SDK Manager Apt repository check timeout has expired

I am not able to use the SDK Manager to setup the AGX, I get the following:

Access to APT repository and ability to install Debian packages with it.: Apt repository check failure (sudo -S apt-get update && sudo -S apt-get check).
Apt repository check timeout has expired. Skipping this stage.

However, when I run the command it seems to be fine. Anyone was able to fix this problem before? Thanks in advance.

Hi mobicham,

This means the apt system is broken on your host machine. If you open a terminal window, and run “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get check” command, it will fail. SDK Manager requires the command to succeed before installation.
The error is caused by the following line in your /etc/apt/resources.list* file:

Index of /wbsecg1/qtav/ubuntu blablabla…

Please manually fix this issue first then retry.

Hi kayccc,
Thank you for your answer. Actually it was not broken since I was able to run the command. I just ignored the message and processed with the installation, it worked.

Glad to know issue resolved, thanks for the update.

Same problem, same solution. The SDK manager times-out in this check, although I can run (sudo -S apt-get update && sudo -S apt-get check) just fine. So I just skipped the step.