Unrealistic friction behavior on conveyors at low speeds

Hi! I am observing odd behavior of friction for conveyors. I place an object on conveyors and set conveyor speeds.

The following happens: up to a certain velocity value, the object either does not move at all or only moves for a short time and then stops. If I increase the speed the object starts moving. I tried playing with the friction parameters but it seemingly did not change anything.

To add some detail, the conveyors collisions are approximated using triangle mesh, the object is a simple box.

This does not agree with real-world physics where objects move even at those slower speeds. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks!

Anyone anything? I found out that weight has a large influence there. With heavier objects this behavior happens also at higher speeds.

Could this not be related to sleeping? The rigid bodies might go to sleep if the velocity is low, try to adjust the sleeping threshold on the rigid body. If you set it to 0 it should never go to sleep.
Friction should not have a big impact here, the conveyor belt functionality works through injecting surface velocity during contact reports in PhysX, so its overriding the velocity.

Thank you for the answer, it seems that indeed the cause for the issue was the sleeping parameter, without it much finer movements are possible.
Also good to know that the friction is not really taken into account here.
Have a nice day!

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