I flashed my Jetson TX1 with Jetpack 3.2. I went through all the steps just as specified in: https://docs.nvidia.com/jetpack-l4t/index.html#developertools/mobile/jetpack/l4t/3.2/install.htm
When trying to run the CUDA samples I do not find the files. I do not find the directory /home/ubuntu/NVIDIA_CUDA. I try then the command nvcc -v and I get: command not found. Isn’t CUDA supposed to get installed automatically when flashing the Jetson TX1 with Jetpack ? Thanks
probably best to ask this on the TX1 forum
Which is here: [url]https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/board/164/jetson-tx1/[/url]
@txbob @njuffa thank you ! I posted on the TX1 forum, hope someone can help …