Hello, I am looking for the sources of the device compatible with nvidia,max96724
The driver is mentioned here:
I looked in the L4T 36.4 kernel sources and did not find it.
If the device cannot be flashed/booted, please refer to the page to get uart log from the device:
Jetson/General debug - eLinux.org
And get logs of host PC and Jetson device for reference. If you are using custom board, you can compare uart log of developer kit and custom board to get more information.
Also please check FAQs:
Jetson AGX Orin FAQ
If possible, we would suggest follow quick start in developer guide to re-flash the system:
Quick Start — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation
And see if the issue still persists on a clean-flashed system.
Hey @carolyuu I’m just looking for the source files for the nvidia,max96724
device driver, where can I find the files?
hello user27558,
we don’t have the max96724 device driver, there’re max9295/max9296 anyways.
you may refer to NVIDIA Jetson Linux 36.4.3 page to download [Driver Package (BSP) Sources] package.
for instance,