[bug] Camera Speed not working in Omniverse Streaming Client, Ubuntu 22.04

App Name: Isaac Sim Headless Native
App Version: 2023.1.1-rc.8
Kit SDK Version: 105.1.2
Client Library Version: 2.38.12

Streaming Client Version: 103.1.1
Platform: Ubuntu 22.04 on client and Ubuntu 20.04 on headless server

When running omniverse (Isaac Sim in my case) on a server in native headless mode, and connecting the Omniverse Streaming Client, the right-click + scroll wheel is not being picked up. So camera speed can not be controlled.

When running isaac-sim.sh with X forwarding on the server, right-click+scroll on the client side (regular Ubuntu X window) does work. But this is a very slow display rendering, at 13FPS so not very usable.

Please fix asap as this makes navigating around a scene very hard/impossible either way for Ubuntu+headless users.

I can’t reproduce the problem anymore. I now also get the camera speed working without issues in native headless. No nvidia software was updated in the mean time.