Will Jetpack5.0 support Jetson Nano

I have heared that the Jetpack5.0 will be released, I want to know whether it will support Jetson Nano?

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The JetPack 5.0 DP has been released, and it can’t support Nano, and no plan, please also check Jetson Software Roadmap for 2H-2021 and 2022 - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson Nano - NVIDIA Developer Forums

Thank you very much! When 18.04LTS stop update,whether the jetson nano can work well?

Yes, the JetPack 4 codeline will transition into a sustaining mode with continued software support via JetPack 4.x releases for security updates and critical bug fixes.

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I run into numerous issues with running 18.04 on my nano 4 regarding compatibility. Is the plan to still allow community updates for future versions on Ubuntu images?

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