TX1 ISP capability

I want to get more information on ISP (Image signal processor) on TX1. Where can I find these information:

1- How many ISP does this chip have?

2- What is the maximum resolution that this ISP can process live (for example if I connect a 20 mpixel sensors to the board, can I stream it live? what would be the fps if I can process them live)

3- Is there any driver for any sensor that I can connect to this board?

4- If I want to connect 4 cameras to this processor, what can I get from it in term on ISP?

5-If I want to connect one sensor to it and capture images, convert them to jpeg and save them to an SSD hard disk, what is the maximum resolution/frame rate that I can achieve?

6- Where can I read information about image processing library that you have?

1- TX1 has two ISP engines.
2- It supports up to 1400Mpix/s | up to 24MP sensor.
3- We provide explicit ISP support for ov5693 camera board.
4- Sure, it can handle multiplier CSI input(<=6 instances)
5- Our CSI follows MIPI spec, that means if you have a sensor with up to 4 lanes, then the bit rate it can support is 4 * 1.5Gbps = 6 Gbps.
6- Multimedia API provides API and samples for camera post processing.

Useful manual can be found from,

Jetson TX1 Module Data Sheet 
Tegra X1 (SoC) Technical Reference Manual
Multimedia API Reference

Good Morning,
I have a question about ISP and TX1/TX2

Does the ISP is able to handle a the same time DIFFERENT camera sensors?

Can I image to use the 6 CSI input to acquire signals from 3 different camera sensors ?

Thank you,