AGX Orin : Unable to Boot

I have purchased AGX Orin - 2 nos.

One of the unit boots up properly. However, other unit only shows first screen and then doesn’t move forward.
It is noticed that the fan stops and then restarts and keep running, while Monitors doesn’t receive any input, so it displays nothing

I also tried to boot through SDK manager. However, SDK manager could not be installed. It is showing some dependencies which I haven’t been also to resolve.

May I request you to clarify the following

  1. How to get AGX Orin boot up?
  2. How to install SDK Manager

Did you flash them? I would not expect them to work correctly out of the box without that. Also, if these are developer kits, versus a third party carrier board, then there are other differences which would need the third party’s software for flash.

For terminology, L4T is just Ubuntu plus NVIDIA drivers, and JetPack/SDK Manager is a GUI front end to the flash software. When you pick an L4T release you are picking what gets flashed (basically Ubuntu), and when you pick a JetPack/SDKM release you are also basically picking the L4T release. If you go to the URL of one, it picks the same URL as when you pick from the other (their versions are tied together). You could go here, pick the most recent L4T release for the Orin AGX, and use that to flash from an Ubuntu PC (20.04 is best, 18.04 works too, but when the next release comes out…perhaps within a month or two…18.04 probably won’t work):

Incidentally, for a Jetson which boots, you can find the current L4T version it is running via:
head -n 1 /etc/nv_tegra_release

Thanks for your response.
However, I’m not clear as to how to flash Ubuntu + NVidia Drivers again on AGX Orin.

As per the documentation and videos of AGX Orin, it should get booted up straight away

Request support to flash Ubuntu & NVIDIA drivers

Normally you would just get the latest JetPack or L4T release from the above URLs (they go to the same web page). Then you would install sdkmanager on the host PC, and run it as a regular user. This would download the right files and such. With the Orin in recovery mode, and the correct USB cable connected, running the command “sdkmanager” (as a regular user) would start JetPack, and this leads you through the actual flash. That installs L4T via JetPack (which is Ubuntu plus NVIDIA drivers). You can use command line as well, just ask if you want command line information.

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