Speeding up animation that was imported to Omniverse

I’m working on a project that plays animations that were imported to Omniverse from Maya. The animations are real-time and I’d like to create a fast forward button to speed through the animations, but am not seeing much information online on how to go about that. Does anyone know how to speed up an imported animation, either by using Python scripting or a functionality in the stage? Thank you.

@cvalenta i am just another OV user, are you wanting to adjust the playrate of the entire animation or only that you’d want to be able to scrub through the timeline using a playhead?

if the former, you could look into using sequencer (will need to install/enable it via the extension manager) if the animation from Maya came in as animation clip. once you have access to the sequencer, you can edit the in and out handles, make it loops, truncate the clip, and so on:


if the latter, you can also access the timeline via the extension manager (if you don’t already have it installed). go into Window > Extensions and search for “timeline”.

@Simplychenable This is super helpful, thank you! My goal is to create a button for the end user that allows them to increase the speed of animations if they desire while still allowing them to play animations at the current speed. I’ll look into Sequencer, but does this seem doable using this approach? Or is Sequencer more to change the speed of the animation overall?

ah, from the sound of it, the sequencer…may not be the best utilization for your use case (i don’t think). full transparency, i haven’t had experience using the API to control the contents of the sequencer yet, so not sure how complicated if you were to do it programmatically. i can do some digging and report here if i come across anything; in the interim, we can see if mods/devs have any additional insights 👀

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