TX1 fails to boot in recovery mode.

I’m having some issues to enter in USB Recovery Mode in Jetson TX1.
Tried to do this in different ways, but i did not get results.
– Tried with recovery bottom and reset.
– Tried with power bottoms and recovery bottom.
– Tried from serial console.
– Tried with other machine.
some references that i’m following are:


Any idea what I can do?

Thank you very much!

Serial console out is:

`\00\00[0000.142] [TegraBoot] (version 24.00.2015.42-mobile-ec3b827e)
[0000.147] Processing in cold boot mode Bootloader 2
[0000.152] A02 Bootrom Patch rev = 63
[0000.155] Power-up reason: reset button
[0000.159] No Battery Present
[0000.161] RamCode = 0
[0000.164] Platform has Ddr4 type ram
[0000.167] max77620 disabling SD1 Remote Sense
[0000.171] Setting Ddr voltage to 1125mv
[0000.175] Serial Number of Pmic Max77663: 0x2007a1
[0000.183] Entering ramdump check
[0000.186] Get RamDumpCarveOut = 0x0
[0000.189] RamDumpCarveOut=0x0,  RamDumperFlag=0xe59ff3f8
[0000.194] Last reboot was clean, booting normally!
[0000.199] Sdram initialization is successful 
[0000.203] SecureOs Carveout Base=0xff800000 Size=0x00800000
[0000.208] GSC1 Carveout Base=0xff700000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.213] GSC2 Carveout Base=0xff600000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.219] GSC3 Carveout Base=0xff500000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.224] GSC4 Carveout Base=0xff400000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.229] GSC5 Carveout Base=0xff300000 Size=0x00100000
[0000.234] BpmpFw Carveout Base=0xff2c0000 Size=0x00040000
[0000.239] Lp0 Carveout Base=0xff2bf000 Size=0x00001000
[0000.255] RamDump Carveout Base=0xff23f000 Size=0x00080000
[0000.260] Platform-DebugCarveout: 0
[0000.263] Nck Carveout Base=0xff03f000 Size=0x00200000
[0000.268] Non secure mode. Disable rollback prevention
[0000.273] AOTAG Init Done
[0000.311] Using GPT Primary to query partitions 
[0000.316] Loading Tboot-CPU binary
[0000.365] Verifying bootloader in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.375] Bootloader load address is 0xa0000000, entry address is 0xa0000258
[0000.382] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.386] Downloaded Tboot-CPU binary to 0xa0000258
[0000.391] MAX77620_GPIO1 Configured.
[0000.395] MAX77620_GPIO5 Configured.
[0000.398] CPU power rail is up
[0000.401] CPU clock enabled
[0000.405] Performing RAM repair
[0000.408] Updating A64 Warmreset Address to 0xa00002e9
[0000.425] Bootloader DTB Load Address: 0x83000000
[0000.441] Kernel DTB Load Address: 0x83080000
[0000.446] Loading cboot binary
[0000.540] Verifying bootloader in OdmNonSecureSBK mode
[0000.635] Bootloader load address is 0x8010fda8, entry address is 0x80110000
[0000.642] Bootloader downloaded successfully.
[0000.646] GPT: Partition NOT found ! 
[0000.649] Find Partition via GPT Failed
[0000.653] Find Partition via PT Failed
[0000.656] function NvTbootGetBinaryOffsets: 0x1 error
[0000.661] Error in NvTbootLoadBinary: 0x1 !
[0000.665] Next binary entry address: 0x80110000 
[0000.670] BoardId: 2180
[0000.696] NvTbootI2cProbe(): error code 0x00045100 Error while read
[0000.702] Display board id is not available 
[0000.706] dram memory type is 3
[0000.710] WB0 init successful
[0000.736] Bpmp FW successfully loaded
[0000.739] Set NvDecSticky Bits
[0000.743] GSC1 address : ff700000
[0000.746] GSC2 address ff63fffc value c0edbbcc
[0000.751] GSC2 address : ff600000
[0000.755] GSC3 address : ff500000
[0000.758] GSC4 address : ff400000
[0000.762] GSC5 address : ff300000
[0000.765] GSC MC Settings done
[0000.769] TOS old plaintext Image length 65536
[0000.775] *** Secure OS image signature not verified ***
[0000.780] Loading and Validation of Secure OS Successful
[0000.785] NvTbootPackSdramParams: start. 
[0000.790] NvTbootPackSdramParams: done. 
[0000.794] Tegraboot started after 120609 us
[0000.798] Basic modules init took 302717 us
[0000.802] Sec Bootdevice Read Time = 193 ms, Read Size = 8464 KB
[0000.808] Sec Bootdevice Write Time = -1940251267 ms, Write Size = 343597383 KB
[0000.815] Next stage binary read took 12213 us
[0000.819] Carveout took 252930 us
[0000.822] CPU initialization took 125106 us
[0000.826] Total time taken by TegraBoot 692966 us

[0000.831] Starting CPU & Halting co-processor 

64b[0000.939] RamCode = 0
[0000.954] LPDDR4 Training: Read DT: Number of tables = 10
[0000.959] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 40800)
[0000.964] EMC Training Skipped
[0000.967] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 68000)
[0000.972] EMC Training Skipped
[0000.975] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 102000)
[0000.980] EMC Training Skipped
[0000.983] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 204000)
[0000.988] EMC Training Skipped
[0000.991] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 408000)
[0000.997] EMC Training Successful
[0001.000] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 665600)
[0001.006] EMC Training Successful
[0001.009] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 800000)
[0001.020] EMC Training Successful
[0001.023] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1065600)
[0001.046] EMC Training Successful
[0001.049] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1331200)
[0001.071] EMC Training Successful
[0001.074] EMC Training (SRC-freq: 204000; DST-freq: 1600000)
[0001.093] EMC Training Successful
[0001.096] Switching to 800000 KHz Success
[0001.103] DT Write: emc-table@40800 succeeded
[0001.109] DT Write: emc-table@68000 succeeded
[0001.115] DT Write: emc-table@102000 succeeded
[0001.122] DT Write: emc-table@204000 succeeded
[0001.128] DT Write: emc-table@408000 succeeded
[0001.134] DT Write: emc-table@665600 succeeded
[0001.141] DT Write: emc-table@800000 succeeded
[0001.147] DT Write: emc-table@1065600 succeeded
[0001.154] DT Write: emc-table@1331200 succeeded
[0001.160] DT Write: emc-table@1600000 succeeded
[0001.164] LPDDR4 Training: Write DT: Number of tables = 10

U-Boot 2015.07-rc2-g78c8468 (Nov 09 2016 - 19:39:36 -0800)


Model: NVIDIA P2371-2180

DRAM:  4 GiB

MC:   Tegra SD/MMC: 0, Tegra SD/MMC: 1

*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

tegra-pcie: PCI regions:

tegra-pcie:   I/O: 0x0000000012000000-0x0000000012010000

tegra-pcie:   non-prefetchable memory: 0x0000000013000000-0x0000000020000000

tegra-pcie:   prefetchable memory: 0x0000000020000000-0x0000000040000000

tegra-pcie: 4x1, 1x1 configuration

tegra-pcie: probing port 0, using 4 lanes

tegra-pcie: link 0 down, retrying

tegra-pcie: link 0 down, retrying

tegra-pcie: link 0 down, retrying

tegra-pcie: link 0 down, ignoring

tegra-pcie: probing port 1, using 1 lanes

tegra-pcie: link 1 down, retrying

tegra-pcie: link 1 down, retrying

tegra-pcie: link 1 down, retrying

tegra-pcie: link 1 down, ignoring

In:    serial

Out:   serial

Err:   serial

Net:   No ethernet found.

Hit any key to stop autoboot:  2 ��� 1 ��� 0 

MMC: no card present

switch to partitions #0, OK

mmc0(part 0) is current device

Scanning mmc 0:1...

Found /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf

977 bytes read in 68 ms (13.7 KiB/s)

p2371-2180 eMMC boot options

1:  primary kernel

Enter choice: 1:  primary kernel

Retrieving file: /boot/initrd

6902654 bytes read in 549 ms (12 MiB/s)

Retrieving file: /boot/Image

20048144 bytes read in 505 ms (37.9 MiB/s)

append: fbcon=map:0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 androidboot.modem=none androidboot.serialno=P2180A00P00940c003fd androidboot.security=non-secure tegraid= ddr_die=2048M@2048M ddr_die=2048M@4096M section=256M memtype=0 usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 debug_uartport=lsport,0 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0x70006000 maxcpus=4 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 lp0_vec=0x1000@0xff2bf000 nvdumper_reserved=0xff23f000 core_edp_mv=1125 core_edp_ma=4000 gpt android.kerneltype=normal androidboot.touch_vendor_id=0 androidboot.touch_panel_id=63 androidboot.touch_feature=0 androidboot.bootreason=pmc:software_reset,pmic:0x0 net.ifnames=0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait

Retrieving file: /boot/tegra210-jetson-tx1-p2597-2180-a01-devkit.dtb

423986 bytes read in 365 ms (1.1 MiB/s)

## Flattened Device Tree blob at 82000000

   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x82000000

   reserving fdt memory region: addr=80000000 size=20000

   Using Device Tree in place at 0000000082000000, end 000000008206a831

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.10.96-tegra (buildbrain@mobile-u64-1072) (gcc version 4.8.2 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 9 19:42:57 PST 2016
[    0.000000] CPU: Cortex A57 Processor [411fd071] revision 1
[    0.000000] alternative: enabling workaround for ARM erratum 832075
[    0.000000] Machine: jetson_tx1
[    0.000000] bootconsole [earlycon0] enabled
[    0.000000] Reserved memory: initialized node iram-carveout, compatible id nvidia,iram-carveout
[    0.000000] Tegra reserved memory:
[    0.000000] LP0:                    ff2bf000 - ff2bffff
[    0.000000] Bootloader framebuffer: 00000000 - 00000000
[    0.000000] Bootloader framebuffer2: 00000000 - 00000000
[    0.000000] Framebuffer:            00000000 - 00000000
[    0.000000] 2nd Framebuffer:        00000000 - 00000000
[    0.000000] Carveout:               00000000 - 00000000
[    0.000000] Vpr:                    00000000 - 00000000
[    0.000000] Tsec:                   00000000 - 00000000
[    0.000000] Bootloader Debug Data:  00000000 - 00000000
[    0.000000] Nvdumper:               ff23f000 - ff23ffff
[    0.000000] cma: CMA: reserved 16 MiB at fdc00000
[    0.000000] psci: probing for conduit method from DT.
[    0.000000] psci: PSCIv0.2 detected in firmware.
[    0.000000] psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs
[    0.000000] DTS File Name: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/kernel/arch/arm64/boot/dts/tegra210-jetson-tx1-p2597-2180-a01-devkit.dts
[    0.000000] DTB Build time: Nov  9 2016 19:40:03
[    0.000000] Tegra21: Speedo/IDDQ fuse revision 4
[    0.000000] Tegra21: CPU Speedo ID 7, Soc Speedo ID 0, Gpu Speedo ID 2
[    0.000000] Tegra21: CPU Process ID 0, Soc Process ID 0, Gpu Process ID 0
[    0.000000] Tegra21: CPU Speedo value 2001, Soc Speedo value 1906, Gpu Speedo value 2011
[    0.000000] Tegra21: CPU IDDQ 1592, Soc IDDQ 1844, Gpu IDDQ 2205
[    0.000000] Tegra Revision: A02 SKU: 0x17 CPU Process: 0 Core Process: 0 Bootrom patch v0x3f
[    0.000000] tegra: PLLP fixed rate: 408000000
[    0.000000] pll_u: boot with h/w control already set
[    0.000000] pll_x boot misc1 0x0 : expected 0x20
[    0.000000]  (comparison mask = 0xffffff)
[    0.000000] pll_c4 rates match 204000000 max sdmmc: vco=998400000 out0=998400000 out3=998400000
[    0.000000] Lowering vic03 maximum rate from 1000000000 to 627200000
[    0.000000] Lowering nvjpg maximum rate from 1000000000 to 627200000
[    0.000000] Lowering se maximum rate from 1000000000 to 627200000
[    0.000000] Lowering tsecb maximum rate from 1000000000 to 627200000
[    0.000000] Lowering msenc maximum rate from 1000000000 to 716800000
[    0.000000] Lowering nvdec maximum rate from 1000000000 to 716800000
[    0.000000] Lowering vi maximum rate from 1000000000 to 793600000
[    0.000000] Lowering isp maximum rate from 1000000000 to 793600000
[    0.000000] Lowering adsp_bus maximum rate from 1200000000 to 844800000
[    0.000000] Lowering sbus maximum rate from 600000000 to 408000000
[    0.000000] Lowering host1x maximum rate from 600000000 to 408000000
[    0.000000] Lowering pll_c maximum rate from 1200000000 to 1130000000
[    0.000000] Lowering pll_c2 maximum rate from 1200000000 to 1130000000
[    0.000000] Lowering pll_c3 maximum rate from 1200000000 to 1130000000
[    0.000000] Lowering pll_d2 maximum rate from 1500000000 to 1130000000
[    0.000000] Lowering pll_dp maximum rate from 1500000000 to 1130000000
[    0.000000] Lowering sor0 maximum rate from 600000000 to 540000000
[    0.000000] Lowering sor1 maximum rate from 600000000 to 594000000
[    0.000000] Lowering dmic1 maximum rate from 12288000 to 12190000
[    0.000000] Lowering dmic2 maximum rate from 12288000 to 12190000
[    0.000000] Lowering dmic3 maximum rate from 12288000 to 12190000
[    0.000000] Lowering hda maximum rate from 102000000 to 51000000
[    0.000000] Lowering sdmmc2 maximum rate from 266000000 to 204000000
[    0.000000] Lowering qspi maximum rate from 163200000 to 116600000
[    0.000000] Lowering gbus maximum rate from 1300000000 to 998400000
[    0.000000] Lowering cpu_g maximum rate from 3000000000 to 1734000000
[    0.000000] Lowering cpu_lp maximum rate from 1350000000 to 1132800000
[    0.000000] tegra dvfs: vdd_cpu: nominal 1226mV, offset 708000uV, step 19200uV, scaling enabled
[    0.000000] tegra dvfs: vdd_core: nominal 1125mV, offset 0uV, step 12500uV, scaling enabled
[    0.000000] tegra dvfs: vdd_gpu: nominal 1120mV, offset 710000uV, step 10000uV, scaling enabled
[    0.000000] Tegra reset control registration success
[    0.000000] tegra_powergate_init: DONE
[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 13 pages/cpu @ffffffc01fecf000 s20800 r8192 d24256 u53248
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 1029632
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: fbcon=map:0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 androidboot.modem=none androidboot.serialno=P2180A00P00940c003fd androidboot.security=non-secure tegraid= ddr_die=2048M@2048M ddr_die=2048M@4096M section=256M memtype=0 usb_port_owner_info=0 lane_owner_info=0 emc_max_dvfs=0 touch_id=0@63 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 debug_uartport=lsport,0 earlyprintk=uart8250-32bit,0x70006000 maxcpus=4 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 lp0_vec=0x1000@0xff2bf000 nvdumper_reserved=0xff23f000 core_edp_mv=1125 core_edp_ma=4000 gpt android.kerneltype=normal androidboot.touch_vendor_id=0 androidboot.touch_panel_id=63 androidboot.touch_feature=0 androidboot.bootreason=pmc:software_reset,pmic:0x0 net.ifnames=0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw rootwait
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 524288 (order: 10, 4194304 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
[    0.000000] Memory: 2030MB 2048MB = 4078MB total
[    0.000000] Memory: 4067000k/4067000k available, 108872k reserved
[    0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
[    0.000000]     vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbbffff0000   (245759 MB)
[    0.000000]     vmemmap : 0xffffffbc01c00000 - 0xffffffbc05400000   (    56 MB)
[    0.000000]     modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (    64 MB)
[    0.000000]     memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc100000000   (  4096 MB)
[    0.000000]       .init : 0xffffffc00114f000 - 0xffffffc0011ba140   (   429 kB)
[    0.000000]       .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc00114e3a4   ( 17209 kB)
[    0.000000]       .data : 0xffffffc0011ce000 - 0xffffffc00139e7f0   (  1858 kB)
[    0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000]  RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=8 to nr_cpu_ids=4.
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:704 nr_irqs:704 0
[    0.000000] the number of interrupt controllers found is 6
[    0.000000] Architected local timer running at 19.20MHz (phys).
[    0.000000] sched_clock: 56 bits at 19MHz, resolution 52ns, wraps every 3579139424256ns
[    0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[    0.000000] console [tty0] enabled
[    0.000000] allocated 16777216 bytes of page_cgroup
[    0.000000] please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
[    0.023765] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. lpj=192000
[    0.032573] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.037264] Security Framework initialized
[    0.041296] Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
[    0.099921] Initializing cgroup subsys debug
[    0.102225] Initializing cgroup subsys memory
[    0.106563] Initializing cgroup subsys devices
[    0.110963] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
[    0.115371] Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls
[    0.119790] Initializing cgroup subsys blkio
[    0.124044] Initializing cgroup subsys perf_event
[    0.128912] hw perfevents: enabled with arm/armv8-pmuv3 PMU driver, 7 counters available
[    0.170270] ftrace: Allocated trace_printk buffers
[    0.230804] Brought up 4 CPUs
[    0.231782] SMP: Total of 4 processors activated.
[    0.236473] alternatives: patching kernel code
[    0.243431] devtmpfs: initialized
[    0.253694] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[    0.257149] regulator-dummy: ; Rail ON
[    0.260994] Initializing plugin-manager
[    0.264837] node /plugin-manager/fragment-e3326@0 match with board 3326-*
[    0.272443] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.277561] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
[    0.283151] console [pstore-1] enabled
[    0.286310] ramoops: attached 0x200000@0xff03f000, ecc: 0/0
[    0.292128] I2C first dynamic bus number based on alias = 7
[    0.297436] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[    0.301484] cpuidle: using governor menu
[    0.306085] PMC: Setting PMIC interrupt active-low
[    0.310829] tegra-pmc device create success
[    0.314348] padctrl padctrl.0: Pad control driver tegra-pmc-padctrl registered
[    0.321505] Clear bootloader IO dpd settings
[    0.325740] PMC: configuring io pad defaults
[    0.330166] PMC: IO pad audio voltage is 1800000
[    0.334679] PMC: IO pad cam voltage is 1800000
[    0.339098] PMC: IO pad dbg voltage is 1800000
[    0.343526] PMC: IO pad dmic voltage is 1800000
[    0.348025] PMC: IO pad pex-ctrl voltage is 1800000
[    0.352886] PMC: IO pad spi voltage is 1800000
[    0.357298] PMC: IO pad uart voltage is 1800000
[    0.361813] PMC: IO pad bb voltage is 1800000
[    0.366138] PMC: IO pad audio-hv voltage is 1800000
[    0.371000] PMC: IO pad spi-hv voltage is 1800000
[    0.375672] PMC: IO pad gpio voltage is 1800000
[    0.380178] PMC: IO pad sdmmc3 voltage is 1800000
[    0.384766] PMC: IO pad pex-bias power is disable
[    0.389444] PMC: IO pad pex-clk1 power is disable
[    0.394133] PMC: IO pad pex-clk2 power is disable
[    0.398796] T210 pmc padctrl driver initialized
[    0.403344] T210 pmc config for bootrom command passed
[    0.409316] INFO: pinmux CLAMP_INPUTS_WHEN_TRISTATED: disabled
[    0.415980] clk_init_from_dt_table: clocks are set from t210-clk-init-table:clkinit-0
[    0.424095] platform tegra-carveouts.23: SMMU isn't ready yet
[    0.428340] platform tegra-carveouts.23: domain=ffffffc0fe239e58 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e80a8
[    0.436736] tegra_smmu 70019000.iommu: Loaded Tegra IOMMU driver
[    0.443287] bpmp: connect returned 0
[    0.446658] mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff8000038000 -> 0x70019000
[    0.452357] mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800005e000 -> 0x7001c000
[    0.458406] mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff8000096000 -> 0x7001d000
[    0.465315] Wake16 for irq=34
[    0.472665] tegra210-pinctrl 700008d4.pinmux: lookup the user state drive not found
[    0.478329] tegra210-pinctrl 700008d4.pinmux: lookup the user state unused not found
[    0.486050] tegra210-pinctrl 700008d4.pinmux: Probed Tegra pinctrl driver
[    0.493161] GPIO chip tegra-gpio: created GPIO range 0->245 ==> 700008d4.pinmux PIN 0->245
[    0.501087] tegra-gpio 6000d000.gpio: Initialising GPIO state 0: name wlan-default
[    0.508588] tegra-gpio 6000d000.gpio: Initialising GPIO state 1: name camera_control
[    0.516322] tegra-gpio 6000d000.gpio: Initialising GPIO state 2: name camera-control
[    0.524063] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 0 to 255 on device: tegra-gpio
[    0.533513] Wake44 for irq=81
[    0.534509] Wake40 for irq=53
[    0.537431] Wake41 for irq=53
[    0.540377] Wake42 for irq=53
[    0.543324] Wake43 for irq=53
[    0.546635] platform 70006000.serial: domain=ffffffc0fe20b158 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e8110
[    0.555535] platform sound.27: domain=ffffffc0fe26ddd8 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e8178
[    0.564298] platform tegradc.1: domain=ffffffc0fe26d9d8 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e81e0
[    0.572395] platform gpu.0: domain=ffffffc0fe26d758 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e8248
[    0.578643] platform gpu.0: domain=ffffffc0fe26d758 allocates as[1]=ffffffc0fe1e82b0
[    0.586365] platform gpu.0: domain=ffffffc0fe26d758 allocates as[2]=ffffffc0fe1e8318
[    0.594070] platform gpu.0: domain=ffffffc0fe26d758 allocates as[3]=ffffffc0fe1e8380
[    0.603164] platform 1003000.pcie-controller: domain=ffffffc0fe26d558 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e83e8
[    0.612358] platform sdhci-tegra.3: domain=ffffffc0fe26d0d8 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e8450
[    0.619739] platform sdhci-tegra.0: domain=ffffffc0fe2d9dd8 allocates as[0]=ffffffc0fe1e84b8
[    0.628035] Wake39 for irq=52
[    0.636567] gpio wake52 for gpio=61
[    0.638266] gpio wake8 for gpio=58
[    0.641490] gpio wake8 for gpio=58
[    0.645666] irq: no irq domain found for /soctherm@0x700E2000 !
[    0.650857] irq: no irq domain found for /soctherm@0x700E2000 !
[    0.656754] board_info: id:sku:fab:major:minor = 0x0884:0x03e8:0x00:0x00:0x00
[    0.663745] PMC dt information non-NULL tegra_init_suspend
[    0.674153] Loading EMC tables...
[    0.675559] tegra: Using EMC sequence '21021' for Rev. 7 tables
[    0.681393] tegra: emc: Derated table is valid.
[    0.685885] Lowering emc maximum rate from 1800000000 to 1600000000
[    0.692135] tegra: validated EMC DFS table
[    0.701944] swapper/0 isomgr_init(): iso emc max clk=1600000KHz
[    0.705873] swapper/0 isomgr_init(): max_iso_bw=11520000KB
[    0.711524] vdso: 2 pages (1 code, 1 data) at base ffffffc0011d6000
[    0.717586] vdso32: 2 pages (1 code, 1 data) at base ffffffc0011d5000
[    0.724020] hw-breakpoint: found 6 breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
[    0.730922] nvdumper: last reboot was unknown
[    0.735082] nvdumper: set_dirty_state 0x2badface
[    0.740003] Tegra restart notifier registered.
[    0.751285] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[    0.754585] vdd-ac-bat: 5000 mV ; Rail ON
[    0.757434] vdd-cpu-fixed: 1000 mV ; Rail ON
[    0.761997] vgaarb: loaded
[    0.764506] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    0.768104] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[    0.773450] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[    0.778769] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[    0.784323] gpio wake33 for gpio=188
[    0.788576] regulator_get() failed for (1-0074,vcc), -19
[    0.792586] pca953x 1-0074: no regulator found for vcc. Assuming vcc is always powered
[    0.801147] gpio wake21 for gpio=89
[    0.804025] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 1008 to 1023 on device: tca9539
[    0.811016] regulator_get() failed for (1-0077,vcc), -19
[    0.816052] pca953x 1-0077: no regulator found for vcc. Assuming vcc is always powered
[    0.824614] gpio wake36 for gpio=202
[    0.827576] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 992 to 1007 on device: tca9539
[    0.834663] i2c i2c-3: of_i2c: modalias failure on /i2c@7000c700/prod-settings
[    0.842257] max77620 4-003c: CID0: 0xa1
[    0.845340] max77620 4-003c: CID1: 0x07
[    0.849149] max77620 4-003c: CID2: 0x20
[    0.852978] max77620 4-003c: CID3: 0x59
[    0.856776] max77620 4-003c: CID4: 0x35
[    0.860602] max77620 4-003c: CID5: 0x80
[    0.864403] max77620 4-003c: MAX77620 PMIC OTP Version is 0x35
[    0.871544] max77620-pmic max77620-pmic: Consumer c2 does not have device name
[    0.878293] vdd_core: 600 <--> 1400 mV at 1000 mV with ramp delay 27500 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.886087] vddio-ddr: at 1125 mV with ramp delay 27500 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.892402] vdd-pre-reg: 1350 mV with ramp delay 27500 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.899372] vdd-1v8: 1800 mV with ramp delay 27500 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.905229] avdd-sys: 1200 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.910935] avdd-sys: supplied by vdd-pre-reg
[    0.915772] vdd-pex: 1050 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.921493] vdd-pex: supplied by vdd-pre-reg
[    0.926042] vddio-sdmmc1: 1800 <--> 3300 mV at 3300 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.934616] vdd-cam-hv: 2800 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail OFF
[    0.941318] vdd-rtc: 850 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.947343] avdd-ts-hv: 3300 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail OFF
[    0.954617] vdd-ts: 1800 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail OFF
[    0.960422] vdd-gen-pll-edp: 1050 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.966720] vdd-gen-pll-edp: supplied by vdd-pre-reg
[    0.972254] vdd-hdmi-dp: 1050 mV with ramp delay 100000 uV/us ; Rail ON
[    0.978240] vdd-hdmi-dp: supplied by vdd-pre-reg
[    0.983205] max77620-gpio max77620-gpio.0: Initialising GPIO state 1: name gpio_default
[    0.990840] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 984 to 991 on device: max77620-gpio
[    0.998981] max77620-gpio max77620-gpio.0: max77620 gpio successfully initialized
[    1.008347] max77620 4-003c: max77620 probe successfully
[    1.012204] media: Linux media interface: v0.10
[    1.016195] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[    1.021176] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
[    1.025704] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <giometti@linux.it>
[    1.034828] PTP clock support registered
[    1.039029] Tegra WDT enabled on probe. Timeout = 120 seconds.
[    1.044713] tegra_wdt 60005100.watchdog: tegra_wdt_probe done
[    1.051439] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized.
[    1.056614] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
[    1.059869] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[    1.064284] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[    1.070611] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[    1.075452] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[    1.080498] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[    1.086460] vdd-3v3: 3300 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.090200] max77620-gpio7: 1050 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.093425] max77620-gpio7: supplied by vdd-gen-pll-edp
[    1.098798] lcd-bl-en: 1800 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.102676] en-vdd-sd: 3300 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.106519] en-vdd-sd: supplied by vdd-3v3
[    1.110666] reg-fixed-sync-voltage 5.regulator: Consumer c1 does not have device name
[    1.118703] en-vdd-cam: 1800 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.129082] vdd-sys-boost: 5000 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.131815] vdd-hdmi: 5000 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.135292] vdd-hdmi: supplied by vdd-3v3
[    1.139402] aux-3v3: 3300 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.143106] snsr_pm: 3300 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.147330] vdd-disp-3v0: 3000 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.151295] vdd-fan: 5000 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.154834] usb-vbus1: 5000 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.158692] usb-vbus1: supplied by vdd-3v3
[    1.162927] usb-vbus3: 5000 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.166749] usb-vbus3: supplied by vdd-3v3
[    1.171247] en-vdd-ts-1v8: 1800 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.175545] en-vdd-ts-hv-3v3: 3300 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.180279] en-vdd-disp-3v3: 3300 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.184556] en-mdm-pwr-3v7: ; Rail OFF
[    1.188410] en-vdd-disp-1v8: 1800 mV ; Rail ON
[    1.192384] reg-fixed-sync-voltage ce.regulator: Consumer c0 does not have device name
[    1.200525] en-vdd-cam-hv-2v8: ; Rail OFF
[    1.204333] rtl-5v0: ; Rail OFF
[    1.207427] en-usb-vbus2: ; Rail OFF
[    1.211266] en-vdd-cam-1v2: ; Rail OFF
[    1.214592] en-vdd-cam-1v2: supplied by vdd-3v3
[    1.219225] en-vdd-vcm-2v8: ; Rail ON
[    1.222749] en-vdd-vcm-2v8: supplied by vdd-3v3
[    1.227648] en-vdd-cam-1v2-alt: ; Rail OFF
[    1.231800] regulator-pwm 0.pwm-regulator: PWM request deferred
[    1.237186] platform 0.pwm-regulator: Driver regulator-pwm requests probe deferral
[    1.245195] vdd_gpu: applied init 1000000uV constraint
[    1.249834] vdd_gpu: 710 <--> 1320 mV at 1000 mV ; Rail OFF
[    1.255820] vdd_cpu: applied init 1000000uV constraint
[    1.260507] vdd_cpu: 708 <--> 1322 mV at 1000 mV normal ; Rail ON
[    1.267113] gpio wake34 for gpio=200
[    1.271311] extcon-gpio-states 1.extcon: Cable state 1
[    1.276547] Switching to clocksource arch_sys_counter
[    1.294535] nvmap_heap_init: nvmap_heap_init: created heap block cache
[    1.299237] tegra-carveouts tegra-carveouts.23: iram :dma coherent mem declare 0x0000000040001000,258048
[    1.308551] tegra-carveouts tegra-carveouts.23: assigned reserved memory node iram-carveout
[    1.316848] nvmap_page_pool_init: Total RAM pages: 1020846
[    1.322303] nvmap_page_pool_init: nvmap page pool size: 127605 pages (498 MB)
[    1.329495] nvmap_background_zero_thread: PP zeroing thread starting.
[    1.336392] misc nvmap: created heap iram base 0x0000000040001000 size (252KiB)
[    1.343247] nvmap:inner cache maint threshold=2097152
[    1.354662] Wake39 for irq=52
[    1.355824] Could not add tegra-otg to power domain using device tree
[    1.362285] tegra-otg tegra-otg: otg transceiver registered
[    1.368060] thermal thermal_zone0: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone0 for type AO-therm
[    1.376887] thermal thermal_zone1: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone1 for type CPU-therm
[    1.384735] thermal thermal_zone2: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone2 for type GPU-therm
[    1.393021] thermal thermal_zone3: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone3 for type PLL-therm
[    1.401415] thermal thermal_zone4: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone4 for type PMIC-Die
[    1.410427] thermal thermal_zone5: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone5 for type Tdiode_tegra
[    1.418419] thermal thermal_zone6: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone6 for type Tboard_tegra
[    1.427572] tegra21_plle_clk_enable: pll_e is already enabled
[    1.432713] t210_sata_uphy_pll_init: init sata uphy pll
[    1.437888] t210_sata_uphy_pll_init SATA uses SATA Lane
[    1.443402] tegra_xusb_padctl_phy_enable: init pex uphy pll
[    1.449873] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sys is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.457547] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-uart is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.466462] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-audio is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.475480] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-cam is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.484324] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-pex-ctrl is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.493591] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sdmmc1 is having voltages: 1800000:3300000
[    1.503045] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sdmmc3 is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.512141] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sdmmc4 is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.521241] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-audio-hv is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.530512] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-debug is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.539515] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-dmic is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.548455] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-gpio is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.557379] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-spi is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.566220] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-spi-hv is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.575321] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-sdmmc2 is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.584421] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: Rail iopower-dp is having fixed voltage 1800000
[    1.593122] tegra210-pmc-iopower pmc-iopower.29: NO_IO_POWER setting 0x0
[    1.599973] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    1.604728] TCP established hash table entries: 32768 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    1.611491] TCP bind hash table entries: 32768 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    1.618077] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 32768)
[    1.624467] TCP: reno registered
[    1.627599] UDP hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[    1.633614] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[    1.640250] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    1.644603] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
[    1.650216] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
[    1.654907] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
[    1.659572] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
[    1.666304] tegra-fuse tegra-fuse: Fuse driver initialized succesfully
[    1.672834] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
[    1.910545] Freeing initrd memory: 6740K (ffffffc003100000 - ffffffc003795000)
[    1.919464] host1x host1x: initialized
[    1.924992] NTFS driver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/O].
[    1.927436] fuse init (API version 7.22)
[    1.931324] msgmni has been set to 7988
[    1.936038] io scheduler noop registered (default)
[    1.939880] Tegra cpuquiet initialized: disabled
[    1.945953] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: PCIE: Enable power rails
[    1.951937] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: probing port 0, using 4 lanes and lane map as 0x14
[    1.961999] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: probing port 1, using 1 lanes and lane map as 0x14
[    1.992122] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: link 0 down, ignoring
[    1.996568] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: link 1 down, ignoring
[    2.003008] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: PCIE: no ports detected
[    2.009761] tegra-pcie 1003000.pcie-controller: PCIE: Disable power rails
[    2.018150] tsec tsec: initialized
[    2.020773] tsec tsecb: initialized
[    2.024957] nvdec nvdec: initialized
[    2.029396] falcon vic03: initialized
[    2.032436] falcon msenc: initialized
[    2.035807] falcon nvjpg: initialized
[    2.039194] tegradc tegradc.1: Display dc.54240000 registered with id=0
[    2.044970] of_dc_parse_platform_data: DC OR node is connected to /host1x/sor1
[    2.052288] display board info: id 0x0, fab 0x0
[    2.057306] display board info: id 0x0, fab 0x0
[    2.061538] invalid panel compatible
[    2.064696] parse_tmds_config: No tmds-config node
[    2.069556] of_dc_parse_platform_data: could not find vrr-settings node
[    2.076062] of_dc_parse_platform_data: nvidia,hdmi-vrr-caps not present
[    2.082726] of_dc_parse_platform_data: could not find SD settings node
[    2.089132] of_dc_parse_platform_data: could not find cmu node
[    2.094950] of_dc_parse_platform_data: could not find cmu node for adobeRGB
[    2.101904] tegradc tegradc.1: DT parsed successfully
[    2.107905] display board info: id 0x0, fab 0x0
[    2.112005] gpio wake53 for gpio=225
[    2.115608] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.123275] edid invalid
[    2.123845] tegradc tegradc.1: nominal-pclk:25200000 parent:25200000 div:1.0 pclk:25200000 24948000~27468000
[    2.440574] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.445695] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.452016] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.458326] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.464665] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.470989] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.477306] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.483640] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.483830] edid invalid
[    2.483833] edid invalid
[    2.484435] tegradc tegradc.1: probed
[    2.498743] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.505827] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.511328] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.517629] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.523953] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.530264] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.536603] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.542928] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.549243] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.555584] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.561924] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.568313] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.569062] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.569806] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.570271] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
[    2.570556] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.571303] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.572045] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.577523] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.583762] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.590045] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.596225] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.602614] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.608941] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.615267] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.621593] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.627919] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.634246] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.640521] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.646850] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.653151] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.659428] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.665755] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.672083] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.678409] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.684735] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.691063] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.697387] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.703714] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.710041] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.716365] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.722696] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.729022] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.735349] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.741679] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.747949] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.754222] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.760549] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    2.804896] tegradc tegradc.1: fb registered
[    2.809190] tegradc tegradc.1: vrr_setup failed
[    2.809765] tegra_camera_platform tegra-camera-platform.45: tegra_camera_probe:camera_platform_driver probe
[    2.823995] misc tegra_camera_ctrl: tegra_camera_isomgr_register camera's max_iso_bw 3600000
[    2.826365] tegra-apbdma tegra-apbdma: Tegra20 APB DMA driver register 32 channels
[    2.827594] tegra-adma tegra210-adma: Tegra210 ADMA driver register 10 channels
[    2.827843] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
[    2.828808] of_serial 70006000.serial: RX periodic polling enabled
[    2.828977] 70006000.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x70006000 (irq = 68) is a Tegra
[    2.835432] tegradc tegradc.1: nominal-pclk:85506000 parent:25200000 div:1.0 pclk:25200000 84650940~93201540
[    2.835436] tegradc tegradc.1: pclk out of range!
[    2.850155] tegradc tegradc.1: blank - normal
[    3.872954] tegradc tegradc.1: unblank
[    3.916417] tegradc tegradc.1: nominal-pclk:85800960 parent:85800521 div:1.0 pclk:85800521 84942891~93522981
[    4.288394] tegradc tegradc.1: nominal-pclk:85506000 parent:85800521 div:1.0 pclk:85800521 84650940~93201540
[    4.379001] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[    4.379001] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[    4.379008] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi: plugged
[    4.379008] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi: plugged
[    4.398183] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    4.398183] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50
[    4.410967] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi: tegra_edid_read_block(0) returned err -121
[    4.411709] 70006040.serial: ttyTHS1 at MMIO 0x70006040 (irq = 69) is a SERIAL_TEGRA
[    4.411902] 70006200.serial: ttyTHS2 at MMIO 0x70006200 (irq = 78) is a SERIAL_TEGRA
[    4.412069] serial-tegra 70006300.serial: RX in PIO mode
[    4.412091] 70006300.serial: ttyTHS3 at MMIO 0x70006300 (irq = 122) is a SERIAL_TEGRA
[    4.413896]  (null): coherent DMA mask is unset
[    4.413902] gk20a gpu.0: failed to allocate secure buffer -12
[    4.418706] brd: module loaded
[    4.421087] loop: module loaded
[    4.421417] zram: Created 1 device(s) ...
[    4.421476] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: find device tree node, parsing dt
[    4.421480] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: starting parse dt
[    4.421561] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: success parsing dt
[    4.421666] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: success in enabling rail vdd_nct72
[    4.514294] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi_recheck_edid: read_edid_into_buffer() returned -121
[    4.521740] NCT72: Enabled overheat logging at 104.00C
[    4.521833] gpio wake33 for gpio=188
[    4.521898] nct1008_nct72 0-004c: nct1008_probe: initialized
[    4.524341] THERMAL EST start of therm_fan_est_probe.
[    4.524396] THERMAL EST: found 2 subdevs
[    4.524399] THERMAL EST name: thermal-fan-est.
[    4.524401] THERMAL EST num_resources: 0
[    4.524408] [THERMAL EST subdev 0]
[    4.524411] THERMAL EST subdev name: CPU-therm
[    4.524414] THERMAL EST index 0 coeffs 50
[    4.524415] THERMAL EST index 1 coeffs 0
[    4.524417] THERMAL EST index 2 coeffs 0
[    4.524418] THERMAL EST index 3 coeffs 0
[    4.524420] THERMAL EST index 4 coeffs 0
[    4.524421] THERMAL EST index 5 coeffs 0
[    4.524423] THERMAL EST index 6 coeffs 0
[    4.524424] THERMAL EST index 7 coeffs 0
[    4.524426] THERMAL EST index 8 coeffs 0
[    4.524427] THERMAL EST index 9 coeffs 0
[    4.524429] [THERMAL EST subdev 1]
[    4.524431] THERMAL EST subdev name: GPU-therm
[    4.524434] THERMAL EST index 0 coeffs 50
[    4.524435] THERMAL EST index 1 coeffs 0
[    4.524437] THERMAL EST index 2 coeffs 0
[    4.524438] THERMAL EST index 3 coeffs 0
[    4.524440] THERMAL EST index 4 coeffs 0
[    4.524441] THERMAL EST index 5 coeffs 0
[    4.524443] THERMAL EST index 6 coeffs 0
[    4.524444] THERMAL EST index 7 coeffs 0
[    4.524446] THERMAL EST index 8 coeffs 0
[    4.524447] THERMAL EST index 9 coeffs 0
[    4.524452] THERMAL EST index 0: trip_temp 0, hyst 0
[    4.524455] THERMAL EST index 1: trip_temp 51000, hyst 15000
[    4.524457] THERMAL EST index 2: trip_temp 61000, hyst 9000
[    4.524460] THERMAL EST index 3: trip_temp 71000, hyst 9000
[    4.524462] THERMAL EST index 4: trip_temp 82000, hyst 10000
[    4.524464] THERMAL EST index 5: trip_temp 140000, hyst 0
[    4.524466] THERMAL EST index 6: trip_temp 150000, hyst 0
[    4.524468] THERMAL EST index 7: trip_temp 160000, hyst 0
[    4.524470] THERMAL EST index 8: trip_temp 170000, hyst 0
[    4.524472] THERMAL EST index 9: trip_temp 180000, hyst 0
[    4.524474] THERMAL EST index 0: trip_temps_hyst 0
[    4.524476] THERMAL EST index 1: trip_temps_hyst 36000
[    4.524478] THERMAL EST index 2: trip_temps_hyst 51000
[    4.524479] THERMAL EST index 3: trip_temps_hyst 52000
[    4.524481] THERMAL EST index 4: trip_temps_hyst 61000
[    4.524482] THERMAL EST index 5: trip_temps_hyst 62000
[    4.524484] THERMAL EST index 6: trip_temps_hyst 71000
[    4.524486] THERMAL EST index 7: trip_temps_hyst 72000
[    4.524487] THERMAL EST index 8: trip_temps_hyst 82000
[    4.524489] THERMAL EST index 9: trip_temps_hyst 140000
[    4.524491] THERMAL EST index 10: trip_temps_hyst 140000
[    4.524492] THERMAL EST index 11: trip_temps_hyst 150000
[    4.524494] THERMAL EST index 12: trip_temps_hyst 150000
[    4.524496] THERMAL EST index 13: trip_temps_hyst 160000
[    4.524497] THERMAL EST index 14: trip_temps_hyst 160000
[    4.524499] THERMAL EST index 15: trip_temps_hyst 170000
[    4.524501] THERMAL EST index 16: trip_temps_hyst 170000
[    4.524502] THERMAL EST index 17: trip_temps_hyst 180000
[    4.524504] THERMAL EST index 18: trip_temps_hyst 180000
[    4.524505] THERMAL EST index 19: trip_temps_hyst 0
[    4.524507] THERMAL EST index 20: trip_temps_hyst 0
[    4.524511] THERMAL EST init dev[0] temp hist to 25000
[    4.524513] THERMAL EST init dev[1] temp hist to 25000
[    4.524515] THERMAL EST cdev_type: pwm-fan.
[    4.524521] THERMAL EST governor name: pid_thermal_gov
[    4.524712] thermal thermal_zone7: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone7 for type thermal-fan-est.46
[    4.524714] THERMAL EST: thz register success.
[    4.524801] THERMAL EST: end of probe, return err: 0
[    4.524858] tegra_profiler: Branch: Dev
[    4.524860] tegra_profiler: Version: 1.107
[    4.524862] tegra_profiler: Samples version: 36
[    4.524864] tegra_profiler: IO version: 20
[    4.524868] armv8_pmu: imp: 0x41, idcode: 0x1
[    4.524872] armv8_pmu: arch: AA64 PmuV3 ARM CORTEX-A57, type: 5, ver: 0
[    4.524875] armv8_pmu: imp: 0x41, idcode: 0x1
[    4.524877] armv8_pmu: arch: AA64 PmuV3 ARM CORTEX-A57, type: 5, ver: 0
[    4.524880] armv8_pmu: imp: 0x41, idcode: 0x1
[    4.524883] armv8_pmu: arch: AA64 PmuV3 ARM CORTEX-A57, type: 5, ver: 0
[    4.524885] armv8_pmu: imp: 0x41, idcode: 0x1
[    4.524888] armv8_pmu: arch: AA64 PmuV3 ARM CORTEX-A57, type: 5, ver: 0
[    4.524998] tegra_profiler: auth: init
[    4.525278] GPS: mt3332_gps_mod_init: platform_driver_register ret = 0
[    5.037007] tegradc tegradc.1: hdmi: unable to read EDID
[    5.037596] t210_sata_uphy_pll_init: sata uphy already enabled
[    5.038243] tegra-sata tegra-sata.0: AHCI 0001.0301 32 slots 2 ports 3 Gbps 0x1 impl TEGRA-SATA mode
[    5.038251] tegra-sata tegra-sata.0: flags: 64bit ncq sntf pm led pmp pio slum part sadm apst 
[    5.071941] Rounding down aligned max_sectors from 4294967295 to 4294967288
[    5.080803] spi-tegra114 7000d400.spi: /spi@7000d400/prod-settings has no reg property
[    5.090527] spi-tegra114 7000d400.spi: Static pin configuration used
[    5.098864] spi_master spi0: cannot find modalias for /spi@7000d400/prod-settings
[    5.108260] spi-tegra114 7000da00.spi: /spi@7000da00/prod-settings has no reg property
[    5.118149] spi-tegra114 7000da00.spi: Static pin configuration used
[    5.126647] spi_master spi3: cannot find modalias for /spi@7000da00/prod-settings
[    5.136126] tegra-i2c 7000c700.i2c: no acknowledge from address 0x50`

Are you saying you can’t get the Jetson into recovery mode? To detect recovery mode you’d need to use the micro-B USB connector and see a response from this on the host PC:

lsusb -d 0955:7721

If you are saying recovery mode is not resetting anything, then this is how it is intended to behave (recovery mode does not do anything other than make the Jetson appear as a custom device the driver package understands).

Hi thank you for your answer!

Yes, I can’t start in recovery mode. I’m trying to flash jetson TX1 with JetPack 3.0, and in the moment to start to flash I can’t enter in recovery mode. I tried a lot of thing but I can’t fix this.

I put lsusb -d 0955:7721 but I can’t see anything. and I put lsusb and I can’t see “Nvidia Corp” device.

Sorry for my bad explanation, i can’t start in recovery mode to flash the Jetson TX1 with jetpack 3.0.

Something else to add, when I put dmesg I can see this:

[14801.610522] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 90 using xhci_hcd
[14801.778632] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[14801.934492] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 91 using xhci_hcd
[14802.090516] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -71
[14802.366932] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/all, error -71
[14802.522471] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 92 using xhci_hcd
[14802.522660] usb 1-1: Device not responding to setup address.
[14802.726653] usb 1-1: Device not responding to setup address.
[14802.934480] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 92, error -71
[14803.090379] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 93 using xhci_hcd
[14803.090579] usb 1-1: Device not responding to setup address.
[14803.294617] usb 1-1: Device not responding to setup address.
[14803.502482] usb 1-1: device not accepting address 93, error -71
[14803.502595] usb usb1-port1: unable to enumerate USB device

Is this running on a VM for the host PC? VMs are notorious for USB issues.

nop, it is with a real machine with ubuntu 16.04.02, i tried it with two real PC host. and nothing diferent

This is kind of a longshot (what follows below is conjecture), but first try to remove all USB devices from the host except for the Jetson, keyboard, and mouse. See if the error changes at all, e.g., if lsusb starts working.

Another longshot, do you know if your motherboard is using UEFI? UEFI uses GPT partitions. GPT partitions are found with “sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda” (or some other device), and would work without error if using UEFI mode on your motherboard.

“sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda” or similar would work without error if using older BIOS compatibility mode on your motherboard (predates UEFI). fdisk looks at BIOS partitions, gdisk looks at UEFI partitions…one may have trouble reading the other. This is one way to detect if your motherboard is in UEFI mode or BIOS compatibility mode.

The reason I ask is that UEFI may require extra steps to properly support USB on a PC…I have had problems with installing Ubuntu and Kubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 on a motherboard which is in legacy BIOS compatibility mode (the motherboard supports UEFI, but is in compatibility mode to support old style partitions handed down from prior computers). In my case this shows up as USB errors similar to what you are reporting (6 other operating systems do not have this error, 4 different Ubuntu flavors do). If this is the case your PC may have some similar USB errors listed while booting under legacy BIOS mode. I simply cannot install Ubuntu on my host without wiping all of my partitions (including Windows 7) and starting over with the motherboard in UEFI mode (mixing BIOS and UEFI partitions doesn’t work).

You could use your grub configuration and remove the “quiet” and “splash” lines to see console messages on the host PC while booting, or you might run this command after a fresh boot and before trying to flash to look for some USB errors:

sudo egrep -i 'usb.*device descriptor.*error' /var/log/dmesg

…you would be looking for a log message similar to this before ever starting a flash:

[    1.751415] usb 4-2: device descriptor read/64, error -32

If you have such errors, and if your motherboard is in BIOS compatibility mode (or if it is very old and only supports old style partitions), then it may be a software issue on the host. If not, you may need to consider RMA since you have found USB errors on multiple installs. If the issue is USB setup on the host, then RMA will be a waste of time (other than verifying host versus Jetson problems).

Hi, sorry for the delay. and thank you very much for your answer!

I’m using UEFI with GPT. and i tried without any usb device connected and nothing. i’m not sure that the problems is my computer because i could flash the board the last week in my computer. maybe something changed.
Yesterday i tried reinstalling JetPack but nothing.
when i run:

sudo egrep -i 'usb.*device descriptor.*error' /var/log/dmesg

i can see a similar message that you say.
But I can stop autoboot and run this :

ums 0 mmc 0

by the recommendation of a friend. Now I can see the Jetson how a USB device and I can see with lsusb like :

Bus 003 Device 004: ID 0955:701a NVidia Corp.

I think that this is a big progress.
Tried with Jetpack, but this did not work, I tried with this too:

but did not work either. :(
Now I’m trying with this :
Let you know any news. and if you have any suggestion I’m glad to hear.
Again! thank you very much for all!

If there is anything you run from the PC which allows USB to show up for the recovery mode, then it sounds like you can be fairly sure the Jetson is functioning correctly. It is quite possible for USB on the host to need some change when there is an error without it necessarily being a hardware issue. You are probably on the right track. It now has me curious about the “ums 0 mmc 0”…perhaps I’ll research that and figure out more myself about why Ubuntu cannot work on my system in BIOS compatibility mode (all of my system’s USB works for 6 operating systems on this exact hardware, and fails exactly the same way on 4 flavors of Ubuntu even with only keyboard and mouse connected…it seems Ubuntu on PC has some USB issues with some motherboard modes and literally means I can’t use JetPack since Ubuntu cannot function without wiping my entire system and starting over in UEFI mode).