Cannot start a Nucleus on localhost

Uninstalled everything and reinstalled
Followed the offifial docs.
When on the Nucleus tab in the OmniverseLauncher I clicked on the button to create a local nucleus server.
Installation process run through without any noticable error.
I can’t find a process for the Nucleus server running on my pc neither do connections to port 3080 or 33480 work.
Cache is also off and unable to be setup as the settings direct you directly to localhost:3080
I wasnt able to find configs to test if I can set my cache to a remote Cache as the documentation of this is non-existent or hard to find.
Also in recent solutions, the devs / mods in the forum referred to links that 404-ed by now.

@alexwitton i am just another user passing by, can you upload the Launcher.log in order for others to help troubleshoot? it may offer additional context to the issue you are having.

@alexwitton just want to validate you’re using these install directions?

Have you been able to validate the service are running from within system monitor? You should be able to get there from the launcher-nucleus-hamburger menu-settings

Also, please validate that you installed nucleus on your local storage.

I was following the instructions. I also had a different nucleus already setup and running on a remote linux machine a few months ago. That worked without problems.

I was able to get it running but it was a chore. There were two issues that were somewhat responsible for my problem.

  1. permissions: I had to go into the nucleus workstation folder and manually change all applications (monitor, discovery, server,…) to run as admin.

  2. manual PID kill. Within the startup through the omniverse client there were some weird behaviors. Somehow port 3333 and 3009 were occupied before the respective services (i am using default ports) could connect. I had to search for the PIDs not belonging to the respective service and kill them through the terminal. EDIT: the ports were unoccupied before the launch process started so the issue was caused by launching nucleus through the omniverse client

After I did this it eventually ran. I was able to connect to 3080 and see the settings but i wasn’t able to connect, due to the authentication service not working through the omniverse client. It worked when I restarted the nucleus server and started the login directly through the web browser on port 3180. It seems like the root of the problem was launching everything through omniverse client.

Also what’s with all the 404ed documentation? There was a lot of content that looked interesting but almost every other link is now gone. That’s a shame.

As a sidenote: it would be helpful if apps that doesn’t start properly communicate the error better to the user. It was doable to find out what is going on but not very convenient / user friendly.

Also for the validation process that nucleus is running. None of the methods described in the docs worked. looped all the time (i opened it in terminal to see the logs) without properly starting due to the port issues described above.
So i couldn’t check through the browser or monitor.

just out of curiosity, are you getting the 404s through google searches or directly from the official doc page? (am asking because i am unofficially keeping a list of broken links found in the official doc pages; so wouldn’t mind including your sources)

there were whispers in the wind (on Discord, at least) that there’s a new launcher update coming. not saying it’ll resolve all of the problems you’ve been having; but it’s something on the horizon to be on the lookout for.

and just fyi - if it’s a 404 found through navigating the official pages, you can report them in the left-hand nav menu under ‘Learning and Feedback’ section, near the bottom.


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Not from the direct documentation but through google search and old forum posts. Last one I remember was a forum post about python running headless simulations

ah, i see. i can’t really pinpoint the google search results since it’s impossible to predict what people would generally search for. that said, the best way i’ve found to look for any past forum threads is using the search function at the top right. you can click on ‘more’ at the bottom to look at the comprehensive list. below is what came up when i did the search, maybe you’d be able to find what you were looking for in there (i’ve added an ‘Isaac Sim’ filter in this case):

I was able to solve this a while ago. I just wanted to mention it, that old forum posts might link to old documentation. Just fore the sake of other developers searching for solutions.

Just for the sake of copletion:

here is a powershell script that forces port shutdown and starts nucleus services.

if nucleus isnt launching properly through the omniverse launcher you can use this script and afterwards launch it through the launcher ot the monitoring and it works (at least for me)

#Check if the script is running with admin rights; if not, request elevation.
$isAdmin = ([System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
if (-not $isAdmin) {
    # Start a new PowerShell process with admin rights.
    Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"$PSCommandPath`"" -Verb RunAs
$userProfilePath = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath("UserProfile")
$applicationPath = Join-Path $userProfilePath "AppData\Local\ov\pkg\nucleus-workstation-2023.1.0\"
$serverPath = Join-Path $applicationPath "Nucleus\"
$verifierPath = Join-Path $applicationPath "Nucleus\"
$discoveryPath = Join-Path $applicationPath "Discovery Service\omni-discovery-service.exe"
$setupPath = Join-Path $applicationPath "setup\nucleus-setup.exe"
# DEFAUL PATH "C:\Users\<<YOUR USER>>\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\nucleus-workstation-2023.1.0\Nucleus\"

# Check for active processes on specified ports (3030 and 3009).
$portsToCheck = @(3030, 3009)
foreach ($port in $portsToCheck) {
    $processes = Get-NetTCPConnection | Where-Object { $_.LocalPort -eq $port }
    foreach ($process in $processes) {
        Write-Host "Terminating process with PID $($process.OwningProcess) on port $port..."
        Stop-Process -Id $process.OwningProcess -Force

# Start the application with admin rights.
Start-Process -FilePath $setupPath -Verb RunAs
Start-Process -FilePath $discoveryPath -Verb RunAs
Start-Process -FilePath $serverPath -Verb RunAs
Start-Process -FilePath $verifierPath -Verb RunAs

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