Hi, community:
I am using USD Composer 2023.2.5 Beta on Ubuntu 22.04 and have some questions about editing USD files in it.
I have some questions about the property and attributes when I try to create a mesh (plane) like
My questions are:
- Can the raw USD property of a mesh be added?
For instance, the property of mesh called mobility domain is
If it is possible to add a raw USD property such as “Bool data type named Optix Diffuse” via USD Composer.
- How to change the value in property?
Can the value shown in red mark be changed in Composer? I double clicked but no reponses.
- I met a error like:
Is there any ideas about which attributes should be set to 3 in mesh plane?
I am not sure if they can be solved via USD Composer only. Could anyone give me some advice?
Thank you.
Hi there and thanks for your question. May I ask what it is you are trying to do with these properties? Normally they are displayed and available when relevant. If a property is greyed out / ghosted, they are not editable and do not need to be entered. The Raw Usd Properties tab is not designed to be editable, but just display information about the prim, when required. You are looking to change these ?
Thank you for reply. I am doing this to import scene for aerial simulation. I was wondering if there is an app in Omniverse to change these properties? When is the property setted?
What specific property are you trying to change and why ? I need to understand why you are trying to force an attribute to a prim. You say you are trying to import a scene. From where ? You may be able to change some usd data attached to a prim through raw code, but not through this interface. It should not be required.