Want a confirmation about presence of jetpack version on jetson nano

Hi all, I am new to using jetpack. I want to know and get it confirmed that the execution of below command provides the information of existing version of jetpack on the jetson board. Please confirm that it is providing the existing version of the jetpack on the jestson board.

sudo apt show nvidia-jetpack
[sudo] password for mistral:
Package: nvidia-jetpack
Version: 4.6-b199
Priority: standard
Section: metapackages
Maintainer: NVIDIA Corporation
Installed-Size: 199 kB
Depends: nvidia-cuda (= 4.6-b199), nvidia-opencv (= 4.6-b199), nvidia-cudnn8 (= 4.6-b199), nvidia-tensorrt (= 4.6-b199), nvidia-visionworks (= 4.6-b199), nvidia-container (= 4.6-b199), nvidia-vpi (= 4.6-b199), nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api (>> 32.6-0), nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api (<< 32.7-0)
Homepage: Jetson - Embedded AI Computing Platform | NVIDIA Developer
Download-Size: 29.4 kB
APT-Sources: https://repo.download.nvidia.com/jetson/t194 r32.6/main arm64 Packages
Description: NVIDIA Jetpack Meta Package

This command can show the information. You may also try $ head -1 /etc/nv_tegra_release

OK. Thank you.

I also want to know what all can be done using JetPack.
My requirement is like this

  1. From a trained model I want to convert it to ONNX format
    Take a ONNX file itself
  2. Convert it to tensor RT format
  3. Inference
    If so, then let me know how I can use the JetPack. What is the starting point or where to start doing this. Your valuable suggestions will really help me.

please file a new topic if the question is not relevant to the original one.

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