Simulating Pressure in Issac Sim


I am trying to simulate a Pneunets Bending Actuator in Isaac Sim. These actuators operate using air pressure to inflate and push apart pockets of air. In pursuit of this I was wondering if there is a way to simulate pressure in Isaac sim. Would it be possible to generate a bunch of small forces to approximate a pressure force?


I would look at the liquid simulations in

then go to…

it will give you a liquid sim you could set your particles quite small.

you could try that or

the particle inflatable, that could be another option. It does work with physx but i’m not sure what would happen there probably require tuning.

Not sure of the use case but you might be better just applying forces to the pistons individually, it would be simpler. You might need to add some logic in there for sequencing the valves…


best of luck