I have been trying to install CloudXR today march 25 2021. Install doesnt’t report issues but there is no indiction that CloudXR server runs either. The CXR icon that is supposed to be visible in SteamVR window doesn’t show up. I hoped that it was just a case of docs being out of sync (since it refers to really old SteamVR versions) but it when I try to start the sample code for hololens 2 (after a lengthy and problematic config/build process) nothing happens. So, since there is no easy way to downgrade SteamVR to an older version I would like to know what current status is. Should it work?
The CXR icon will not show up until you have attempted to connect a headset. This has been clarified for upcoming versions of the documentation.
It sounds like the client is never connecting to the server. Are all the ports specified in the documentation opened on the server?
Ok, I just went back and double checked that I did everything as instructed. I find the docs a little hard to follow but in the end I got it working and got SteamVR up and running. BUT, performance is very very laggy both in debug and in release mode. My server is a new HP Z workstation with a Quadro RTX 6000 that is connected by cable to the router. HL2 is using wifi 5 Ghz that I am 2 meter away from. I even turned of HP remote boost sender if that could be the issue. (it was not).
Currently looking through trouble shooting guide to see what can be done.