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Isaac Sim Version
Other (please specify):
Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Windows 11
Windows 10
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GPU Information
- Model: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
- Driver Version: 535.183.01
Topic Description
Detailed Description
- I have one .stp file drawn by myself.
- I convert the .stp file into .usd file by double clicking the .stp file.
- The structure of the converted object does not same to the typical structure in the tutorial, as shown below:
My question is that:
1.There is a square marker with name of Prototypes
what is this? is it a normal prim? Why there is another prim inside it with the name of mockup_insertion_plate_6mm
and why there is one solid under it? Why so many hierarchy prims?
Why there is another
in the same level with thePrototypes
and all the belonging prims same to thePrototypes/mockup_insertion_plate_6mm
and can not be changed. -
How to make it to be deformable object? There is no
deformable option
when I right click the prims.
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Additional Context
Please let me know if you need the source .stp or .usd file