I have two Xavier kit, can`t enter bootloader, has done the ABA test, the fialure go with core Module
please help ,thanks
I have two Xavier kit, can`t enter bootloader, has done the ABA test, the fialure go with core Module
please help ,thanks
Which jetpack version is in use here? Is this a devkit or your own board?
Hi Wayne:
we use 4.4 version, we has test on our own board and Devkit,
Please put that module to devkit and try with jp4.6 first.
Hi Wayne:
has tried,but can`t enter recovery mode,thanks
Any log to share?
can`t enter the system and get any log from the uart,
I mean the whole flash log on the host.
Hi Wayne:
please check,thanks
xavier刷机故障日志记录(1).zip (1.4 MB)
Just want to double check, if you flash “other normal modules”, will your host see uart log when it is running the same line as where the error module gets stuck?
Hi Wayne:
yes can`t see the uart log,thanks
Then please RMA this module.
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