Unauthorized: authentication required

I just begin to install the Parabicks with the trial installer package, but failed with an “unauthorized” error.

Downloading image

Error response from daemon: Head "https://nvcr.io/v2/nvidia/clara/clara-parabricks/manifests/3.7.0-1.ampere": unauthorized: authentication required
Cannot download Parabricks docker image.

But I can download the image manually with docker pull.

Hey @lkuang,

Can you send the exact command you used to install?

Gary Burnett

I have several tries, like:
sudo ./parabricks/installer.py,
sudo ./parabricks/installer.py --ampere

cd parabricks
sudo ./installer.py

PS: I test on a DGX-A100 Station.

Hey @lkuang ,

This might be an issue with the version of the installer you are using. You might be using an older version of the installer. Do you know when you downloaded this one? I would recommend downloading the latest one from NGC if you haven’t.

Hi Gary,

I download the latest version, and install it again. But the error is the same.

Hi @gburnett,

The “Unautherized” error is passed by used specified intallation director option “–install-location” .

However, now there this a “GPG error”, which I think is related with recent GPG repository updateing and still not be managed now.

Hi @lkuang,

We are working on pushing a new package with a fix for the GPG repo. It should be out very soon. Thank you for your patience.

Hey @lkuang ,

The new version is up on NGC and you can access it by downloading the most recent version.

Thank you.

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