ROS2 Camera Topic Publish Hz Problem

I want to get the camera topic of fixed fps (30) when i publish the camera topic using ros2. ( e.g) /carter1/rgb_left , /carter1/rgb_right )

But i couldn’t find the way that control the hz using ros2.
I also set the “Set FPS Limit” like below figure, But it does not apply.

To sum up:
- What should i do if i want to get the fixed fps(30) of camera topic using ros2 in Isaac Sim?

I am using the omnigraph for getting the ros2 topics (imu, camera, lidar etc).
But the hz is too low when the scene is complex or When I open multiple viewport.

Isaac Sim version : 2022.1.1 release 
GPU : RTX3090 x 2

Thank you for reading!

@phr0201 , please close this issue as it is similar to ROS2 Camera topic publish Hz control (Camera FPS Fix problem using ros2). I will work with team to get you some answer to the original post.

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Thank you for replying me!
I closed this issue!

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