I have a new Jetson AGX Orin dev kit. It is connected to a monitor, keyboard and mouse via a KVM. Jetpack was used to install all needed software and system works well.
I am able to do most tasks via a SSH session, however, I have a few tasks I need remote desktop access.
I followed the instructions on this page: trying to connect to it via a and have installed RealVNC on my remote laptop. My colleague in the office shared these screenshots, confirming OS Sharing settings:
Before running RealVNC I ssh into the machine and run the following commands:
systemctl --user start vino-server
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN (to confirm the server is launched )
I have tried VNC Viewer. I am using
My AGX Orin board does connect to and display on a physical monitor.
I am curious…if you monitor “sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log”, and then try to log in, does anything show up as a result of trying to log in?
Also, the log name for an X server depends on the context (which in turn is what the “$DISPLAY” is, and there can be more than one DISPLAY context). What do you see for log files from: ls -ltr /var/log/Xorg.*.log
(this is for current boot logs, and the one listed last is the one most recently updated)
Check the ls -ltr /var/log/Xorg.*.logbefore trying to log into the X server, or at least before attempting the login via remote desktop, and then again after remote desktop login attempt. Does the timestamp on the most recent log change?
Per your suggestions, I opened an SSH session to the target device, then ran the suggested commands while attempting to open a VNC Viewer client session.
For the first check,
sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log
Oct 5 12:36:54 mtec1-desktop sshd[24958]: Accepted password for mtec1 from port 60066 ssh2
Oct 5 12:36:54 mtec1-desktop sshd[24958]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user mtec1 by (uid=0)
Oct 5 12:36:54 mtec1-desktop systemd-logind[1018]: New session 454 of user mtec1.
Oct 5 12:46:59 mtec1-desktop sudo: mtec1 : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/mtec1 ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/auth.log
Oct 5 12:46:59 mtec1-desktop sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by mtec1(uid=0)
I did not observe any updates / changes as a result of (trying to) connect with VNC Viewer.
For the second check, I observed no change to timestamp on the most recent log, before trying VNC Viewer login and after.
The way you indicated to start the vino-server seems to have issues. The following command however seems to start the server: systemctl --user start vino-server
To avoid any confusion, the computer I’m using to run the remote desktop client is running Windows 10.