Ubuntu doesn't detect my second HDMI display

Hello @Z.FZ and welcome to the NVIDIA developer forums!

I had a look at your log file and your problem is different. Your driver is incorrectly installed.
This looks like an aborted installation or some leftover driver files from a Distro upgrade.
First indicator is
*** /var/log/nvidia-installer.log does not exist
should be there unless you automatically purge log files.
Another issue here:

Scanning kernel log files for NVIDIA kernel messages:
journalctl -b -0:
Jan 12 14:51:45 FZ-Dell nvidia-settings-autostart.desktop[2113]: ERROR: NVIDIA driver is not loaded
Jan 12 14:51:45 FZ-Dell nvidia-settings-autostart.desktop[2113]: ERROR: Unable to load info from any available system

Lastly you also find that nouveau is installed as kernel module
Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau
which should not be the case. See my earlier post.

My recommendation is to completely remove (purge) all NVIDIA drivers and do a fresh install, using the Ubuntu Software Manager and using the certified driver coming with the Distro. And follow the instructions exactly.

If that still causes issues, please be so kind and open a new topic here.
