Copy protection on production nano?

Hi, is there any kind of copy protection mechanism for software installed in the production modules of the nano? Or in any other platform (tx1, tx2, xavier nx or agx)?

Thank you.

hello drakorg,

you might consider to enable the Security features to have encryption.
however, there’s only Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson AGX Xavier series, and Jetson TX2 series devices support Trusty.

Sorry to resurrect this but what are my best options for securing software on the Nano?

If I put my software on the eMMC I suppose I could place epoxy all over the connections to physically secure it.

Any further ideas?

Hi jetsonnvidia,

Again, you might consider to enable the Security features to have encryption.

Thanks, but neither of these links are applicable to Jetson Nano. Only “Jetson Xavier NX, Jetson AGX Xavier series, and Jetson TX2”