Jetson AGX Orin: Bluescreen after update to JetPack 6.2

I received a brand new Jetson AGX Orin 64GB Dev Kit and flashed it with JetPack 6.2 using SDKManager. Now, when I boot the machine, I see the NVidia Logo, the bootlogs up to a certain point, and then just a blue screen. I can’t see any user interface.
I can still SSH into the machine however.
Xorg log is attached
Jetson 6.2 err.txt (23.9 KB)

If the device cannot be flashed/booted, please refer to the page to get uart log from the device:
Jetson/General debug -
And get logs of host PC and Jetson device for reference. If you are using custom board, you can compare uart log of developer kit and custom board to get more information.
Also please check FAQs:
Jetson AGX Orin FAQ
If possible, we would suggest follow quick start in developer guide to re-flash the system:
Quick Start — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation
And see if the issue still persists on a clean-flashed system.

This is a freshly installed system on a completely new board.
The UART logs don’t point to anything useful. I’ve already pointed out that the system boots, to the point where I can login to it via SSH.
Jetson6.2UART.txt (41.4 KB)

I don’t see any error from xorg log

It is a DP display and tries to run with 2560x1440 mode.

[ 22.023] (II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 2560 x 1440

Could you use ssh and xrandr command and see if changing to other modes could work?

The UART log you shared is not full log so cannot tell if anything wrong.

You should capture the log since the beginning you power on the board.

I tried, but got the following results:

user@ubuntu:~$ export DISPLAY=:0
user@ubuntu:~$ xrandr --listmonitors
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
Can't open display :0

using sudo didnt change anything.

I flashed it again, this time not using the OEM mode, but the other one instead. same problem remains. Here’s a complete log of a reboot when pressing the reset button:
rebootlog-jetson62.txt (73.0 KB)

Try to run on your host BSP directory before doing flash and then reflash the board.

It will bypass OEM configuration.

That’s not the problem. I merely meant I tested both OEM config modes, both leading to the same problem of bluescreens.

Yes, I know that is not the problem.

But you just cannot access the system now so you should bypass that error first so that I can give you next step to try. Is it okay to understand?

Also, please clarify if you are using a native DP monitor. Or it has some adapter on it (e.g. DP-HDMI adapter).

And if there are any other monitors that can test too?

It’s a monitor capable of DP, connected to the Dev Board through a KVM switch. I’ve tried running it without the KVM switch, which did not show any improvements. Then I noticed that for some reason the monitor was connected via a HDMI-DP cable to the KVM Switch. I swapped it with a pure DP cable. Now it works. It also works on my other monitor through a pure DP connection. I also re-flashed it before with your instructions.

It worked with that HDMI-DP cable before though on Jetpack 5.0.1 (the version that came preinstalled)
Is there a more widespread incompatibility with HDMI-DP cables or HDMI only monitors? I might have to rely on one for a future installation.

So is the HDMI-DP the reason that this issue got hit or it also happens with KVM switch connected only?

Jetpack5.0.1 is a “developer preview” version which we consider the behavior on it does not really matter now.

If really want to compare jetpack5 and jetpack6 difference, then jetpack5.1.5/5.1.4 might be a better option.