Xavier NX devkit wake up via PCIE_WAKE#

Xavier NX devkit enters STR (S3) mode, wake up via PCIE_WAKE# fails, short circuit can not wake up, check to confirm that the system has no action, measurement GPIO04 (pin 127) has not changed action. Replace the NANO is Pass.

Best regards,


Are you trying to wake the device through gpio or PCIe function?

Hi Wayne
We want to wake up the NX system by device/WOL(PCIE_WAKE# pin179) after enters S3.

Best regards,


Are you try this by tie PCIE_WAKE# pin to GND and no PCIE device present?

Hi edli
yes, Short circuit to ground, nothing happened. But after pressing the power button there is resume.
change to NANO work ok.
Best regards,

How can Xavier NX wake up with pcie_wake# when entering Suspend(S3/STR)?

Best regards

Tegra should wake up when PCIE_WAKE# tied to ground.
We will check this on Jetson NX board…


Pin 179 is PCIE_WAKE# not 127. PCIe driver enables the wake capability of this gpio only if at least one PCIe endpoint is connected. Are you testing with PCIe endpoint connected? Share lspci output. Also, PCIE_WAKE# pinmux setting is wrong, try with attached patch. If it still doesn’t work provide complete uart logs.0001-Change-PEX_WAKE-pinmux-setting-from-pull_up-to-p.patch.txt (1.6 KB)


Hi Manikanta
PIN179 “PCIE_WAKE#” wake-up & PIN127 “GPIO04” control LED, did not change the action after entering Suspend(STR). the NANO is Pass

Xavier NX PCIE0 to ASM1812 connected to Intel PCIe LAN i211,LSPCI log: nx-lspci.txt (1.3 KB) ),

pinmux.0x02437008 0x00000178 regster changed to 0x00000170 with the same result.

Best regards,


You are using C5 controller, so apply attached patch and give it a try.
You should also keep previous pinmux patch.
If you still see issue, attach “cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio” and uart logs.

Manikanta0001-Add-PEX_WAKE-signal-for-C5.patch.txt (1.1 KB)

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We can wake up the system with PCIe_WAKE# in s3 mode.

Best regards