I tried to test Isaac Gym by running joint_monkey.py
, but it crashed with a segmentation fault.
After debugging the error, I found that the segmentation fault occurs when executing gym.draw_viewer(viewer, sim, True)
My computer has two GPUs, 3090 and 4090, and my environment is python 3.8, nvidia-smi 535.113.01, and CUDA 11.7.
What is causing the segmentation fault?
The printed messages are follows:
Importing module ‘gym_38’ (/home/jmkim/isaacgym/python/isaacgym/_bindings/linux-x86_64/gym_38.so)
Setting GYM_USD_PLUG_INFO_PATH to /home/jmkim/isaacgym/python/isaacgym/_bindings/linux-x86_64/usd/plugInfo.json
WARNING: Forcing CPU pipeline.
Not connected to PVD
+++ Using GPU PhysX
Physics Engine: PhysX
Physics Device: cuda:0
GPU Pipeline: disabled
Loading asset ‘mjcf/nv_humanoid.xml’ from ‘…/…/assets’
Name: ‘abdomen_z’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 20.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.02
Limited? True
Lower -0.785398
Upper 0.785398
Name: ‘abdomen_y’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 20.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -1.308997
Upper 0.523599
Name: ‘abdomen_x’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -0.610865
Upper 0.610865
Name: ‘right_hip_x’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -0.785398
Upper 0.261799
Name: ‘right_hip_z’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -1.047198
Upper 0.610865
Name: ‘right_hip_y’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 20.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -2.094395
Upper 0.785398
Name: ‘right_knee’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 5.0
Damping: 0.1
Armature: 0.007
Limited? True
Lower -2.792527
Upper 0.034907
Name: ‘right_ankle_y’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 2.0
Damping: 1.0
Armature: 0.006
Limited? True
Lower -0.872665
Upper 0.872665
Name: ‘right_ankle_x’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 2.0
Damping: 1.0
Armature: 0.006
Limited? True
Lower -0.872665
Upper 0.872665
Name: ‘left_hip_x’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -0.785398
Upper 0.261799
DOF 10
Name: ‘left_hip_z’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -1.047198
Upper 0.610865
DOF 11
Name: ‘left_hip_y’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 20.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -2.094395
Upper 0.785398
DOF 12
Name: ‘left_knee’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 5.0
Damping: 0.1
Armature: 0.007
Limited? True
Lower -2.792527
Upper 0.034907
DOF 13
Name: ‘left_ankle_y’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 2.0
Damping: 1.0
Armature: 0.006
Limited? True
Lower -0.872665
Upper 0.872665
DOF 14
Name: ‘left_ankle_x’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 2.0
Damping: 1.0
Armature: 0.006
Limited? True
Lower -0.872665
Upper 0.872665
DOF 15
Name: ‘right_shoulder1’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -1.570796
Upper 1.221731
DOF 16
Name: ‘right_shoulder2’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -1.570796
Upper 1.221731
DOF 17
Name: ‘right_elbow’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 2.0
Damping: 1.0
Armature: 0.006
Limited? True
Lower -1.570796
Upper 0.872665
DOF 18
Name: ‘left_shoulder1’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -1.570796
Upper 1.221731
DOF 19
Name: ‘left_shoulder2’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 10.0
Damping: 5.0
Armature: 0.01
Limited? True
Lower -1.570796
Upper 1.221731
DOF 20
Name: ‘left_elbow’
Type: Rotation
Stiffness: 2.0
Damping: 1.0
Armature: 0.006
Limited? True
Lower -1.570796
Upper 0.872665
Creating 36 environments
Animating DOF 0 (‘abdomen_z’)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)