I just brought MSI GL66 laptop (Intel and NVIDIA RTX 3060 GPU). I installed Ubuntu 20.04 the system boots fine. But when i install nvidia-driver-470 (have also tried 460) the system gets stuck on boot with a blank screen and a underscore sign.
I generated a nvidia bug report by enterein the tty. and then removed all nvidia drivers using sudo apt-get remove --purge ‘^nvidia-.’ and the system boots up again fine.
It looks like you run Ubuntu 18.04…
Anyway your kernel is way too old for this new laptop.
[ 8.549682] [drm] Your graphics device 9a60 is not properly supported by the driver in this
kernel version. To force driver probe anyway, use i915.force_probe=9a60
module parameter or CONFIG_DRM_I915_FORCE_PROBE=9a60 configuration option,
or (recommended) check for kernel updates.
Ok previously i installed ubuntu 20.04 but the same problem seemed to persist so i downgraded to 18.04. Will reinstall 20 and post the new results from nvidia bug report.
Install an HWE kernel (package should be named something like this: linux-image-generic-hwe-XX.XX (XX.XX most likely is 20.04). And the according kernel headers (package linux-headers…). Then the nvidia driver. Then select your prime profile (i.e. sudo prime-select nvidia) and reboot.
Ok so i fresh installed ubuntu 20.04 then run an update and upgrade followed by linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04. and then install nvidia-driver-470 followed by prime select. I run into the same problem. Attaching the latest nvidi bug report. nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (400.5 KB)
For me There were no blacklist files. After purging all nvidia drivers from the tty. I was able to boot normally. Followed by sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall which installs the recommended drivers by itself. Next prime-select nvidia in root. and then a simple reboot fixed it for me.