I’m having some issues to enter in USB Recovery Mode in Jetson TX1.
Tried to do this in different ways, but i did not get results.
– Tried with recovery bottom and reset.
– Tried with power bottoms and recovery bottom.
– Tried from serial console.
– Tried with other machine.
some references that i’m following are:
Any idea what I can do?
Thank you very much!
Serial console out is:
`\00\00[0000.142] [TegraBoot] (version 24.00.2015.42-mobile-ec3b827e)
[0000.147] Processing in cold boot mode Bootloader 2
[0000.152] A02 Bootrom Patch rev = 63
[0000.155] Power-up reason: reset button
[0000.159] No Battery Present
[0000.161] RamCode = 0
[0000.164] Platform has Ddr4 type ram
[0000.167] max77620 disabling SD1 Remote Sense
[0000.171] Setting Ddr voltage to 1125mv
[0000.175] Serial Number of Pmic Max77663: 0x2007a1
[0000.183] Entering ramdump check
[0000.186] Get RamDumpCarveOut = 0x0
[0000.189] RamDumpCarveOut=0x0, RamDumperFlag=0xe59ff3f8
[0000.194] Last reboot was clean, booting normally!
[0000.199] Sdram initialization is successful
[0000.203] SecureOs Carveout Base=0xff800000 Size=0x00800000
[0000.208] GSC1 Carveout Base=0xff700000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.213] GSC2 Carveout Base=0xff600000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.219] GSC3 Carveout Base=0xff500000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.224] GSC4 Carveout Base=0xff400000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.229] GSC5 Carveout Base=0xff300000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.234] BpmpFw Carveout Base=0xff2c0000 Size=0x00040000
[0000.239] Lp0 Carveout Base=0xff2bf000 Size=0x00001000
[0000.255] RamDump Carveout Base=0xff23f000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.260] Platform-DebugCarveout: 0
[0000.263] Nck Carveout Base=0xff03f000 Size=0x00200000
[0000.268] Non secure mode. Disable rollback prevention
[0000.273] AOTAG Init Done
[0000.311] Using GPT Primary to query partitions
[0000.316] Loading Tboot-CPU binary
[0000.365] Verifying bootloader in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.375] Bootloader load address is 0xa0000000, entry address is 0xa0000258
[0000.382] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.386] Downloaded Tboot-CPU binary to 0xa0000258
[0000.391] MAX77620_GPIO1 Configured.
[0000.395] MAX77620_GPIO5 Configured.
[0000.398] CPU power rail is up
[0000.401] CPU clock enabled
[0000.405] Performing RAM repair
[0000.408] Updating A64 Warmreset Address to 0xa00002e9
[0000.425] Bootloader DTB Load Address: 0x83000000
[0000.441] Kernel DTB Load Address: 0x83080000
[0000.446] Loading cboot binary
[0000.540] Verifying bootloader in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.635] Bootloader load address is 0x8010fda8, entry address is 0x80110000
[0000.642] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.646] GPT: Partition NOT found !
[0000.649] Find Partition via GPT Failed
[0000.653] Find Partition via PT Failed
[0000.656] function NvTbootGetBinaryOffsets: 0x1 error
[0000.661] Error in NvTbootLoadBinary: 0x1 !
[0000.665] Next binary entry address: 0x80110000
[0000.670] BoardId: 2180
[0000.696] NvTbootI2cProbe(): error code 0x00045100 Error while read
[0000.702] Display board id is not available
[0000.706] dram memory type is 3
[0000.710] WB0 init successful
[0000.736] Bpmp FW successfully loaded
[0000.739] Set NvDecSticky Bits
[0000.743] GSC1 address : ff700000
[0000.746] GSC2 address ff63fffc value c0edbbcc
[0000.751] GSC2 address : ff600000
[0000.755] GSC3 address : ff500000
[0000.758] GSC4 address : ff400000
[0000.762] GSC5 address : ff300000
[0000.765] GSC MC Settings done
[0000.769] TOS old plaintext Image length 65536
[0000.775] *** Secure OS image signature not verified ***
[0000.780] Loading and Validation of Secure OS Successful
[0000.785] NvTbootPackSdramParams: start.
[0000.790] NvTbootPackSdramParams: done.
[0000.794] Tegraboot started after 120609 us
[0000.798] Basic modules init took 302717 us
[0000.802] Sec Bootdevice Read Time = 193 ms, Read Size = 8464 KB
[0000.808] Sec Bootdevice Write Time = -1940251267 ms, Write Size = 343597383 KB
[0000.815] Next stage binary read took 12213 us
[0000.819] Carveout took 252930 us
[0000.822] CPU initialization took 125106 us
[0000.826] Total time taken by TegraBoot 692966 us
[0000.831] Starting CPU & Halting co-processor
64b[0000.939] RamCode = 0
[0000.954] LPDDR4 Training: Read DT: Number of tables = 10
[0000.959] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 40800)
[0000.964] EMC Training Skipped
[0000.967] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 68000)
[0000.972] EMC Training Skipped
[0000.975] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 102000)
[0000.980] EMC Training Skipped
[0000.983] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 204000)
[0000.988] EMC Training Skipped
[0000.991] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 408000)
[0000.997] EMC Training Successful
[0001.000] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 665600)
[0001.006] EMC Training Successful
[0001.009] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 800000)
[0001.020] EMC Training Successful
[0001.023] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1065600)
[0001.046] EMC Training Successful
[0001.049] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1331200)
[0001.071] EMC Training Successful
[0001.074] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1600000)
[0001.093] EMC Training Successful
[0001.096] Switching to 800000 KHz Success
[0001.103] DT Write: emc-table@40800 succeeded
[0001.109] DT Write: emc-table@68000 succeeded
[0001.115] DT Write: emc-table@102000 succeeded
[0001.122] DT Write: emc-table@204000 succeeded
[0001.128] DT Write: emc-table@408000 succeeded
[0001.134] DT Write: emc-table@665600 succeeded
[0001.141] DT Write: emc-table@800000 succeeded
[0001.147] DT Write: emc-table@1065600 succeeded
[0001.154] DT Write: emc-table@1331200 succeeded
[0001.160] DT Write: emc-table@1600000 succeeded
[0001.164] LPDDR4 Training: Write DT: Number of tables = 10
U-Boot 2015.07-rc2-g78c8468 (Nov 09 2016 - 19:39:36 -0800)
Model: NVIDIA P2371-2180
MC: Tegra SD/MMC: 0, Tegra SD/MMC: 1
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
tegra-pcie: PCI regions:
tegra-pcie: I/O: 0x0000000012000000-0x0000000012010000
tegra-pcie: non-prefetchable memory: 0x0000000013000000-0x0000000020000000
tegra-pcie: prefetchable memory: 0x0000000020000000-0x0000000040000000
tegra-pcie: 4x1, 1x1 configuration
tegra-pcie: probing port 0, using 4 lanes
tegra-pcie: link 0 down, retrying
tegra-pcie: link 0 down, retrying
tegra-pcie: link 0 down, retrying
tegra-pcie: link 0 down, ignoring
tegra-pcie: probing port 1, using 1 lanes
tegra-pcie: link 1 down, retrying
tegra-pcie: link 1 down, retrying
tegra-pcie: link 1 down, retrying
tegra-pcie: link 1 down, ignoring
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 2 ��� 1 ��� 0
MMC: no card present
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0(part 0) is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1...
Found /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
977 bytes read in 68 ms (13.7 KiB/s)
p2371-2180 eMMC boot options
1: primary kernel
Enter choice: 1: primary kernel
Retrieving file: /boot/initrd
6902654 bytes read in 549 ms (12 MiB/s)
Retrieving file: /boot/Image
20048144 bytes read in 505 ms (37.9 MiB/s)
append: fbcon=map:0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 androidboot.modem=none androidboot.serialno=P2180A00P00940c003fd androidboot.security=non-secure tegraid= ddr_die=2048M@2048M ddr_die=2048M@4096M section=256M memtype=0 usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 debug_uartport=lsport,0 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0x70006000 maxcpus=4 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 lp0_vec=0x1000@0xff2bf000 nvdumper_reserved=0xff23f000 core_edp_mv=1125 core_edp_ma=4000 gpt android.kerneltype=normal androidboot.touch_vendor_id=0 androidboot.touch_panel_id=63 androidboot.touch_feature=0 androidboot.bootreason=pmc:software_reset,pmic:0x0 net.ifnames=0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait
Retrieving file: /boot/tegra210-jetson-tx1-p2597-2180-a01-devkit.dtb
423986 bytes read in 365 ms (1.1 MiB/s)
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 82000000
Booting using the fdt blob at 0x82000000
reserving fdt memory region: addr=80000000 size=20000
Using Device Tree in place at 0000000082000000, end 000000008206a831
Starting kernel ...
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[ 0.000000] Linux version 3.10.96-tegra (buildbrain@mobile-u64-1072) (gcc version 4.8.2 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 9 19:42:57 PST 2016
[ 0.000000] CPU: Cortex A57 Processor [411fd071] revision 1
[ 0.000000] alternative: enabling workaround for ARM erratum 832075
[ 0.000000] Machine: jetson_tx1
[ 0.000000] bootconsole [earlycon0] enabled
[ 0.000000] Reserved memory: initialized node iram-carveout, compatible id nvidia,iram-carveout
[ 0.000000] Tegra reserved memory:
[ 0.000000] LP0: ff2bf000 - ff2bffff
[ 0.000000] Bootloader framebuffer: 00000000 - 00000000
[ 0.000000] Bootloader framebuffer2: 00000000 - 00000000
[ 0.000000] Framebuffer: 00000000 - 00000000
[ 0.000000] 2nd Framebuffer: 00000000 - 00000000
[ 0.000000] Carveout: 00000000 - 00000000
[ 0.000000] Vpr: 00000000 - 00000000
[ 0.000000] Tsec: 00000000 - 00000000
[ 0.000000] Bootloader Debug Data: 00000000 - 00000000
[ 0.000000] Nvdumper: ff23f000 - ff23ffff
[ 0.000000] cma: CMA: reserved 16 MiB at fdc00000
[ 0.000000] psci: probing for conduit method from DT.
[ 0.000000] psci: PSCIv0.2 detected in firmware.
[ 0.000000] psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs
[ 0.000000] DTS File Name: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/kernel/arch/arm64/boot/dts/tegra210-jetson-tx1-p2597-2180-a01-devkit.dts
[ 0.000000] DTB Build time: Nov 9 2016 19:40:03
[ 0.000000] Tegra21: Speedo/IDDQ fuse revision 4
[ 0.000000] Tegra21: CPU Speedo ID 7, Soc Speedo ID 0, Gpu Speedo ID 2
[ 0.000000] Tegra21: CPU Process ID 0, Soc Process ID 0, Gpu Process ID 0
[ 0.000000] Tegra21: CPU Speedo value 2001, Soc Speedo value 1906, Gpu Speedo value 2011
[ 0.000000] Tegra21: CPU IDDQ 1592, Soc IDDQ 1844, Gpu IDDQ 2205
[ 0.000000] Tegra Revision: A02 SKU: 0x17 CPU Process: 0 Core Process: 0 Bootrom patch v0x3f
[ 0.000000] tegra: PLLP fixed rate: 408000000
[ 0.000000] pll_u: boot with h/w control already set
[ 0.000000] pll_x boot misc1 0x0 : expected 0x20
[ 0.000000] (comparison mask = 0xffffff)
[ 0.000000] pll_c4 rates match 204000000 max sdmmc: vco=998400000 out0=998400000 out3=998400000
[ 0.000000] Lowering vic03 maximum rate from 1000000000 to 627200000
[ 0.000000] Lowering nvjpg maximum rate from 1000000000 to 627200000
[ 0.000000] Lowering se maximum rate from 1000000000 to 627200000
[ 0.000000] Lowering tsecb maximum rate from 1000000000 to 627200000
[ 0.000000] Lowering msenc maximum rate from 1000000000 to 716800000
[ 0.000000] Lowering nvdec maximum rate from 1000000000 to 716800000
[ 0.000000] Lowering vi maximum rate from 1000000000 to 793600000
[ 0.000000] Lowering isp maximum rate from 1000000000 to 793600000
[ 0.000000] Lowering adsp_bus maximum rate from 1200000000 to 844800000
[ 0.000000] Lowering sbus maximum rate from 600000000 to 408000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering host1x maximum rate from 600000000 to 408000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering pll_c maximum rate from 1200000000 to 1130000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering pll_c2 maximum rate from 1200000000 to 1130000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering pll_c3 maximum rate from 1200000000 to 1130000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering pll_d2 maximum rate from 1500000000 to 1130000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering pll_dp maximum rate from 1500000000 to 1130000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering sor0 maximum rate from 600000000 to 540000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering sor1 maximum rate from 600000000 to 594000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering dmic1 maximum rate from 12288000 to 12190000
[ 0.000000] Lowering dmic2 maximum rate from 12288000 to 12190000
[ 0.000000] Lowering dmic3 maximum rate from 12288000 to 12190000
[ 0.000000] Lowering hda maximum rate from 102000000 to 51000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering sdmmc2 maximum rate from 266000000 to 204000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering qspi maximum rate from 163200000 to 116600000
[ 0.000000] Lowering gbus maximum rate from 1300000000 to 998400000
[ 0.000000] Lowering cpu_g maximum rate from 3000000000 to 1734000000
[ 0.000000] Lowering cpu_lp maximum rate from 1350000000 to 1132800000
[ 0.000000] tegra dvfs: vdd_cpu: nominal 1226mV, offset 708000uV, step 19200uV, scaling enabled
[ 0.000000] tegra dvfs: vdd_core: nominal 1125mV, offset 0uV, step 12500uV, scaling enabled
[ 0.000000] tegra dvfs: vdd_gpu: nominal 1120mV, offset 710000uV, step 10000uV, scaling enabled
[ 0.000000] Tegra reset control registration success
[ 0.000000] tegra_powergate_init: DONE
[ 0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 13 pages/cpu @ffffffc01fecf000 s20800 r8192 d24256 u53248
[ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 1029632
[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: fbcon=map:0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 androidboot.modem=none androidboot.serialno=P2180A00P00940c003fd androidboot.security=non-secure tegraid= ddr_die=2048M@2048M ddr_die=2048M@4096M section=256M memtype=0 usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 debug_uartport=lsport,0 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0x70006000 maxcpus=4 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 lp0_vec=0x1000@0xff2bf000 nvdumper_reserved=0xff23f000 core_edp_mv=1125 core_edp_ma=4000 gpt android.kerneltype=normal androidboot.touch_vendor_id=0 androidboot.touch_panel_id=63 androidboot.touch_feature=0 androidboot.bootreason=pmc:software_reset,pmic:0x0 net.ifnames=0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait
[ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
[ 0.000000] Memory: 2030MB 2048MB = 4078MB total
[ 0.000000] Memory: 4067000k/4067000k available, 108872k reserved
[ 0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
[ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbbffff0000 (245759 MB)
[ 0.000000] vmemmap : 0xffffffbc01c00000 - 0xffffffbc05400000 ( 56 MB)
[ 0.000000] modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000 ( 64 MB)
[ 0.000000] memory : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc100000000 ( 4096 MB)
[ 0.000000] .init : 0xffffffc00114f000 - 0xffffffc0011ba140 ( 429 kB)
[ 0.000000] .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc00114e3a4 ( 17209 kB)
[ 0.000000] .data : 0xffffffc0011ce000 - 0xffffffc00139e7f0 ( 1858 kB)
[ 0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[ 0.000000] RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=8 to nr_cpu_ids=4.
[ 0.000000] NR_IRQS:704 nr_irqs:704 0
[ 0.000000] the number of interrupt controllers found is 6
[ 0.000000] Architected local timer running at 19.20MHz (phys).
[ 0.000000] sched_clock: 56 bits at 19MHz, resolution 52ns, wraps every 3579139424256ns
[ 0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[ 0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[ 0.000000] allocated 16777216 bytes of page_cgroup
[ 0.000000] please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
[ 0.023765] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. lpj=192000
[ 0.032573] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[ 0.037264] Security Framework initialized
[ 0.041296] Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
[ 0.099921] Initializing cgroup subsys debug
[ 0.102225] Initializing cgroup subsys memory
[ 0.106563] Initializing cgroup subsys devices
[ 0.110963] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
[ 0.115371] Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls
[ 0.119790] Initializing cgroup subsys blkio
[ 0.124044] Initializing cgroup subsys perf_event
[ 0.128912] hw perfevents: enabled with arm/armv8-pmuv3 PMU driver, 7 counters available
[ 0.170270] ftrace: Allocated trace_printk buffers
[ 0.230804] Brought up 4 CPUs
[ 0.231782] SMP: Total of 4 processors activated.
[ 0.236473] alternatives: patching kernel code
[ 0.243431] devtmpfs: initialized
[ 0.253694] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[ 0.257149] regulator-dummy: ; Rail ON
[ 0.260994] Initializing plugin-manager
[ 0.264837] node /plugin-manager/fragment-e3326@0 match with board 3326-*
[ 0.272443] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[ 0.277561] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
[ 0.283151] console [pstore-1] enabled
[ 0.286310] ramoops: attached 0x200000@0xff03f000, ecc: 0/0
[ 0.292128] I2C first dynamic bus number based on alias = 7
[ 0.297436] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[ 0.301484] cpuidle: using governor menu
[ 0.306085] PMC: Setting PMIC interrupt active-low
[ 0.310829] tegra-pmc device create success
[ 0.314348] padctrl padctrl.0: Pad control driver tegra-pmc-padctrl registered
[ 0.321505] Clear bootloader IO dpd settings
[ 0.325740] PMC: configuring io pad defaults
[ 0.330166] PMC: IO pad audio voltage is 1800000
[ 0.334679] PMC: IO pad cam voltage is 1800000
[ 0.339098] PMC: IO pad dbg voltage is 1800000
[ 0.343526] PMC: IO pad dmic voltage is 1800000
[ 0.348025] PMC: IO pad pex-ctrl voltage is 1800000
[ 0.352886] PMC: IO pad spi voltage is 1800000
[ 0.357298] PMC: IO pad uart voltage is 1800000
[ 0.361813] PMC: IO pad bb voltage is 1800000
[ 0.366138] PMC: IO pad audio-hv voltage is 1800000
[ 0.371000] PMC: IO pad spi-hv voltage is 1800000
[ 0.375672] PMC: IO pad gpio voltage is 1800000
[ 0.380178] PMC: IO pad sdmmc3 voltage is 1800000
[ 0.384766] PMC: IO pad pex-bias power is disable
[ 0.389444] PMC: IO pad pex-clk1 power is disable
[ 0.394133] PMC: IO pad pex-clk2 power is disable
[ 0.398796] T210 pmc padctrl driver initialized
[ 0.403344] T210 pmc config for bootrom command passed
[ 0.409316] INFO: pinmux CLAMP_INPUTS_WHEN_TRISTATED: disabled
[ 0.415980] clk_init_from_dt_table: clocks are set from t210-clk-init-table:clkinit-0
[ 0.424095] platform tegra-carveouts.23: SMMU isn't ready yet
[ 0.428340] platform tegra-carveouts.23: domain=ffffffc0fe239e58 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e80a8
[ 0.436736] tegra_smmu 70019000.iommu: Loaded Tegra IOMMU driver
[ 0.443287] bpmp: connect returned 0
[ 0.446658] mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff8000038000 -> 0x70019000
[ 0.452357] mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800005e000 -> 0x7001c000
[ 0.458406] mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff8000096000 -> 0x7001d000
[ 0.465315] Wake16 for irq=34
[ 0.472665] tegra210-pinctrl 700008d4.pinmux: lookup the user state drive not found
[ 0.478329] tegra210-pinctrl 700008d4.pinmux: lookup the user state unused not found
[ 0.486050] tegra210-pinctrl 700008d4.pinmux: Probed Tegra pinctrl driver
[ 0.493161] GPIO chip tegra-gpio: created GPIO range 0->245 ==> 700008d4.pinmux PIN 0->245
[ 0.501087] tegra-gpio 6000d000.gpio: Initialising GPIO state 0: name wlan-default
[ 0.508588] tegra-gpio 6000d000.gpio: Initialising GPIO state 1: name camera_control
[ 0.516322] tegra-gpio 6000d000.gpio: Initialising GPIO state 2: name camera-control
[ 0.524063] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 0 to 255 on device: tegra-gpio
[ 0.533513] Wake44 for irq=81
[ 0.534509] Wake40 for irq=53
[ 0.537431] Wake41 for irq=53
[ 0.540377] Wake42 for irq=53
[ 0.543324] Wake43 for irq=53
[ 0.546635] platform 70006000.serial: domain=ffffffc0fe20b158 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e8110
[ 0.555535] platform sound.27: domain=ffffffc0fe26ddd8 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e8178
[ 0.564298] platform tegradc.1: domain=ffffffc0fe26d9d8 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e81e0
[ 0.572395] platform gpu.0: domain=ffffffc0fe26d758 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e8248
[ 0.578643] platform gpu.0: domain=ffffffc0fe26d758 allocates as[1]=ffffffc0fe1e82b0
[ 0.586365] platform gpu.0: domain=ffffffc0fe26d758 allocates as[2]=ffffffc0fe1e8318
[ 0.594070] platform gpu.0: domain=ffffffc0fe26d758 allocates as[3]=ffffffc0fe1e8380
[ 0.603164] platform 1003000.pcie-controller: domain=ffffffc0fe26d558 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e83e8
[ 0.612358] platform sdhci-tegra.3: domain=ffffffc0fe26d0d8 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e8450
[ 0.619739] platform sdhci-tegra.0: domain=ffffffc0fe2d9dd8 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e84b8
[ 0.628035] Wake39 for irq=52
[ 0.636567] gpio wake52 for gpio=61
[ 0.638266] gpio wake8 for gpio=58
[ 0.641490] gpio wake8 for gpio=58
[ 0.645666] irq: no irq domain found for /soctherm@0x700E2000 !
[ 0.650857] irq: no irq domain found for /soctherm@0x700E2000 !
[ 0.656754] board_info: id:sku:fab:major:minor = 0x0884:0x03e8:0x00:0x00:0x00
[ 0.663745] PMC dt information non-NULL tegra_init_suspend
[ 0.674153] Loading EMC tables...
[ 0.675559] tegra: Using EMC sequence '21021' for Rev. 7 tables
[ 0.681393] tegra: emc: Derated table is valid.
[ 0.685885] Lowering emc maximum rate from 1800000000 to 1600000000
[ 0.692135] tegra: validated EMC DFS table
[ 0.701944] swapper/0 isomgr_init(): iso emc max clk=1600000KHz
[ 0.705873] swapper/0 isomgr_init(): max_iso_bw=11520000KB
[ 0.711524] vdso: 2 pages (1 code, 1 data) at base ffffffc0011d6000
[ 0.717586] vdso32: 2 pages (1 code, 1 data) at base ffffffc0011d5000
[ 0.724020] hw-breakpoint: found 6 breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
[ 0.730922] nvdumper: last reboot was unknown
[ 0.735082] nvdumper: set_dirty_state 0x2badface
[ 0.740003] Tegra restart notifier registered.
[ 0.751285] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[ 0.754585] vdd-ac-bat: 5000 mV ; Rail ON
[ 0.757434] vdd-cpu-fixed: 1000 mV ; Rail ON
[ 0.761997] vgaarb: loaded
[ 0.764506] SCSI subsystem initialized
[ 0.768104] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[ 0.773450] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[ 0.778769] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[ 0.784323] gpio wake33 for gpio=188
[ 0.788576] regulator_get() failed for (1-0074,vcc), -19
[ 0.792586] pca953x 1-0074: no regulator found for vcc. Assuming vcc is always powered
[ 0.801147] gpio wake21 for gpio=89
[ 0.804025] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 1008 to 1023 on device: tca9539
[ 0.811016] regulator_get() failed for (1-0077,vcc), -19
[ 0.816052] pca953x 1-0077: no regulator found for vcc. Assuming vcc is always powered
[ 0.824614] gpio wake36 for gpio=202
[ 0.827576] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 992 to 1007 on device: tca9539
[ 0.834663] i2c i2c-3: of_i2c: modalias failure on /i2c@7000c700/prod-settings
[ 0.842257] max77620 4-003c: CID0: 0xa1
[ 0.845340] max77620 4-003c: CID1: 0x07
[ 0.849149] max77620 4-003c: CID2: 0x20
[ 0.852978] max77620 4-003c: CID3: 0x59
[ 0.856776] max77620 4-003c: CID4: 0x35
[ 0.860602] max77620 4-003c: CID5: 0x80
[ 0.864403] max77620 4-003c: MAX77620 PMIC OTP Version is 0x35
[ 0.871544] max77620-pmic max77620-pmic: Consumer c2 does not have device name
[ 0.878293] vdd_core: 600 <--> 1400 mV at 1000 mV with ramp delay 27500 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.886087] vddio-ddr: at 1125 mV with ramp delay 27500 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.892402] vdd-pre-reg: 1350 mV with ramp delay 27500 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.899372] vdd-1v8: 1800 mV with ramp delay 27500 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.905229] avdd-sys: 1200 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.910935] avdd-sys: supplied by vdd-pre-reg
[ 0.915772] vdd-pex: 1050 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.921493] vdd-pex: supplied by vdd-pre-reg
[ 0.926042] vddio-sdmmc1: 1800 <--> 3300 mV at 3300 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.934616] vdd-cam-hv: 2800 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail OFF
[ 0.941318] vdd-rtc: 850 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.947343] avdd-ts-hv: 3300 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail OFF
[ 0.954617] vdd-ts: 1800 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail OFF
[ 0.960422] vdd-gen-pll-edp: 1050 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.966720] vdd-gen-pll-edp: supplied by vdd-pre-reg
[ 0.972254] vdd-hdmi-dp: 1050 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[ 0.978240] vdd-hdmi-dp: supplied by vdd-pre-reg
[ 0.983205] max77620-gpio max77620-gpio.0: Initialising GPIO state 1: name gpio_default
[ 0.990840] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 984 to 991 on device: max77620-gpio
[ 0.998981] max77620-gpio max77620-gpio.0: max77620 gpio successfully initialized
[ 1.008347] max77620 4-003c: max77620 probe successfully
[ 1.012204] media: Linux media interface: v0.10
[ 1.016195] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[ 1.021176] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
[ 1.025704] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <giometti@linux.it>
[ 1.034828] PTP clock support registered
[ 1.039029] Tegra WDT enabled on probe. Timeout = 120 seconds.
[ 1.044713] tegra_wdt 60005100.watchdog: tegra_wdt_probe done
[ 1.051439] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized.
[ 1.056614] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
[ 1.059869] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[ 1.064284] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[ 1.070611] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[ 1.075452] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[ 1.080498] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[ 1.086460] vdd-3v3: 3300 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.090200] max77620-gpio7: 1050 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.093425] max77620-gpio7: supplied by vdd-gen-pll-edp
[ 1.098798] lcd-bl-en: 1800 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.102676] en-vdd-sd: 3300 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.106519] en-vdd-sd: supplied by vdd-3v3
[ 1.110666] reg-fixed-sync-voltage 5.regulator: Consumer c1 does not have device name
[ 1.118703] en-vdd-cam: 1800 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.129082] vdd-sys-boost: 5000 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.131815] vdd-hdmi: 5000 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.135292] vdd-hdmi: supplied by vdd-3v3
[ 1.139402] aux-3v3: 3300 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.143106] snsr_pm: 3300 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.147330] vdd-disp-3v0: 3000 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.151295] vdd-fan: 5000 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.154834] usb-vbus1: 5000 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.158692] usb-vbus1: supplied by vdd-3v3
[ 1.162927] usb-vbus3: 5000 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.166749] usb-vbus3: supplied by vdd-3v3
[ 1.171247] en-vdd-ts-1v8: 1800 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.175545] en-vdd-ts-hv-3v3: 3300 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.180279] en-vdd-disp-3v3: 3300 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.184556] en-mdm-pwr-3v7: ; Rail OFF
[ 1.188410] en-vdd-disp-1v8: 1800 mV ; Rail ON
[ 1.192384] reg-fixed-sync-voltage ce.regulator: Consumer c0 does not have device name
[ 1.200525] en-vdd-cam-hv-2v8: ; Rail OFF
[ 1.204333] rtl-5v0: ; Rail OFF
[ 1.207427] en-usb-vbus2: ; Rail OFF
[ 1.211266] en-vdd-cam-1v2: ; Rail OFF
[ 1.214592] en-vdd-cam-1v2: supplied by vdd-3v3
[ 1.219225] en-vdd-vcm-2v8: ; Rail ON
[ 1.222749] en-vdd-vcm-2v8: supplied by vdd-3v3
[ 1.227648] en-vdd-cam-1v2-alt: ; Rail OFF
[ 1.231800] regulator-pwm 0.pwm-regulator: PWM request deferred
[ 1.237186] platform 0.pwm-regulator: Driver regulator-pwm requests probe deferral
[ 1.245195] vdd_gpu: applied init 1000000uV constraint
[ 1.249834] vdd_gpu: 710 <--> 1320 mV at 1000 mV ; Rail OFF
[ 1.255820] vdd_cpu: applied init 1000000uV constraint
[ 1.260507] vdd_cpu: 708 <--> 1322 mV at 1000 mV normal ; Rail ON
[ 1.267113] gpio wake34 for gpio=200
[ 1.271311] extcon-gpio-states 1.extcon: Cable state 1
[ 1.276547] Switching to clocksource arch_sys_counter
[ 1.294535] nvmap_heap_init: nvmap_heap_init: created heap block cache
[ 1.299237] tegra-carveouts tegra-carveouts.23: iram :dma coherent mem declare 0x0000000040001000,258048
[ 1.308551] tegra-carveouts tegra-carveouts.23: assigned reserved memory node iram-carveout
[ 1.316848] nvmap_page_pool_init: Total RAM pages: 1020846
[ 1.322303] nvmap_page_pool_init: nvmap page pool size: 127605 pages (498 MB)
[ 1.329495] nvmap_background_zero_thread: PP zeroing thread starting.
[ 1.336392] misc nvmap: created heap iram base 0x0000000040001000 size (252KiB)
[ 1.343247] nvmap:inner cache maint threshold=2097152
[ 1.354662] Wake39 for irq=52
[ 1.355824] Could not add tegra-otg to power domain using device tree
[ 1.362285] tegra-otg tegra-otg: otg transceiver registered
[ 1.368060] thermal thermal_zone0: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone0 for type AO-therm
[ 1.376887] thermal thermal_zone1: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone1 for type CPU-therm
[ 1.384735] thermal thermal_zone2: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone2 for type GPU-therm
[ 1.393021] thermal thermal_zone3: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone3 for type PLL-therm
[ 1.401415] thermal thermal_zone4: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone4 for type PMIC-Die
[ 1.410427] thermal thermal_zone5: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone5 for type Tdiode_tegra
[ 1.418419] thermal thermal_zone6: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone6 for type Tboard_tegra
[ 1.427572] tegra21_plle_clk_enable: pll_e is already enabled
[ 1.432713] t210_sata_uphy_pll_init: init sata uphy pll
[ 1.437888] t210_sata_uphy_pll_init SATA uses SATA Lane
[ 1.443402] tegra_xusb_padctl_phy_enable: init pex uphy pll
[ 1.449873] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sys is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.457547] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-uart is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.466462] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-audio is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.475480] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-cam is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.484324] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-pex-ctrl is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.493591] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sdmmc1 is having voltages: 1800000:3300000
[ 1.503045] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sdmmc3 is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.512141] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sdmmc4 is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.521241] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-audio-hv is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.530512] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-debug is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.539515] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-dmic is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.548455] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-gpio is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.557379] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-spi is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.566220] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-spi-hv is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.575321] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sdmmc2 is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.584421] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-dp is having fixed voltage 1800000
[ 1.593122] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: NO_IO_POWER setting 0x0
[ 1.599973] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[ 1.604728] TCP established hash table entries: 32768 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[ 1.611491] TCP bind hash table entries: 32768 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[ 1.618077] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 32768)
[ 1.624467] TCP: reno registered
[ 1.627599] UDP hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 1.633614] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[ 1.640250] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[ 1.644603] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
[ 1.650216] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
[ 1.654907] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
[ 1.659572] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
[ 1.666304] tegra-fuse tegra-fuse: Fuse driver initialized succesfully
[ 1.672834] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[ 1.910545] Freeing initrd memory: 6740K (ffffffc003100000 - ffffffc003795000)
[ 1.919464] host1x host1x: initialized
[ 1.924992] NTFS driver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/O].
[ 1.927436] fuse init (API version 7.22)
[ 1.931324] msgmni has been set to 7988
[ 1.936038] io scheduler noop registered (default)
[ 1.939880] Tegra cpuquiet initialized: disabled
[ 1.945953] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: PCIE: Enable power rails
[ 1.951937] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: probing port 0, using 4 lanes and lane map as 0x14
[ 1.961999] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: probing port 1, using 1 lanes and lane map as 0x14
[ 1.992122] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: link 0 down, ignoring
[ 1.996568] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: link 1 down, ignoring
[ 2.003008] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: PCIE: no ports detected
[ 2.009761] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: PCIE: Disable power rails
[ 2.018150] tsec tsec: initialized
[ 2.020773] tsec tsecb: initialized
[ 2.024957] nvdec nvdec: initialized
[ 2.029396] falcon vic03: initialized
[ 2.032436] falcon msenc: initialized
[ 2.035807] falcon nvjpg: initialized
[ 2.039194] tegradc tegradc.1: Display dc.54240000 registered with id=0
[ 2.044970] of_dc_parse_platform_data: DC OR node is connected to /host1x/sor1
[ 2.052288] display board info: id 0x0, fab 0x0
[ 2.057306] display board info: id 0x0, fab 0x0
[ 2.061538] invalid panel compatible
[ 2.064696] parse_tmds_config: No tmds-config node
[ 2.069556] of_dc_parse_platform_data: could not find vrr-settings node
[ 2.076062] of_dc_parse_platform_data: nvidia,hdmi-vrr-caps not present
[ 2.082726] of_dc_parse_platform_data: could not find SD settings node
[ 2.089132] of_dc_parse_platform_data: could not find cmu node
[ 2.094950] of_dc_parse_platform_data: could not find cmu node for adobeRGB
[ 2.101904] tegradc tegradc.1: DT parsed successfully
[ 2.107905] display board info: id 0x0, fab 0x0
[ 2.112005] gpio wake53 for gpio=225
[ 2.115608] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.123275] edid invalid
[ 2.123845] tegradc tegradc.1: nominal-pclk:25200000 parent:25200000 div:1.0 pclk:25200000 24948000~27468000
[ 2.440574] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.445695] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.452016] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.458326] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.464665] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.470989] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.477306] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.483640] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.483830] edid invalid
[ 2.483833] edid invalid
[ 2.484435] tegradc tegradc.1: probed
[ 2.498743] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.505827] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.511328] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.517629] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.523953] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.530264] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.536603] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.542928] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.549243] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.555584] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.561924] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.568313] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.569062] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.569806] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.570271] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
[ 2.570556] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.571303] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.572045] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.577523] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.583762] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.590045] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.596225] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.602614] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.608941] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.615267] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.621593] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.627919] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.634246] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.640521] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.646850] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.653151] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.659428] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.665755] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.672083] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.678409] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.684735] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.691063] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.697387] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.703714] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.710041] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.716365] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.722696] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.729022] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.735349] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.741679] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.747949] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.754222] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.760549] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 2.804896] tegradc tegradc.1: fb registered
[ 2.809190] tegradc tegradc.1: vrr_setup failed
[ 2.809765] tegra_camera_platform tegra-camera-platform.45: tegra_camera_probe:camera_platform_driver probe
[ 2.823995] misc tegra_camera_ctrl: tegra_camera_isomgr_register camera's max_iso_bw 3600000
[ 2.826365] tegra-apbdma tegra-apbdma: Tegra20 APB DMA driver register 32 channels
[ 2.827594] tegra-adma tegra210-adma: Tegra210 ADMA driver register 10 channels
[ 2.827843] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
[ 2.828808] of_serial 70006000.serial: RX periodic polling enabled
[ 2.828977] 70006000.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x70006000 (irq = 68) is a Tegra
[ 2.835432] tegradc tegradc.1: nominal-pclk:85506000 parent:25200000 div:1.0 pclk:25200000 84650940~93201540
[ 2.835436] tegradc tegradc.1: pclk out of range!
[ 2.850155] tegradc tegradc.1: blank - normal
[ 3.872954] tegradc tegradc.1: unblank
[ 3.916417] tegradc tegradc.1: nominal-pclk:85800960 parent:85800521 div:1.0 pclk:85800521 84942891~93522981
[ 4.288394] tegradc tegradc.1: nominal-pclk:85506000 parent:85800521 div:1.0 pclk:85800521 84650940~93201540
[ 4.379001] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[ 4.379001] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[ 4.379008] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi: plugged
[ 4.379008] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi: plugged
[ 4.398183] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 4.398183] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[ 4.410967] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi: tegra_edid_read_block(0) returned err -121
[ 4.411709] 70006040.serial: ttyTHS1 at MMIO 0x70006040 (irq = 69) is a SERIAL_TEGRA
[ 4.411902] 70006200.serial: ttyTHS2 at MMIO 0x70006200 (irq = 78) is a SERIAL_TEGRA
[ 4.412069] serial-tegra 70006300.serial: RX in PIO mode
[ 4.412091] 70006300.serial: ttyTHS3 at MMIO 0x70006300 (irq = 122) is a SERIAL_TEGRA
[ 4.413896] (null): coherent DMA mask is unset
[ 4.413902] gk20a gpu.0: failed to allocate secure buffer -12
[ 4.418706] brd: module loaded
[ 4.421087] loop: module loaded
[ 4.421417] zram: Created 1 device(s) ...
[ 4.421476] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: find device tree node, parsing dt
[ 4.421480] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: starting parse dt
[ 4.421561] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: success parsing dt
[ 4.421666] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: success in enabling rail vdd_nct72
[ 4.514294] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi_recheck_edid: read_edid_into_buffer() returned -121
[ 4.521740] NCT72: Enabled overheat logging at 104.00C
[ 4.521833] gpio wake33 for gpio=188
[ 4.521898] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: nct1008_probe: initialized
[ 4.524341] THERMAL EST start of therm_fan_est_probe.
[ 4.524396] THERMAL EST: found 2 subdevs
[ 4.524399] THERMAL EST name: thermal-fan-est.
[ 4.524401] THERMAL EST num_resources: 0
[ 4.524408] [THERMAL EST subdev 0]
[ 4.524411] THERMAL EST subdev name: CPU-therm
[ 4.524414] THERMAL EST index 0 coeffs 50
[ 4.524415] THERMAL EST index 1 coeffs 0
[ 4.524417] THERMAL EST index 2 coeffs 0
[ 4.524418] THERMAL EST index 3 coeffs 0
[ 4.524420] THERMAL EST index 4 coeffs 0
[ 4.524421] THERMAL EST index 5 coeffs 0
[ 4.524423] THERMAL EST index 6 coeffs 0
[ 4.524424] THERMAL EST index 7 coeffs 0
[ 4.524426] THERMAL EST index 8 coeffs 0
[ 4.524427] THERMAL EST index 9 coeffs 0
[ 4.524429] [THERMAL EST subdev 1]
[ 4.524431] THERMAL EST subdev name: GPU-therm
[ 4.524434] THERMAL EST index 0 coeffs 50
[ 4.524435] THERMAL EST index 1 coeffs 0
[ 4.524437] THERMAL EST index 2 coeffs 0
[ 4.524438] THERMAL EST index 3 coeffs 0
[ 4.524440] THERMAL EST index 4 coeffs 0
[ 4.524441] THERMAL EST index 5 coeffs 0
[ 4.524443] THERMAL EST index 6 coeffs 0
[ 4.524444] THERMAL EST index 7 coeffs 0
[ 4.524446] THERMAL EST index 8 coeffs 0
[ 4.524447] THERMAL EST index 9 coeffs 0
[ 4.524452] THERMAL EST index 0: trip_temp 0, hyst 0
[ 4.524455] THERMAL EST index 1: trip_temp 51000, hyst 15000
[ 4.524457] THERMAL EST index 2: trip_temp 61000, hyst 9000
[ 4.524460] THERMAL EST index 3: trip_temp 71000, hyst 9000
[ 4.524462] THERMAL EST index 4: trip_temp 82000, hyst 10000
[ 4.524464] THERMAL EST index 5: trip_temp 140000, hyst 0
[ 4.524466] THERMAL EST index 6: trip_temp 150000, hyst 0
[ 4.524468] THERMAL EST index 7: trip_temp 160000, hyst 0
[ 4.524470] THERMAL EST index 8: trip_temp 170000, hyst 0
[ 4.524472] THERMAL EST index 9: trip_temp 180000, hyst 0
[ 4.524474] THERMAL EST index 0: trip_temps_hyst 0
[ 4.524476] THERMAL EST index 1: trip_temps_hyst 36000
[ 4.524478] THERMAL EST index 2: trip_temps_hyst 51000
[ 4.524479] THERMAL EST index 3: trip_temps_hyst 52000
[ 4.524481] THERMAL EST index 4: trip_temps_hyst 61000
[ 4.524482] THERMAL EST index 5: trip_temps_hyst 62000
[ 4.524484] THERMAL EST index 6: trip_temps_hyst 71000
[ 4.524486] THERMAL EST index 7: trip_temps_hyst 72000
[ 4.524487] THERMAL EST index 8: trip_temps_hyst 82000
[ 4.524489] THERMAL EST index 9: trip_temps_hyst 140000
[ 4.524491] THERMAL EST index 10: trip_temps_hyst 140000
[ 4.524492] THERMAL EST index 11: trip_temps_hyst 150000
[ 4.524494] THERMAL EST index 12: trip_temps_hyst 150000
[ 4.524496] THERMAL EST index 13: trip_temps_hyst 160000
[ 4.524497] THERMAL EST index 14: trip_temps_hyst 160000
[ 4.524499] THERMAL EST index 15: trip_temps_hyst 170000
[ 4.524501] THERMAL EST index 16: trip_temps_hyst 170000
[ 4.524502] THERMAL EST index 17: trip_temps_hyst 180000
[ 4.524504] THERMAL EST index 18: trip_temps_hyst 180000
[ 4.524505] THERMAL EST index 19: trip_temps_hyst 0
[ 4.524507] THERMAL EST index 20: trip_temps_hyst 0
[ 4.524511] THERMAL EST init dev[0] temp hist to 25000
[ 4.524513] THERMAL EST init dev[1] temp hist to 25000
[ 4.524515] THERMAL EST cdev_type: pwm-fan.
[ 4.524521] THERMAL EST governor name: pid_thermal_gov
[ 4.524712] thermal thermal_zone7: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone7 for type thermal-fan-est.46
[ 4.524714] THERMAL EST: thz register success.
[ 4.524801] THERMAL EST: end of probe, return err: 0
[ 4.524858] tegra_profiler: Branch: Dev
[ 4.524860] tegra_profiler: Version: 1.107
[ 4.524862] tegra_profiler: Samples version: 36
[ 4.524864] tegra_profiler: IO version: 20
[ 4.524868] armv8_pmu: imp: 0x41, idcode: 0x1
[ 4.524872] armv8_pmu: arch: AA64 PmuV3 ARM CORTEX-A57, type: 5, ver: 0
[ 4.524875] armv8_pmu: imp: 0x41, idcode: 0x1
[ 4.524877] armv8_pmu: arch: AA64 PmuV3 ARM CORTEX-A57, type: 5, ver: 0
[ 4.524880] armv8_pmu: imp: 0x41, idcode: 0x1
[ 4.524883] armv8_pmu: arch: AA64 PmuV3 ARM CORTEX-A57, type: 5, ver: 0
[ 4.524885] armv8_pmu: imp: 0x41, idcode: 0x1
[ 4.524888] armv8_pmu: arch: AA64 PmuV3 ARM CORTEX-A57, type: 5, ver: 0
[ 4.524998] tegra_profiler: auth: init
[ 4.525278] GPS: mt3332_gps_mod_init: platform_driver_register ret = 0
[ 5.037007] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi: unable to read EDID
[ 5.037596] t210_sata_uphy_pll_init: sata uphy already enabled
[ 5.038243] tegra-sata tegra-sata.0: AHCI 0001.0301 32 slots 2 ports 3 Gbps 0x1 impl TEGRA-SATA mode
[ 5.038251] tegra-sata tegra-sata.0: flags: 64bit ncq sntf pm led pmp pio slum part sadm apst
[ 5.071941] Rounding down aligned max_sectors from 4294967295 to 4294967288
[ 5.080803] spi-tegra114 7000d400.spi: /spi@7000d400/prod-settings has no reg property
[ 5.090527] spi-tegra114 7000d400.spi: Static pin configuration used
[ 5.098864] spi_master spi0: cannot find modalias for /spi@7000d400/prod-settings
[ 5.108260] spi-tegra114 7000da00.spi: /spi@7000da00/prod-settings has no reg property
[ 5.118149] spi-tegra114 7000da00.spi: Static pin configuration used
[ 5.126647] spi_master spi3: cannot find modalias for /spi@7000da00/prod-settings
[ 5.136126] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50`