Setting up Driveworks 5.14 on the Drive Orin

Hi team,
I have switched to DRIVE OS from DRIVE OS 6.0.6. Now I need to set up driveworks 5.14 to run samples on drive orin.
What all are the steps required for that?

Dear @akshay.tupkar,
Please check DriveWorks SDK Reference: Getting Started Using the NVIDIA DRIVE OS NGC Docker Container

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV

This command is not working on my host. It is throwing an error as
"docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver " " with capabilities: [[gpu]]
Is this because of I dont have gpu on the host?
Do i need to execute the command "# mkdir -p /home/nvidia/build-x86_64-linux-gnu

cmake -B /home/nvidia/build-x86_64-linux-gnu -S /usr/local/driveworks/samples" in docker container’s terminal?

Will these sample be cross compiled after this command?

Dear @akshay.tupkar,
You need GPU on host to run DW samples. However, you can cross compile the DW samples for target from docker. Please find the instructions for cross compilation at DriveWorks SDK Reference: Getting Started Using the NVIDIA DRIVE OS NGC Docker Container

I followed below commands to attach to docker and cross compile the DW samples to generate binaries.

$sudo docker ps -a
[sudo] password for ubuntu-machine:
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                                                              COMMAND       CREATED         STATUS                       PORTS     NAMES
46966dcb02dd                        "/bin/bash"   6 months ago    Up 2 months                            exciting_heyrovsky
$sudo docker attach 46966dcb02dd
root@ cd /home/nvidia/
root@ mkdir DW-build
root@ cmake -B /home/nvidia/DW-build/ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/local/driveworks/samples/cmake/Toolchain-V5L.cmake -DVIBRANTE_PDK=/drive/drive-linux -S /usr/local/driveworks-5.14/samples
root@ cd DW-build
root@ make
root@ /home/nvidia/DW-build/src/dnn/sample_object_detector_tracker
root@ ls
CMakeFiles  Makefile  cmake_install.cmake  sample_object_detector_tracker

Thanks @SivaRamaKrishnaNV
I cross compiled the samples successfully on target

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV
I ran the cmake command where my samples are located for ex. # /usr/local/driveworks/samples#. Is it right?

Dear @akshay.tupkar,
We suggest to create a seperate build folder and pass build folder as parameter to cmake using -B as commands shared above. This keep the original driveworks binaries intact and changes made in the sample are reflected in new build folder.

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV
I have created a separate build folder under /home/nvidia/ but my doubt is do i need to execute that cmake -B command in the build directory which i have created or does it need to be executed at root@ sudo cmake -B /home/nvidia/build-aarch64-linux-gnu -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/local/driveworks/samples/cmake/Toolchain-V5L.cmake -DVIBRANTE_PDK=/drive/drive-linux -S /usr/local/driveworks/samples?

Dear @akshay.tupkar,
You can execute the command from any where.

Okay Thanks @SivaRamaKrishnaNV

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