialized avfs_mrq                                                            
initialized i2c_mrq                                                             
initialized tag_mrq                                                             
initialized bwmgr_mrq                                                           
initialized console_mrq                                                         
missing prod DT calibration data for 199 fmons                                  
initialized clk_sync_fmon_post                                                  
��DCE Started                                                                   
MPU enabled                                                                     
�� Authentication Finalize Done                                                 
I> Bin��initialized clk_cal_late                                                
initialized noc_late                                                            
initialized cvc                                                                 
��ary cpubl loaded successfully at ��initialized avfs_clk_mach_post             
initialized avfs_clk_platform_post                                              
initialized cvc_late                                                            
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 0/2 have not matching zones 1
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 0/3 have not matching zone l3
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 0/3 have not matching zones 2
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 2/0 have not matching zones 0
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 2/3 have not matching zone l3
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 2/3 have not matching zones 2
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 3/0 have not matching zone l1
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 3/0 have not matching zones 0
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 3/2 have not matching zone l1
WARNING @ [platform/drivers/rm/rm.c]: shared rails 3/2 have not matching zones 1
initialized rm                                                                  
initialized console_late                                                        
handling unreferenced clks                                                      
enable can1_core                                                                
enable can1_host                                                                
enable can2_core                                                                
enable can2_host                                                                
enable pwm3                                                                     
enable sdmmc4_axicif                                                            
enable mss_encrypt                                                              
enable maud                                                                     
enable pllg_ref                                                                 
enable dsi_core                                                                 
enable aza_2xbit                                                                
enable usb2_trk                                                                 
enable xusb_ss_dev                                                              
enable xusb_fs_dev                                                              
enable xusb_falc��[     5.043739] Camera-FW on t234-rce-safe ready SHA1=e2238c9n
enable dsi_lp                                                                   
enable xusb_core_mux                                                            
enable xusb_core_dev                                                            
initialized clk�� total boot 221.381 ms)                                        
initialized pg_post                                                             
initialized regulator_post                                                      
initialized profile                                                             
initialized mrq                                                                 
initialized patrol_scrubber                                                     
initialized cactmon                                                             
initialized extras_post                                                         
bpmp: init complete                                                             
��Admin Task Init                                                               
Admin Task Init complete                                                        
Print Task Init                                                                 
RM Task Init                                                                    
SHA Task Init                                                                   
Admin Task Started                                                              
DCE SC7 SHA Enabled                                                             
RM Tas��I> tos: Authenticatio��k Started                                        
RM Task Running                                                                 
Print Task Started                                                              
Print Task Running                                                              
SHA Task Started                                                                
DCE: FW Boot Complete                                                           
Admin Task Running                                                              
SHA Ta��n Finalize Done                                                         
I> Binary tos loaded successfully at 0xc1d733c0                                 
��sk Running                                                                    
��I> Relocating OP-TEE dtb from: 0xc1eff4b0 to 0xbe040020, size: 0x2889         
I> [0] START: 0x80000000, SIZE: 0x3f25f0000                                     
I> [1] START: 0x476000000, SIZE: 0x2000000                                      
I> Setting NS memory ranges to OP-TEE dtb finished.                             
I> eks: Authentication Finalize Done                                            
I> Binary eks loaded successfully at 0xbe020000                                 
I> EKB detected (length: 0x410) @ VA:0xbe020000                                 
I> Task: Add cpubl params integrity check                                       
I> Added cpubl params digest.                                                   
I> Task: Prepare TOS params                                                     
I> Setting EKB blob info to OPTEE dtb finished.                                 
I> Setting OPTEE arg3: 0xbe040020                                               
I> NVRNG: Health check success                                                  
I> NVRNG: Health check success                                                  
I> Task: Disable MSS perf stats                                                 
I> Task: Program display sticky bits                                            
I> Task: SMMU external bypass disable                                           
I> Task: SMMU init                                                              
I> Task: Program GICv3 registers                                                
I> Task: Audit firewall settings                                                
I> Task: Clear dec source key                                                   
I> MB2 finished                                                                 
��NOTICE:  BL31: v2.8(release):e12e3fa93                                        
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 09:56:21, May  6 2024                                    
I/TC: Non-secure external DT found                                              
I/TC: OP-TEE version: 3.22 (gcc version 11.3.0 (Buildroot 2022.08)) #2 Mon May 4
I/TC: WARNING: This OP-TEE configuration might be insecure!                     
I/TC: WARNING: Please check
I/TC: Primary CPU initializing                                                  
I/TC: Test OEM keys are being used. This is insecure for shipping products!     
I/TC: Primary CPU switching to normal world boot                                
  Jetson UEFI firmware (version 36.3.0-gcid-36191598 built on 2024-05-06T16:58:)

Hi kckumar,

Please prevent pasting whole log contents for better reading. You can just upload the log as file here instead.

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Orin NX?
What’s the Jetpack version in use?

Do you connect NVMe SSD on your new board?
Are they(old and new board) using the exact same module?

Please share the result of cat /etc/nv_boot_control.conf for further check.

TEGRA_OTA_BOOT_DEVICE /dev/mmcblk0boot0
TEGRA_OTA_GPT_DEVICE /dev/mmcblk0boot1
TNSPEC P2771-0000-C04-devkit.default

Please help to also reply the others questions above.

It seems you are using TX2!?

Are you trying to install JP6.0 on TX2 board…?

i m trying to restore the backuped images of jetson orin nx to new jetson orin nx board

Where did you dump this node exactly?

The problem here is what you are talking about does not make sense. You told us you want to backup a Orin NX but the info you shared is not a Orin NX.

This topic was automatically closed 14 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.