SN2100 ptp setup stop working after replacing to a new switch


We’re working with SN2100 with Cumulus Linux 5.6 version. We have server acting as a PTP GM clock connected to a 100GB switch port and another device actign as a slave.

We do not need a bounday clock setup, we simply had switch ptp feature disabled.

We already have this PTP setup working on Onyx 3.9.3220 based switch but moving to SN2100 with Cumulus. It seems not to be working.

We have PTP disabled on both so the expectation is the switch retransmits the Ethernet packets as usual assuming the delay on PTP calculation.

Is this configuration possible on SN2100?
Is there anything new in Cumulus or SN2100 making this setup not to work?

Any insight how to reach this configuration?

Thanks in advance!