Wakeable GPIOs on NX


We are looking for wakeable GPIOs which can wake up NX from SC7 deep sleep mode. In tegra194-gpio.h, there are 5 GPIOs implemented by AON GPIO controller. In “Jetson_Xavier_NX_Pinmux_Configuration_Template_v1.06.xlsm”, there are 5 GPIOs which are wake pins. Can you please tell us if those 5 wake pin GPIOs are the 5 GIPOs implemented by AON GPIO controller? And are those 5 GPIOs the only GPIOs which can wake up NX from SC7 sleep mode?


hello hecnl4o,

it’s power-on, GPIO3_PEE.04 you may used to wake-up from deep sleep.
you may also check developer guide, please access Chipset Power States and refer to [Deep Sleep (SC7)] session for the wake sources.
please also access pinmux spreadsheets from download center to review the pin configuration.

Hi, JerryChang,

Thank you for pointing out GPIO3_PEE.04 can be used to wake up NX from SC7!
In our use case, we have multiple peripherals as wake up sources for NX. So we are looking for another GPIO on NX side which can wake up NX from SC7.

Table 12 in Xavier AGX’s OEM product design guide lists all signal wake events on Xavier AGX. However, Xavier NX Product Design Guide does not have information about wake events.

The Chipset Power States section in the developer guide lists 6 wake up sources, which already have their own use cases and cannot be used by new peripherals in OEM board design to wake up NX.

We found GPIO10 is a wake pin from pinmux spreadsheet. Can you please confirm if we can use this GPIO10 to wake up NX from SC7?

Signal name Pin # Ball name Wake Pin
GPIO10 212 SOC_GPIO21 Yes
GPIO02 124 SOC_GPIO23 Yes

Thanks for your help!

yes, you’re able to use GPIO10 to wake up NX from SC7.

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Thank you for confirming this!

Hello All,

I am almost in the same situation where I have to use GPIO10 as wakeup pin.

How do I configure GPIO10 as wake up?
The current pin configuration I set is
pinmux.0x02430058 = 0x00000058; # soc_gpio21_pq1: rsvd0, pull-down, tristate-enable, input-enable, lpdr-disable
Is this correct?

For SLEEP/WAKE pin, I see a gpio-key entry as below:

gpio-keys {
    compatible = "gpio-keys";
    gpio-keys,name = "gpio-keys";

    forcerecovery {
        label = "force-recovery";
        gpios = <&tegra_main_gpio TEGRA194_MAIN_GPIO(G, 0) GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
        linux,code = <BTN_1>;

    power_key {
        label = "power-key";
        gpios = <&tegra_aon_gpio TEGRA194_AON_GPIO(EE, 4) GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
        linux,code = <KEY_POWER>;

Do I need to make a similar entry for GPIO10 in the device tree?


Hi skumars05rt,

Please help to open a new topic if it’s still an issue to support.

