I have flash my own board with xavier, and I found the xavier boot failed occasionally.
Even I can’t see the “NVIDIA” logo.
I have captured the log when it occured and the normal log.
I found “I2C Error” in the boot-fail log, but I don’t know what mean it is.
please help me.
normal_boot.log (106.6 KB)
xavier_no_boot.log (11.6 KB)
Dear @sekiro,
May I know if you are using the DRIVE AGX Xavier platform?
yes, my machine is AGX XAVIER
Your topic was posted in the wrong category. I am moving this to the Jetson AGX Xavier forum for visibility.
Hi sekiro,
Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Xavier?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?
How did you flash your board? Is there any error during flash?
Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Xavier? ==> Yes.
What’s your Jetpack version in use? ==> 35.1.0
How did you flash your board? Is there any error during flash?
I flash my board with this command: sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier mmcblk0p1 and no error
So, you are using the devit or custom board?
Please update to latest R35.3.1 to verify.
Do you mean that flash is successfully, but it might boot up failed occasionally?
If yes, please check if this issue is still in R35.3.1.
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