Changing properties of Prototypes in USD scene through Python


I would like to change the properties such as texture, normal images etc. on the prototypes that are referred for instance by “/_Prototype”. Could you please let me know how to change them by a sample code snippet? Or could you please share some documentation on it?

I can change the properties of the original assets through python.
Looking forward to the answer!


I am not sure I follow. Can your clarify. You are trying to change texture properties for an “instanced” object ?

Thank you for quick response! Actually, going through the USD and documentation, I found that I should change properties of the instanceable assets instead.

Could you please let me know how can I change properties such as texture, normal image of the instanceable assets?

I have a large scene from a USD file, the assets are visible in the scene but textures are not since they are pointing to a wrong path.

Ok I think you mean how do I change usd assets that are brought into my main scene. So for example if you have 10 instanced copies of “chair” in your scene, you would need to find “chair.usd” on the hard drive and then open that directly. Then you can change anything you need in that file, update and re-save it. Then when you go back to your main assembly scene, it will be updated.

Thank you for continual support! Yes, there was some problem in the properties of USD file itself.

Great thanks

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