Where to find the Linux version?

Where do I find the Linux version of the Omniverse version of Blender? The Exchange site seems to only have a Windows version.

Hi, We don’t publish a linux version but you can download one here: Blender Builds - blender.org

We recommend you download the 3.6 Linux version and please keep in mind the Connector only works on Windows.

You can download the Omniverse Blender add-on for linux here GitHub - NVIDIA-Omniverse/blender_omniverse_addons: Add-ons for Blender for working with NVIDIA Omniverse

Hi, I am sorry to bump up this old thread but I’m new to USDs and currently using Linux for my tests.

The latest version I can find on Blender’s website is 4.2 alpha, and I can’t find the option to import Custom Attributes as show in the 3.6 documentation files.

I would imagine that option would be on by default then, but I can’t seem to export a cube with custom properties (that works fine and I can see them in the .usda file) but they get lost when I re-import that same file (or any other file with custom attributes)

Thank you in advance for any pointers on that.

Am I missing something? Or is that currently disabled? I was even thinking on trying to write my own custom attributes importer by now. In my group we work to extensive cad assemblies and we juggle them around into different apps and metadata is crucial for us to send and read non geometric information.

The latest version on OUR OV Launcher is what you need. That is also You are trying to EXPORT custom attributes from Blender, I assume. Not import.

@nvidia.dancing958 As @Richard3D mentioned, the mainline Blender available from the blender.org website does not support IO of custom properties. This should be supported in the USD branch from the OV launcher, but, unfortunately there is currently a bug preventing custom attribute import from working. We have a fix for this that will be out in the next release.

Thank you for the info @makowalski . @Richard3D , I’d like to both export AND import files with metadata in Blender. Preferably files should be identical when going out and in. :)

I ran into this old example video of this GPUOpen libraries that they were “streaming” USD data directly into Hydra in Blender without having to import the geometry or at least the entire scene file. Bur that seems to be abandoned now and I couldn’t make it work in the current state. Do you know if there are plans to eventually have some similar with the OV plugin?

I work for the automotive industry and things like this is what I would be needing to present and propose an USD workflow for my team.

@nvidia.dancing958 Indeed, import and export of custom attribute metadata will be supported.

As for the ability to load and display a USD stage in Blender without necessarily importing the geometry: indeed, this is something that is planned, but we don’t have a specific timeline for this feature yet. (@cwardlaw for visibility.)

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I just tested the new build from April 30th and I can now import custom properties.

Thank you to everyone involved!

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