The product based on agx xavier + jetpack 5.0.2, can’t use USB tethering.
the host machine can’t discovery device usb info :“0955:0720 NVIDIA Corp.” by the cmd of lsusb.
at the same time, host and device can’t get their own dhcp ip as;
I have checked some cases:
1、agx devkit + jp5.0.2, the result of lsusb and ifconfig is ok;
2、The device service of “/opt/nvidia/l4t-usb-device-mode/nv-l4t-usb-device-mode.service” is
enabled and active;
3、check this topic, the driver code of cdc_ether.c and rndis_host.c already have the patch code. Can’t use USB tethering - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson TX2 - NVIDIA Developer Forums
The agx product want to update jetpack 5.0.2 which already is developed in jetpack 4.6;
and I encounter this issue.
I have some attempts below:
1、I pick up two patchs which come from the source branch jetpack 4.6; The patch about typec mode switch may be relevant;
2、I check the dtb files of tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000-common.dtsi, but there is some differences from jp4.6 which I can’t recognize the correct value;
3、I check nvidia doc, such as r35.1 “required-device-tree-changes”, but cann’t find effective info. agx_jp4.6_typec_switch.patch (6.7 KB) agx_jp4.6_typec_switch2.patch (3.9 KB) tegra194-fixed-regulator-p2822-1000.dtsi (4.5 KB) tegra194-p2888-0001-p2822-0000-common.dtsi (10.3 KB)
can you show the other dtb file ?
or you can help to check the atteched files.
thanks in advance.