sudo: ./ command not found when I try to Flash Jetson OS in SDK Manager

I got the error when I try to Flash Jetson OS(JetPack_4.2.1_Linux_GA_P3310), my environment is:

  • SDK Manager
  • HOST Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • I deleted all SDK manager download files before, and then started from scratch, I wonder if it has any impact.

The terminal log:

10:22:34 INFO : Flash Jetson TX2 : current working directory is /home/work/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.2.1_Linux_GA_P3310/Linux_for_Tegra
10:22:34 INFO : Flash Jetson TX2 : exec_command: sudo ./ jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1
10:22:34 ERROR : Flash Jetson TX2 : sudo: ./ command not found
10:22:34 INFO : Flash Jetson TX2 : exit status 1
10:22:34 INFO : Flash Jetson TX2 : [ Component Install Finished with Error ]
10:22:34 INFO : Flash Jetson TX2 : [ 32.00 KB used. Disk Avail: 57.54 GB ]
10:22:34 INFO : Flash Jetson TX2 : [ NV_L4T_FLASH_TX2_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP Install took 1s ]
10:22:34 ERROR : Flash Jetson TX2 : Run commands failed at step Install: command sudo ./ jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1 finished with error
10:22:34 INFO : Flash Jetson TX2 :
10:22:34 ERROR : Flash Jetson TX2 : command terminated with error


It looks like sdkmanager does not know you delete the old directory. Could you try to remove them all?
I mean, do you still have this folder existing? “/home/work/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.2.1_Linux_GA_P3310/Linux_for_Tegra”

I did remove them all.

It is solved after:

  1. I uninstall all the sdks installed by SDK Manager.
  2. Install them again.