CUDA 9.2 Fails to install on Windows 10 creator update because Direct X 9 setup can't run anymore on the latest version. Please update the installer to leave out the DirectX 9 setup step.

Windows Creator Update more like DON’T CREATE UPDATE. They broke my Wacom tablet and now this.

Trying to install CUDA 9.2.

Using custom setup I’ve installed everything except Visual Studio integration. Looking at the logs in the temp folder the setup fails at the moment when DirectX 9 install is performed.

I’ve downloaded DirectX 9 setup files from Microsoft and run the install separately. It doesn’t work. It appears Microsoft removed some files or something in the Creator Update and you can’t install the DirectX 9 distributable package anymore. To bad they didn’t told anyone about this.

Please update the Nvidia installer to optionally skip the DirectX 9 setup so we can install the Visual Studio integration.

If someone else have any alternative solution I would be happy to listen.

I’ve tried both CUDA 9.2 setup and NVIDIA_Nsight_Visual_Studio_Edition_Win64, both fails because of DirectX

I’ve cleaned all the temp files and just before starting the setup of CUDA 9.2 I’ve replaced (in the CUDA install files) the DXSETUP.exe with a copy of rundll32.exe from SysWOW64 folder. I’ve renamed this rundll32 to DXSETUP.exe to trick the installer and think the step was completed as someone suggested online. Unfortunately didn’t work.

I think the idea is good but I’m not knowledgeable enough to make this work. So we need to make the installer think the DirectX setup took place correctly and continue with the install. I’m quite sure that damn DirectX 9 is present on my computer (I have DirectX 12)

Please help!

On this page Microsoft doesn’t list Windows 10 as supported OS for DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)

But in the CUDA 9.2 installer for Windows 10 these DirectX End-User Runtimes are present and mandatory

well tough luck, replacing the DXSETUP.exe in the CUDA temp files will do nothing because the actual DXSETUP package that is used is packed inside the NVIDIA_Nsight_Visual_Studio_Edition_Win64 msi archive that comes with CUDA 9.2 installation