Limit publishing rate of Ros 2 Camera Helper

is there a way to limit the publishing rate of the Ros2 Camera Helper? I want to collect data from all my topics with the ros2 bag command and i want the same data rate of 10 Hz for every topic. Therefore i created a Ros node, that acts as a timer and publishes clock messages on a topic, which the ROS2 Clock Subscribe node in my action graph is subscribed to. If i use the Exec Out of this node, it works fine for the ROS2 Publish Odometry Node, which only publishes at the desired 10 Hz. But if i connect the Exec Out to the Camera Helper, it still publishes the images at the Frame rate, on which the simulation is running.
Is there a good way to limit the publishing to the 10 Hz or is the best option to use the frameSkipCount of the Camera Helper?

Hello, did you find a solution to this problem? I am experiencing the same and would like to know how you achieved it. Thanks.

i dont a have a direct solution for the camera helper. I just created a new ros node, that subscribes to the topic the camera helper is publishing to and puts the latest image in a storage variable. Then it publishes the neweset image in the storage with 10 Hz.

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