What Radar should I use?

I’m looking for a radar to use in DriveWorks refering to below sensor list.
There is only one radar “Continental ARS430” in this list.
I wonder why other radars are not enough?

  • Is successor product “ARS441” or any other radar not supported?
  • Is there any other radar that works with DriveWorks?

Dear kossama,
you can know list of natively supported sensors by running sample_sensors_info(https://docs.nvidia.com/driveworks/dwx_sensor_enum_sample.html) DW sample. You can also integrate custom radar using DW. Please check https://docs.nvidia.com/driveworks/sensorplugins_radardecoder.html and https://docs.nvidia.com/driveworks/sensorplugins_radarsensor.html for more details.

Thanks a lot!